Today I am thankful for this adorable little routine between my girls in the morning. Lucy gets up first. She comes in and watches a show or 2 while we all wake up. The first thing I do when she wanders in our room in the morning is tell her a big GOOD MORNING LUCY!!. She says, "Good Morning Momma. I need snack and milky." Everyday. So I go down and get her raisins and milk. Everyday. We lay in bed while we wait for Annie to wake up - well, Lucy watches a show and I just might doze off to sleep! :) This is the part I love - when we hear Annie start talking, Lucy yells at the top of her lungs, "Momma, Annie is up. I go get her!" So Lucy and I go to Annie's room. I always let Lucy run ahead of me. The second she pushes the door open, she screams, "Good morning Annie!!" And both girls squeal with joy when they see each other. And I smile as big as I can even though I am dead tired. I love this moment in the morning. Even though once the day gets going and Lucy becomes increasingly less patient with Annie, I know at this moment that they love each other and just how much joy they bring to one another's lives. Love it.
Justin got home this morning!! Yippee. We hung out around the house, played together, and just got caught up. I ran a couple of errands while the girls and Justin napped. I had my playgroup mom's night out, which was so relaxing and fun for me. I am so tired because Annie's sleep has been very disrupted lately. Her teeth are for sure the biggest culprit. When I go in and get her, she is grinding her teeth and it makes my skin crawl. I despise that horrific noise. I am hoping for a decent night sleep tonight. I really am exhausted. So, good night!
Is it just me, or does Lucy look extra big and extra beautiful in the pics today?

Extra big, extra beautiful. As does little bit! Glad you had a fun evening and that Daddy is home! We are having thunder and rain (it's trying to drown out PaPa's snoring!!!!!). Photo session pics were great. Love and kisses to all, and hopefully when I push publish I will be first! ha ha LeeLee
No, it isn't just you. She does look like such a beautiful, big girl. I loved reading about the morning routine... how special is that? So glad you had the evening off to spend with your friends, and glad for you and the girls that Justin is back home. I know things are easier and more fun with Dad in the house.
Really sorry to hear about the disrupted sleep and the grinding of the teeth. That is the exact reason I gave Petunia a paci in the first place. I just COULD NOT STAND that teeth grinding.
Oh, and Lee Lee cracks me the heck up with her commenting first. She's so fun!
You know Lucy does look extra big and beautiful today! I loved the first picture best. Love your morning routine..smiled that you smile as big as you can even though you are dead tired. :) Glad hubby is home & you got a night out. Sleep well!!
totally extra big and beautiful! wow!
Shannon (amelia's mommy)
Lucy looks so grown up and I can't believe that she is almost 3. Where did the time go?
I like your B&W conversion. What action do you use?
I haven't commented in a while...but I am thoroughly enjoying your daily posts. And what a sweet lovely morning routine. :) And as for Lucy...that is exactly what I thought when I saw your first picture--so big, so beautiful!
hurry and get here!
i finally KNOW now that u luv ur girls if they make you SMILE in the MORNING!!!! i have waken you up numerous times in the morning and i NEVER got a smile!!! haha!
the girls are workin the cam as usual! :)
i love your morning routine story- those times are priceless! lucy does look extra beautiful which is hard because she is always fabulous!
Extra beautiful? Impossible! She's already as beautiful as a girl can get!
Awww, that's so cute. Jack does the same thing with Shane and always wants to be the first to go get him. And since Jack never sleeps and Shane is almost always sleeping (not really, but by comparison!), Jack is always thinking he he hears Shane and saying "What's that sound? I think he's up mama, I hear Shanie!"
On the other hand, no one is ever happy to hear Finley wake up from naptime. hmmm...guess they don't enjoy getting bitten, having their stuff stolen, or Finley intentionally dumping their snack plates over and laughing like the devil all the time. Shocker.
I LOVE that first picture of Lucy; it's so sweet!
Aww, I love that morning routine. so super sweet! You are such a good mama to develop such special moments with your girls.
Lucy is looking so big in those pics, you are right.
sweet, sweet morning routine. my absolute favorite time of the day. those girls are so lucky to have each other. nothing like a sister in my opinion!
and if you don't mind, will you bring some sunny weather? thanks.
My morning routine is half of yours...can't wait for the other half to get here!!!
Lucy looks so grown up! What a beauty.
The morning routine sounds so cute and Lucy does look big and so beautiful!
your girls are so gorgeous! :)
no, I thought the same thing about Lucy! cute morning routine-sounds like ours-especially the part about maybe dozing off while the little one watches the show!
I definately need to work on being happier in the morning... even though I am dead tired. I am the worst morning person ever! Once my contacts are in and a cup of coffee is in hand I get better.
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