Today I am thankful for our tax refund! Woo hoo! Unfortunately, it all had to go to pay off debt, but I feel good about making a dent. We usually have to pay taxes, but thanks to the adoption credit, we got money back this year. It sure did feel good to receive money instead of having to send in a check.
We had an awesome day today. After I dropped off Lucy for school, Annie and I headed to therapy. She did great today. Really showed some progress in areas we have been focusing on. It was really relieving to me to see her making such big strides. The OT and I were both very pleased. I brought Annie home to nap before picking up Lucy. Lucy had a fabulous day at school. I have her parent/teacher conference on Wednesday and I am excited to hear what her sweet teachers have to say about her. After both girls napped this afternoon, we ran a few errands and then ate Vietnamese food with Mandy, Anna, and Louis. Lucy actually ate her Pho noodles. And then we finished the day at the park. I had told Lucy we could go to the park earlier in the day and she did not forget even though it was getting late. She seriously forgets nothing. We played for a while and then headed home for baths and bed.
I am really excited because I have been getting a lot of interest in my photography business lately. I have three more sessions in the next week and two more waiting to be scheduled. If you didn't see last night, you can see how yesterday's session went at the La La Blog. The pics turned out really sweet. Also, if you are in the Northwest Arkansas area and are interested in booking a session, I will be in Fayetteville from May 6-10. I would love to schedule some shoots while we are there. Email me at info@lala-photography.com.
And finally, I wanted to say that Annie had her best day of eating ever today. She calmly sat and ate her food at both lunch and dinner - both times in a high chair, which often causes anxiety for her. It was awesome. It wasn't even messy. Basically all of the food went in her mouth and was swallowed. This is HUGE for us. Big, big day around here!

It really is a shame she is such a sad, sad child. We almost never see her smile. ;)

Don't you love her eyelashes?

I love this series. She was looking right at me telling me a BIG story - full of goo, goo, ga ga's. Mom, I think what she was trying to say was, "I once caught a fish, this big." Her expressions are the best.

Annie has a question again.

Hello, it is exhausting holding my leg up. Could you please call on me.

Maybe if I raise it a little higher you will see it. Or maybe I will practice my heel stretches.

Could this dress be any more adorable? Or the girl wearing it? She looks like a little present.

Oh I am just laughing so hard at your commentary. You are too funny! Thank you for making my day! Your girls are too cute!
Ditto! What a fun way to end the day. LOVE the pics. Am so PROUD of Annie! Yea--good exercises and eating--priceless! And the Goose--yea for your great memory!! Sounds like a great day was had by all! Off to take the dogs out. Love and kisses, Lee Lee
How is little Miss Annie you asked us to pray a while back, and I felt it on my heart today and wanted to ask.
PS---110. Totally unbelievable!! Mom
Great pictures. Love the commentary. And I really like the picture of both the girls swinging... with Annie in front and Lucy in back.
exciting you have so many shoots!!! awesome, awesome.
my lens arrived today and i am a bit scared of it. it just looks all fancy:) i have a shoot in a few days so i suppose i have to just get in and use it!
annie 'telling her story' is too cute.
I love your dorky commentary! So glad La La is off to a great start!
LOVE IT!!! And I loved your photos from your session and Im dying that I dont live closer! Seriously if you ever are in CO pleeease let me know!!
ok, first of all, who knew you were so stinking funny? that commentary? rocked. i loved it. and it kept getting better with every image. :)
love the flare. love the crispness. love the dress on annie.
and speaking of annie...the high chair/food. she is doing awesome. so proud of her. so proud of YOU! what a great mommy. to be so encouraging and take the bull by the horns and get her some AWESOME therapy.
Oh, my gosh, looking at Annie 's pictures, she is just so darling, i have the urge to pick her up, and just kiss her over, and over, and Lucy is more like a little lovely lady, than a todler, it's so nice that your LaLa business is growing, and certainly to practice on all your gorgeous, adorable subjects will give you even more fun to experience with your photography talents.
Annie has a bow in her hair! love it!
Yea Annie! Glad to hear she is doing so well. By the way, I love that dress! Looks like summer.
If you're ever in the Nashville area with you camera I'd love for you to take pics of my family. There are lots of beautiful places here!
Have a great day!
Amy in Tennessee
i would like to book my session in nwa..i am ready for my nudes "post baby body series"...just thought it would be a good father's day gift...HA! gross.no really, gross!
that sounds yummy to my tummy ms. annie!!!!! keep up the good work! and i believe the fish story! i do annie! it was probably almost as big as the one i caught!
and lucy lucy..don't EVER forget the park! your momma will forget stuff like that..it is your job to REMEMBER parks, popsicles, candy and trips to the toy stores....
tina--we might get to see you next week?? :) mccoy wants to practice his skilz on the drums and liza would like to sing twinkle twinkle and where o where has my little dog been as warm up for the show. see what you can do. i promise it will get the crowd ready!
Great job Annie! Glad you had such a successful day of eating.
The girls are just too precious!
I love it that you got a bow in Annie's hair, it looks fabulous
Love the photos, Kelly, as always!! The backlighting is amazing!!!! Glad to hear that your business is taking off, too. And yes, your commentary had me cracking up...
definately the baby girl is cuter than the dress! but, the dress runs a strong second! good for Annie on good eating!
Thanks for the awesome commentary- you made my day. the pics of Annie are phenom. I think the last pic she was telling you the fish got away!
She is making fantastic progress in such a short amount of time. WTG Annie and mom and dad!
The series of Annie pics are hilarious! And I love the swing pictures- Lucy's got it goin' on!
Loce the pictures of your girls on the swing set. You are so...so...talented. Hope you and your girls will visit DC somedat. Love for you to take our pictures.
I think I've said this every time I've commented, but your girls just not not get ANY cuter!! LOVE Annie's big bow!! Glad she did well with therapy!!
Such sweet, sweet photos. If the rain would stop I would love to get Duc out for some out door photos. It always seems to be too much sun for him or none at all!
I'm so glad Annie is doing so much better. She has certainly come a long way since you met her.
oh happy sun flare! Cute commentary too! I just LOVE her crazy huge bow on that bald head! heehee.
So glad you had such a terrific day from beginning to end! Yay for food!
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