Today I have two thanks. First, I am thankful that about three minutes ago Lucy was laying by me in the bed and she grabbed my cheeks with both of her little hands and said, "Momma, I love you soooooooooooo much." And she followed it up with a kiss. Heavenly. Also, this is so cute, she is reading "Are You My Mother" to herself right now and she knows almost every word. Cuteness.
Today I am also thankful for my girls really, really cooperating with me so that I could get two sessions done today while the weather was cooperating before we leave for Fayetteville for a few days. And when I say they cooperated, I mean I had no childcare and still got the two sessions done. The first was for Parker - the newborn session. They actually came to our house and we got the pictures done while both of my girls napped. It is a miracle that worked out and Annie woke up just as we were finishing up. It was so much fun! Then, I actually took both girls with me to my next session. Crazy - yes, but also necessary if we were going to accomplish getting a picture ready for graduation invitations. Mandy normally helps me with the girls, but she couldn't today, so I said if we were going to get the pics done before I left the girls would have to come along. Annie stayed in the Ergo on my back and Lucy either watched a movie or sat in the stroller. Just so we are clear, I would generally never do this in a million years. It is way too hard to focus, but the shoot was for an 18 year old boy, not a wild toddler who would be easily distracted by my little ones. They were really good the entire time. I was so lucky because it could have been a disaster. If the weather would have just cooperated with us the past week, none of this would have had to happen, but we made it work and I am really pleased that we got them both done.
Annie had a great morning at therapy. We rushed home and took Lee Lee to the airport. :( Then it was time for lunch, nap and work. I also got two sets of proofs delivered tonight. Quite a productive day. Lee Lee should be proud! It was so nice to see the sun today. The gloomy weather was getting really, really old.
Okay, I am off to work on pictures so I can get a sneak peek up on the La La Blog tonight. I don't know if I can get both sessions up today, but definitely by tomorrow.
These are from playtime after lunch and before nap. Both girls love blocks. Annie has decided peek-a-boo behind the curtain is her favorite game!

Girl, I don't know how you do it, but I'm so proud of you for everything you're accomplishing! And although my bloggin has been less than stellar lately, I love that I get to see some of my favorite baby girls grow up every day! Keep it up Kel...you're a rockstar!
You're an amazing multi-tasking mama! You go girl! Way to figure it out and get the job done.
I can't wait to see your sneaks!! I love newborn photos and I am loving the teen shots lately! Get editing! :0D
I don't comment near enough considering I always check your blog. I just LOVE checking on the photos of your girls. It just lights up my day.
catching up on posts from the past few days (I was out of town)! Loved all of the pics. the ones of the kids with your mom are precious-so nice that she was there! absolutely LOVE the pics on the la la blog!
OK, now you're just showing off!! I'm SO PROUD of you for the way you got it all figured out today. I was feeling awful about leaving when I knew you had no childcare, but way to go. You figured it out splendidly! Already miss you and the girls. And can you believe this--it's raining. What a change of pace! NOT I wish I could have been at the teens' shoot just to take pics of you while wrangling kids! Where were the blocks???? Love em. Love and kisses to all, Lee Lee
Kelly, I love your work! You are so talented and Jody and I want you to do Hudson's two year old photos,(in or around August)I will get in touch with you soon!
You are super woman!!! I need to take lessons- I have been extremely underproductive lately! And- PLEASE don't hesitate to drop your girls off with us again! Molly loves the company and it is so fun for me! I mean it.....:)
Man, I wish Elizabeth smiled as much as Annie. She is so serious all the time... or at least while I am trying to take her picture.
OMG, you did a shoot with a BABY on your back??? You are a super woman.
Kelly Belly--quit screening me. I KNOW you are on the computer! I want the details on how everything went! Also, I gave Annie my blush tube--should be in your car somewhere. Please bring with all my junk! I know you want me to have pink cheeks. Love, Mom
Seriously, I was going to say exactly what Jess did! A photo shoot with a baby on your back?! You're talented!
Good job juggling! Please send some sunny weather our way...its been raining for five days straight! So depressing. Love Annie's outfit;)
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