Today I am thankful that not every single picture on my blog is now gone. I am trying extremely hard to find something to be positive about today and let me tell you, it is not easy. I have had one of the worst days I have had in a long, long time. I knew last night that my pictures weren't coming back, but I was holding on to this little glimmer of hope that it would take some time for them to all reload after I turned them back to public viewing on Flickr. Yeah, as several of you confirmed, it is not going to happen. So I now have the thrilling job of going back through 200+ posts and over 2,500 pictures and putting a new html code in for every single picture. From now through September of last year. But really, since I am turning all of my pictures to private on Flickr, it will eventually be through every post once I started using Flickr for my pictures. So we are talking about more like 4,000 pictures. I have 8,500 pictures on my Flickr account. Not all of them are on this blog and I used to upload my pictures a long time ago through blogger. But the vast majority of every picture you have seen here was the result of an html code from Flickr that I screwed up yesterday. My stomach hurts thinking about this. I have cried today. I love this blog, and if I didn't love it so much, I would honestly throw in the towel because this is so ridiculous. My goal is to fix 10 posts a day until they are all fixed. So, if this blog is in your reader, it is going to be quite active. I had to get started today because I could not stand for the blog to load and have ZERO pictures show up. Is this really happening?????? I am having another one of those moments of freaking out about our privacy and wondering who is looking at all of these pictures and reading this blog. Since I don't want to make the blog private, I thought a good place to reduce some of my worry was to make the pictures private since anyone can see them on Flickr. Silly, silly me.
My friends and I used to play this game in college where we would say, would you rather do ______ or ______? We would come up with some really disgusting scenarios but you had to pick one. I am pretty sure I would rather do just about everything that we came up with over replacing every picture on here.
On top of all of this, it was just an awful day. I woke up this morning and knew it was not going to be pretty. I was just in a bad mood right away because the pictures were the first thing I thought about when my eyes opened. The girls have been extremely demanding. Basically the entire day at least one of them, and more often both of them, have been clinging to me and fussing/whining. Lucy woke up from her nap in one of those moods where I couldn't calm her down and she proceeded to scream at the top of her lungs for about 45 minutes. Thank God we got out of the house and ate some yummy Vietnamese food with Anna and Mandy. I can't even begin to describe how desperately we needed this. We even went to the park after dinner for a while and it helped to get out for a bit. Really, today was not good and I am very pleased it is over. Tomorrow has to be better, right?
Here are my extremely uninspired pictures for the day. The good news is, you can see them.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Posted by
6:10 PM
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I'm so sorry Kelly. I wish there was something I could do. I love your blog too! Tomorrow will be better. Hang in there!
I'm so sorry. I've been having some lousy days myself. Hugs ((())).
I am so sorry, Kelly. For you, it seems, writing and photography is a sacred way of expressing yourself and of preserving your family memories. Your loss is, indeed, devastating. I wish I was a computer magician and could zap things back they way they were before. Alas, I am not at all gifted in that area. I sympathize.
I am so sorry that this has happened to you. It just sucks! Sometimes, technology drives me crazy. I hope tomorrow is a better day.
I just wanted to encourage you as I read your blog daily and NEVER comment. :) I know, I'm bad. I just love your daily thankfulness and as I read, I often sit back for the first time in my day and think of what I am thankful for in my day. You do this for me with each post. Thank you! So sorry for your photo disaster. I often wondered why your flicker account was not private like so many others (mckmama and such). I think it is a wise idea in the long run. Hang in there and thanks for being so very thankful! You are teaching me the same.
Oh boy-uggh. I'm so so sorry about the pictures. Seriously, I want to throw these computers out the window some days!! Seems like you have a perfect goal in mind of fixing 10/day-that way it won't become overwhelming. I did that once on my blog-and I could have kicked myself. Thanks for the cute pics today of your munchkins! What a determined little Annie you have there!
I have been a faithful follower of your blog for about a year. I follow three blogs daily- yours, Pioneer Woman and Bring the Rain. I am a beginner photographer also and enjoy your pics and positive words. I agree totally about your privacy but hope you continue to share your talent and optimism with us. GOd bless!
Oh Kelly. I sit here nauseous just thinking about what a nightmare this is. From the bottom of my heart I feel for you.
I am so sorry.
(But Bruiser came home or this would be so much harder to deal with. Right?)
Bummer you are having such a bad day :(. Sorry the pictures are being difficult. That does sound like a LOT of work.
Aww, I wish that I could just wiggle my nose or blink my eyes and make your pictures reappear. I'm just soooo sorry! Don't worry, though, because if I know you, you'll have everything back the way it belongs in no time.
Sorry for the trying day. I can truly sympathize with you on that one. Here's to a lovely day tomorrow. Oh, and I'm so glad Bruiser is back home! I had a little lump in my throat when I read he was missing. Thankfully, I read all your posts today, so I didn't have to be worried about the little guy for longer than a minute or two.
I'm so sorry about your cruddy day and all of your photos. I had some really bad days recently and I know how defeated you can feel. The good news is that it will get better! :) I hope tomorrow is different. I'm also so glad Bruiser made it back home safely - what a relief.
Hi Kelly, I am one of those ones that looks at your blog that you don't know ;) I just thought to speak up today because I know how important a balance between privacy and sharing is. (I have come to really enjoy sharing on my own blog and always wonder about those out there looking. we are at Well, just to put you at ease =) I'm a normal mom...ha, whatever that is. And drawn to all that you share through your photos. Your family is just lovely. I have two girls at right about the same age as yours and I really enjoy seeing all that you have to share and be "thankful for" daily. Your photos are inspiring, I don't have much knowledge of the camera, so I really enjoy seeing your shots etc. Oh, those girls are so beautiful! I'm sorry for the frustration right now with loosing your blog pics...I wish you all the luck and patience. So good that you have all the org. work though (we lost the first few months of pics on our computer of our first daughter and I will never forget those that disappeared...) Either way, thanks so much for reminding us for what we are lucky to have to and to hold by sharing with those of us out here...
I'm sorry you've had such a bad day. I am one of those who reads your blog daily but have never commented. I love looking at your pictures of your beautiful girls. I am doing the photo project too with my five year old son . My pictures do not compare to yours! Thanks for sharing your blog with us!
Aw, Kelly, I'm sorry about the photo thing. I can only imagine how overwhelming and depressing it is. I lost most or all (don't remember, can't bear to go back and look) my initial Delaney photos when I imported from blogger to wordpress and I've still never gone back to fix it - too overwhelming, and that was just a few posts. I know you'll get it fixed but it's just awful there can't be an easier way to do it and make everything work together. I, too, am glad Bruiser is back though!
I am so terribly sorry about your pics. I, too, am one of those readers who visit your blog daily but never comment. I would like to tell you how inspiring your blog is to me. It warms my heart to read your initial, never failing, "I'm thankful." It helps give me some perspective when I feel like I am stuck in a tragic repeat of Groundhog Day. And your pictures! I have learned a lot, not only by your technical breakdowns, but just by the quality of your work. So, thank you.
Hey Kelly,
I just wanted to take time to introduce myself and say Hello! I have read your blog for about 1.5 or 2 years or so and I find it so inspiring! I hope to adopt someday and I love photography so you inspire me in both aspects. I have only commented rarely and just wanted to drop in and say hello. I don't have a big following on my blog at all, but I too, freak out about privacy issues at times. I am so sorry that you lost all the pics on your blog. How devastating. I'm with you, I would be just heartsick about it. You are doing better than I would be in at least trying to see the positive! Keep your chin up! It will work out and you and your girls will one day look back at this blog and appreciate it so much that the time will have been well worth it (even though when reloading all the pics isn't quite so fun!). Hope you have a better day tomorrow!
I am admiring your commitment to post daily blog, and share your babies's pictures, so we all can enjoy to see Lucy, Annie growing in front of our eyes, hopefully, tomorrow your day will be brighter, and the house is full of the kids's laughters.
It's not going to be fun and it's such a shame you have to redo so many posts *But* I will tell you, as someone who started making all pics on my flickr account of my little one friends and family only, it's worth it. I was inspired to do so after getting a few very inappropriate comments from people I didn't know, had to block them, etc. I felt sick. I had to replace a number of pics on my blog, and even though it was a hassle, I looked at it as a project.
Have a good day. You have 2 great girls, lovely weather (I assume!)
oh, kelly...this makes me what to have a panic attack. i am SO sorry this happened. i wish i could help you out, but i know that it is something that is going to just take a lot of time and patience. ugh. i am so sorry.
so frustrating!!!
Sorry Kelly : (. If it makes you feel any better, I just lost every single email in the past 10 YEARS when I switched over to my new Mac. Gone. All adoptions related emails. Everything. That's what I get for not putting them all in folders. I cried too. Stinks.
That just sucks. Big time. I'm so sorry. I know how time consuming it will be to fix it and I wish I could help you. Truth is, I haven't repaired my blog and had the worst time trying to get the pictures to work right after I initially switched to F+F. Gave up trying to figure it out and I really need to take the time to fix it.
The bright side is that you still have the photos. Imagine how awful it would be if you completely lost them. It would push me off the! At least all is not lost. (am I succeeding a cheering you up? didn't think so!)
Hope today is a better day. {{hug}}
I just had my blog printed to a hard-back book. It was 2 years worth of journaling & pictures leading up to our adoption & travel, then C's first year home with us. I got really paranoid that I might wake up someday & POOF! It would be gone! It might be something to consider. It was under $100 for 220 page book. I didn't think that was too bad.
Sorry about the picture fiasco!
Heather M.
Oh, girl, I am so sorry!
This does suck...
It is time consuming and frustrating...
Here's to hopin' for a better day tomorrow. It must seem like a huge uphill battle to get all the pics back on the blog, but at least you still have them somewhere! It would be really bad to have them just gone in space forever. {{hugs}} you way for a new day.
I am sorry you had such a difficult day. I worry about privacy as well, so here's my little privacy tip. I have two photosharing accounts. I use Photobucket only to post pics on message boards. I use Flickr set to private as my main storage and share those only with friends and family.
I am a beginning photographer and really enjoy your blog. Today will be better!
I read your blog everyday and I do not know you, but i have often worried about you from the privacy standpoint. There are some weirdos out there, and I am glad you are going to be more private.
I'm so sorry about the photo thing, but so glad to hear Bruiser is back! And I laughed out loud remembering some of our "would you rather" scenarios... Hope you have a better day today! :)
Hey girl - if you want to switch to self-hosted wordpress, there is a much faster way to replace photos built-in. You can actually just browse your flickr photos from your blog and insert them by clicking on them. no crazy cut-and-paste. Let me know if you think you want to go that route and I can help you out. ((hugs)) I was wondering how you'd take it becuase I know I'd totally lose sleep over it.
I am so sorry for your day Kelly. I don't know what happened to make your photos disappear as I am not very tecky, but I can imagine how distraught you are. I hope your day picks up :(
Sorry for all your frustrations with the pictures. When we lost our first referral, I was so devestated I completely deleted my entire blog. I then cried hard after doing it because I had lost all the information I had recorded along our adoption journey for a year. Thankfully wordpress was kind enough to restore it for me and I got it all back.
And I am sorry for the day you had with the girls. Elizabeth NEVER wakes up happy from a nap or in the morning. And I have lot's of days with her attached to my leg whining ( I think her and Lucy's temperments are very much the same)... it doesn't help the stress level at all.
Oh I'm so sorry... what a huge pain and how frustrating. Wish I knew another way. I recently went through my whole blog (every single stinking post) and replaced our public names with nicknames. It took forever.
Hello !
We don't know each other, but I would thank you, cuz every day i am so pleased to read your blog!
I am laura, French, eighteen and a half vietnamese. I am in love with this country and since I have seen over there, adoption is obviously a real chance for your daughters.
God bless you for that. Really.
Your pumpkins are SO beautiful !!! And your photographies are great! I am sorry for your pictures :(
Best regards
That truly sucks--I am so sorry! I don't blame you for being upset, nor do I blame you for wanting to make things private. Although I have a blogger blog, I don't use it do my writing or picture posting. It's great because you can make sure your photos don't link to your flickr account (or whereever your photos are stored). Email me if you are interested.
I am so sorry about your picture situation. I feel bad that you will have to devote so much time and energy to putting back all your pictures on the blog.
All I can say is that it will be worth it in the end, it always is.
So sorry! :( Hang in there!
Project Stormea
Gosh Im so sorry! What a nightmare. I wish there was some way we could help, but I know there is not. Take it day at a time (and post at a time) and you'll get there. Wishing you a better day today !
Kelly - That sucks. I will learn from that because that sounds like something I would easily do with my Flickr account... And BTW - I hope you aren't changing it because too many people are linking back to those pics, I, for one, and learning from your settings on your camera - and lots of other photographers (aperture, shutter speed, flash, etc.) that you can see in Flickr as I am trying to educate myself and become a big-girl photographer - hope that's not too nosy. I think it has really helped - so thanks! Lots of my days are rough like yours with 3 kids - but you will get through it! The days are long, but the years are short, right?
catching up on blogs this morning! :) i am sending a dozen mayonaise popsicles your way.... :)
Hi there Kelly,
I also wanted to pop my head in and introduce myself. I read your blog almost every day. My husband and I are in the process of adopting from Vietnam. When I'm having one of "those" days thinking we'll just never get there it always helps to pop in here and see your gorgeous girls. They always put a smile on my face. I'm so sorry you've lost your photos and hope you can sort it out soon.
Best Wishes,
Jennifer (in Ireland!).
Hi Kelly . . . I don't comment much especially since my Little Dumpling FINALLY came home, but I do try to keep up. When I read that your pics were gone, I got a big old lump in my own throat! I have had a similar thing happen to me and I know what a PITA it can be "rebuilding". Your plan is a good one though . . . I don't envy the task however! Good luck!
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