I am so tired and have a big day planned tomorrow, so this is a short one.
******Tonight is the last night to enter the HATTIE ROSE bib giveaway. Be sure and enter. Even if you don't need it for your own child, they make a great gift! If you linked back to the post for the second entry, make sure you leave a second comment.*******

The girls look really miserable. Why don't ya'll try to have a little fun??
Also...I heeeeard a little rumor that you ALL are coming to graduation?!?!?!?! LUCKY!! I also heard that we get to celebrate Jason's birthday one night while Lee plays babysitter! EVEN LUCKIER!!!
SCORE FOR SHERRI. I will be number 2 to the girls beloved Seashy anyday. Grace would be lovin that trampoline. I am so glad the trip went ok. Have fun.
Glad the drive went by fast!
Glad you made the trip safely. The gals look so sad on the trampoline!!! he he he Can't wait to see more pics. Hope your weather works out. We made it to Holly's. Trip went well and the boys are just great. Will be waiting for today's post. Love and kisses, Lee Lee
glad you made it safe! love the girls' dresses!
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