Please say a prayer for our little chihuahua, Bruiser. He got out of our side gate around 6:30 tonight. The gate was not shut all of the way from the yard people. I was at a session and Justin says he saw him out in the yard and Bianca came inside. When Justin went to let Bruiser in 10-15 minutes later, he was gone. He looked for him around our house with the girls and our neighbor drove around looking. When I got home, we put the girls down and I went and made signs and Justin is out hanging them now. Bruiser has escaped once before and we got him back, so I am praying that the same things happens this time. I would appreciate any prayers. I am really worried about him. He only weighs 3 lbs and he does not like strangers at all. Plus, he has some medical issues. Please just pray that someone very kind picked him up and that they will look for the signs tomorrow.

Awww...praying for Bruiser's safe return. I know you'll let us know how things go.
Oh no. I'll pray for a safe return! Positive thoughts coming your way.
Kell--you know that little bugger is in my thoughts and prayers. He's a pain, but we all love him anyway. I hope the girls are both feeling better. They look adorable. I am going to try very hard to just pray about Bruiser, and not get as worked up as last time. I made myself sick over that guy. So, Bruiser, GET HOME. Please call me, any time. I'm thinking about you, too, Pumpkin. The waiting is so hard. Love and kisses, Mom
This warrants a St. Anthony prayer request. St.Anthony, St. Anthony please come around, little Bruiser is lost and needs to be safely found! My heart goes out to you and your family as you search for Bruiser. Hugs... Heather
Hope you all get some good rest and the cold finds its way out the door! I LOVE the beach photos, they are just darling!
Oh no! I hope you find Bruiser ASAP. That is so terrible. Keep us updated. Fingers crossed that a nice family picked him up and will return him to you.
I sure hope you find your beloved dog. I know how it feels when an animal goes missing. I will say a little prayer.
Check the animal shelters in your area and see if he's already been picked up.
Kell--forgot to tell you how happy I am that all went well with your friend's Mom. What a huge relief. Give them a hug from your mom. Lee
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