Today I am thankful for all of the millions of things that Lee Lee has done around this house while she has been here. My mom is amazing. She goes nonstop and does it all in the happiest of ways possible. Our house is so clean right now and my girls are so happy. Lee Lee can somehow manage to do it all. When she sees something that needs to be done, she just does it - right that second. There is no laziness in saying that she will do it later, like I do. She has endless amounts of patience. Really, I wish I could be a whole lot more like her. She has helped me clean the entire house, get the garage and driveway completely swept off and clean again, do about 7 loads of laundry, weed the flower beds, do everything with the girls, etc. She just goes and goes. She has encouraged me to take naps and rest while she just works away. Mom, really, thank you so much.
We talked Lee Lee into staying an extra night. Yippee! She was supposed to leave this afternoon, but she is not going until in the morning. We got the house all ready for our open house this afternoon and then she and I took the girls to Costco. Love that place. To all of my sissies - mom got a Wii Fit!! It is on the next time we are all home. I can't wait to see us all battle on that thing. That will be loads of fun.
Mom and I are off to watch our Sunday night shows. Have a great night!

Have I ever mentioned how much sister hates having her diaper changed or getting dressed after bath?? Today she just flat out escaped.

Woot! Woot! Pumped about the Wii Fit. So looking forward to the 4-ball for that. Annie's hair is really growing, and I'm jealous Lee got to stay for another day. Love you all bunches!!!!! xoxo
My mom is the exact same way. And I am blessed to have her at my house for a few hours everyday before she takes Aiden back to hers. My house is always trashed on the weekends. I am so screwed this summer!
Well, I've had a great time, other than tons of icko weather! The little gals have been jewels, and even tho you make me out lots better than I am, it does make me feel loved and appreciated! And since Dad found my dogs that ran away, all is right with the world! By the way, I am a chicken to fly in storms, so this worked out well for everyone. Love and kisses, LeeLee
Aren't moms just so wonderful? Boy, I hope one day our girls say the same things about us. Glad your mom got to stay an extra day!
I am so glad you got to spend some nice time with your mom, she sounds amazing...wish I had her energy!
Oh, and the bumble bee? Killing me.
CRACKING up over the too cute booty shot! I got a booty pic tonight too but Malias got her first panties! LOL!!
My mom is the EXACT same way. Where do they get the energy?! I love it, though! I'm glad you feel like so much was accomplished and really happy that you got one more day with you mom. Hope the open house went well.
(Love the booty shot!)
My mom is the same way! She gets it all done and makes it seem so easy. She helped us pack yesterday and brought Gene's laundry home to do at her place!
Aren't moms great like that?? I think they're the last of a dying breed because I just don't think I'll ever have it in me.
My grandmother is in her mid-70s and does everything for everyone without so much as a sigh or a whimper. Amazing!!
I'm inspired by Lee Lee and I am going to try to get things done efficently and with a smile. You are so fortunate to have this time with your mother. Three cheers for LEE LEE!
Lee Lee sounds heavenly. Can she come to my house?
Would that be great if we all have Lee Lee in our life, will make life much more manageable, and more fun. Beautifull pictures of both girls, love the one Annie 's looking up at Grandma...
wow - that is sooo how I want to be. Just do it, no excuses, and with joy. So inspirational. You are so blessed, Kel!
other than your obvious cute pics, sandra b books are my FAV! so fun to read to kids!
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