Today I am thankful for all of the times throughout the day that Lucy cracks me up. I know I keep saying it, but she has just been saying the most random, funny things lately. A perfect example happened tonight. We had been out of the house much later than usual running a few errands. It was about 6:45 pm and we were in the car on our way home. She is just chatting away in the back seat and her hair bow was starting to fall out. I watched her yank it out of her hair and she says to me, "Momma, it is WAY too early for hair bows. I am not wearing that bow anymore." The reason that these kinds of things are so funny to me is because she is repeating phrases that she hears, but is still not using them in the right context. She got that phrase from me. As I have said before, I am not a morning person. I quite literally shutter when I hear my friends talking about their kids getting up before 7 am. That is the absolute earliest I would ever consider reasonable, and to be truthful, 7:30 am is really pushing it for me. Sometimes Lucy will get up earlier than normal and come in our room and start asking for all kinds of crazy things. I am always half asleep and just keep telling her, "No, honey. It is way too early for ______." Apparently this evening she thought that it was just way too early for hair bows. I started laughing so hard in the car. Then she started laughing and then Annie got in on it. All three of us giggled the rest of the way home.
Annie has been making even more eating progress this week. She is getting pretty good with the baby food and spoon. We still have good and bad days. She will put anything in her mouth now that we give her, but she still spits it all back out after a while. However, yesterday and today, she actually swallowed a few things that have been put in her mouth. She ate some mac and cheese and avocado today, and yesterday she ate tortilla and puffs. I am SO pleased with how great of a week Annie has had developmentally. She has done all kinds of new things this week.
I got a ton done today. All of the laundry is caught up, the house is clean, we are packed for our beach trip, and we got all of our last minute errands done. I am feeling good about all that we got accomplished around here.
I really like today's pictures. They are just cute and caught late tonight when I wasn't expecting much for the day.

Love today's pics. The bright colors look so good on Miss "getting too big way too fast pleae slow down" Lucy! And way to go Annie with the eating. Aiden has been having some texture issues. He does fine with baby food and that's really it, other than cheese and goldfish.
kel-it is way to early for lucy's sr pics! ha! i LOVED the pics!!! i was cracking up at sass pants and the pics tonight..so cute. the psing in the door is the best! ill call ya on our way home tomorrow..cant remember when your going to the beach
Oh, my, Lucy is definitely a funny girl! And how tall does she look in those pictures?! I can hardly stand it.
And I love the pictures of Annie tonight. Those toes are all crazy, and her hands are getting into the action, too. Congrats on her recent progress. It's great to hear that she's kicking a little boo-tay with her OT.
Have fun at the beach!
So jealous you're going to the beach. It is crazy how big Lucy looks in these pictures! like she is five years old or something! I really liked today's post and pictures, probably because Bianca was present!!!! :) miss you all.
Lucy is growing so fast, and she is blossoming into a young lovely little lady, and Annie is just so yummy adorable, especially in her bathing suit, loved Lucy poses in the doorway, she looks so grown up.
These are some of my favorite pics of Lucy in recent memory! LOVE them! She looks so happy, laid back, cool as a cucumber. So big!
So glad Annie is making such great progress. She has had a BIG week!
Oh, that last photo is Lucy is just awesome! Love. It.
Lucy is too funny!! They're like little sponges!
When I ran my preschool I used to tell the parents (jokingly), "If you don't believe everything they tell you happens here, we won't believe everything they tell us happens at home!"
Lucy looks so grown up in those pics! love Annies little toes in those pics!
OK, it's ok to make progress, but to look so big??? I don't think so! Lucy looks like a big girl, and I'm definitely ready for that! Love the bow story, and Miss Anners is looking quite dapper herself! Glad Bianca made the blog, where is her brother?????? Aren't we accomplishing a lot these days! Good work! Love and kisses, Lee Lee
I'm sure you get asked a lot but I'd love to know what camera you use- the quality of your photos are fantastic, so beauitful and crystal clear.
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