Today I am thankful that Annie slept almost our entire flight home today. The total travel time for our flights was 2.5 hours. We flew Southwest, so we just had a stop over in Houston, but didn't have to change flights. Annie fell asleep at takeoff and did not wake up until we were about 15 minutes from landing at home. It goes to show how tired she is because I would have never guessed she would have slept through the layover. The girls were perfect little travelers. Lucy only napped for about 10 minutes and she was asleep in her bed before 7 pm tonight. She was in her room and Justin went in to read her books and she was out. We knew she was tired, but that is really tired! The beach wore us all out and we are all going to bed very early tonight. Thanks again Nana and Grandy. We had so much fun. Justin wants it noted that Cayce and I did in fact lose the ultimate domino game. Whatever. They cheated.
The one thing that I am really excited about being back at home for is the girls being back in their own beds. Annie especially struggles out of her crib. Both girls have a yucky cold, and I am hoping they don't get too sick. I am off to bed. I am weeks behind on all of my blogs that I love to read. If you haven't heard from me in a while, I apologize. I am just so behind I am going to have to clear my reader and start fresh. It has just been a crazy and hectic month.
These are our family pics from the beach the other night. Annie was not feeling well at all, so she is barely in any. :(

first leelee!!!! :)
Welcome Home!
Fabulous- love the colors for the family pics.
OK, now for my comment. First of all, I'm so glad that you all had such a great vacation. Next, I'm so glad that you all got home safely. And lastly, I think the family pics are great. I'm sorry that Nanners wasn't feeling her best, so hope that both girls get all rested up and feeling on top of the world. Their own beds will help tremendously! Loved the orange dresses. Almost as much as some of those darling swim suits. Off to take the dogs. Love and kisses, Talk to you tomorrow. Lee Lee
Were you guys at my family's beach house or something?! I swear, that looks JUST like St. Augustine.
PS: looks like you guys had a blast!! Love the pics, and Lucy looks so grown up with her new mane;) And Justin is right - she certainly looks like the queen of the house, especially with that whistle!
such beautiful girls!
love the last pic of lucy. its just amazing.
what a sweet family you have.
Love the pics on the beach! those dresses you have the girls in I absolutely love! so glad the flight home went well!
Love love love those dresses! Great beach pictures!
Your famiy's comments crack me up!
DARLING pictures! My new Lucy fave is second from the bottom with the sunshine and arms over the head -- breathtaking! Enjoy getting caught up!
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