Today I am thankful for the times when I get to run errands all by myself when Justin is home. Lucy and Annie are both extremely easy to take on errands. There isn't much I would say I can't do alone with both girls. But it is SO much faster and easier when I am alone. It is faster in that I can get in and out much quicker, but it might be a little slower because I find myself just wandering around enjoying things more. I got several things done this afternoon that I really wanted done while Justin was home. I even got a pedicure! Lucky me.
Not sure what is going with Lucy, but she is still running a really high fever. No other symptoms at all. I was worried she might have hand, foot, mouth because her poor little cousin just came down with it and we have all been together, but so far, she is showing no signs of that. She isn't congested or complaining of anything hurting. She is in great spirits. She just has a really high fever that I have to keep under control with medicine or else she does get uncomfortable from the fever. I hope she is better soon and that she doesn't pass it on to any of the rest of us. We have a beach trip coming up and I want her to feel well.
Justin and I just finished watching American Idol and now I can't wait to watch the Biggest Loser finale. Who do you want to see in the AI finals? I just cannot get into Adam. I know he can sing really well, but those faces he makes scare me and he is just too over the top for Justin and me. So I am pulling for Danny and Kris even though I am pretty sure it is going to be Danny and Adam. So sad that all of my favorite shows are about to be done. TV is so boring in the summer.
I took a total of 6 pictures today. Maybe a record low for me.

The girls had the same thing. It is a fever virus going around. 3 days followed by poo issues. So, she will be ok....
Enjoy your program.
Love the last one of Lucy. She is looking so big!
Hi pumpkins all--hope the Goose feels better soon! She looks adorable for feeling icky. And of course, Anners looks so sad. ha ha Am watching Biggest Loser. Those people have worked so hard. On Idol, I of course want Kris. Have to keep the winner in Arkansas!! I can hear that it has just now started pouring rain, again. ugh Think I'm ready to travel again. Then, I'm ready to stay home for a while before everyone gets to come. Love your contest entries. Travel safely, Justin! Hugs and kisses to all, LeeLee
Both my kids had hand, foot, and mouth. (one gave it to the other) They both started the same way, with fevers when everything else seemed fine. Binh's was worse, with blisters on his hand and feet as well as his mouth, but Ava just got a couple in her mouth. It was miserable for just a few days, at least.
Both my kids have had the "fever virus" a couple of times.
It doesn't last but a couple of days so don't worry.
(Unlike Jenny, I've never had it followed with any "poo issues".)
Pictures are beautiful.
Hope Miss Lucy feels better soon.
Kel, I think Lucy might have a fever virus. Kerri's kids get it sometime. I have no idea what it means or what happens with the kiddos but I have heard her mention it a lot. I will ask her tomorrow and see what she says. Hope Lucy feels better soon!!!
aww hope Lucy feels better soon. And I really really hope it isn't HFM!!! Sooo miserable.
As for AI, I want Adam and Kris in the finals. I used to love Danny but he sort of got old to me. I am not sure what Adam would do exactly that would result in huge success but I am certain that Kris will produce some amazing albums.
My guess is HFMD...we had the EXACT symptoms the on the 3rd day of fever sfe started complaining that it hurt in her mouth. Yikes. Blisters are in her throat and she didn't want to eat or drink for two days! I hope it is not HFM but it us soooooo easy to catch. I am watching Luke now to see if he follows suit...
I know what you mean about alone errans and about creepy Adam. ;)
Could be Roseola. Just finished babysitting my niece for 5 days (of course parents were outof the country!) and she had very high fever 104+ with no symptoms. Third day in she developed a mild rash on her stomach and chest and then yesterday was extreme fussiness. Doctor said it was CLASSIC roseola. Hope she gets better though!
holly - a follower not smart enough to remember her Google password!
Poor sick baby-girl! Get better soon!!
I like Adam, but the tongue thing and the screaming...it's a bit much. I just think he's the most talented up there.
Oh I hope Lucy is better soon! Love the pics you took of her-really neat and of course pretty! if you are a bachellorette fan, it starts monday! just another show to watch!
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