On Lucy's school days, we get to just snuggle with Annie in bed. Justin took Lucy to school today, Annie slept in until 10 am (holla!!), and then she snuggled in bed with us for about 30 minutes before we all got moving. I love one on one time with both of my girls.

Today I am thankful for a husband who knows how and when to stay calm and think rationally, even in a stressful situation. I took Annie back to the doctor today. They said just as I suspected, she has a virus. But then we had to talk about some other stuff. And without going into any details, our OT and our pediatrician are suggesting we have some testing done on my sweet baby girl that I really just don't want to have to even think about. Our doctor feels very confident that we will find nothing, but he said he would do the test if she was his child just to rule out a few possibilities with certainty. So, we will do the test, but not for about 2.5 weeks. I was just kind of stunned when he started talking to me about all of this. I feel like I just sat there and said uh huh, uh huh, uh huh over and over again. I held it together in the office, but as soon as we were in the hall my eyes welled up and by the time we got to the car I was full blown crying. I cried the whole drive home, cried while I told Justin about it, and then *kind* of calmed down about it. The thought of even the chance of her going through anything hard hurts my heart so badly that I just can't stand it. My Momma bear instincts kicked in and I just want to protect her from anything. After I told Justin, he gave me and Annie a big hug, and said, "Okay, let's get the test done and I really don't think they are going to find anything." I called and talked to the doctor again after I felt like I could pay a little better attention and he did make me feel better. He reassured me that if his concern was high, there would be some other big signs going on that are not at all present. But he did say again that he would get the test done to make sure because there is definitely a possibility that something is going on. Tonight I ask that you pray for my daughter's health and peace for me as we wait for it to be time to do the test. It would mean a lot to me. I have, of course, already worried myself sick, but I am really going to try and not do that because there is nothing we will know for at least another 2.5 weeks. For now, I don't plan on discussing any details of what may or may not be going on, but I would still really appreciate any prayers you guys were willing to send up for Annie. Thanks.
Now, to lighten the mood a bit. I have a fun giveaway for you guys! I have never done a giveaway and probably won't be doing many more - mostly because I really don't have anything to give you. :( But a friend (she keeps a private blog and has a REALLY cute daughter) asked me to do this and I thought the bibs were so adorable, I of course agreed. The pictures of Annie today are in her Hattie Rose bibs and let me tell you, they are just what my constant drooler needs! They really did absorb all of her drool and they are so cute. Here are the details:
Hattie Rose Designs would like to give one lucky Lucy in the Sky reader a 30 dollar gift certificate to shop at their online store! To enter, visit the Hattie Rose Designs website and check out all their great bibs and burp cloths. Then come back here and leave a comment telling me your two favorite bibs. Be sure to include your name and a valid email address in the comment as well. For a second entry, blog about this giveaway and link back here. It's that easy!
No purchase necessary. Must be 18 years or older to enter. For this sweepstakes, Hattie Rose Designs, Inc cannot offer shipping outside the USA. Contest ends midnight April 15, 2009. Winner will be chosen at random and announced on Lucy in the Sky on April 16, 2009. Winner will be notified and receive their prize via email. Prize must be redeemed at www.hattierose.com web site. Actual retail value of prize is $30.00.
So come on and play. You will love these! I promise. Look at how awesome they are.

You can actually see that it has absorbed the drool in this one!

Cupcakes for the birthday girl (or boy!)

So funny with those feet.

We got a really fun Easter box in the mail from Lee Lee today. The bubble wand was a huge hit!

Today I am thankful for a husband who knows how and when to stay calm and think rationally, even in a stressful situation. I took Annie back to the doctor today. They said just as I suspected, she has a virus. But then we had to talk about some other stuff. And without going into any details, our OT and our pediatrician are suggesting we have some testing done on my sweet baby girl that I really just don't want to have to even think about. Our doctor feels very confident that we will find nothing, but he said he would do the test if she was his child just to rule out a few possibilities with certainty. So, we will do the test, but not for about 2.5 weeks. I was just kind of stunned when he started talking to me about all of this. I feel like I just sat there and said uh huh, uh huh, uh huh over and over again. I held it together in the office, but as soon as we were in the hall my eyes welled up and by the time we got to the car I was full blown crying. I cried the whole drive home, cried while I told Justin about it, and then *kind* of calmed down about it. The thought of even the chance of her going through anything hard hurts my heart so badly that I just can't stand it. My Momma bear instincts kicked in and I just want to protect her from anything. After I told Justin, he gave me and Annie a big hug, and said, "Okay, let's get the test done and I really don't think they are going to find anything." I called and talked to the doctor again after I felt like I could pay a little better attention and he did make me feel better. He reassured me that if his concern was high, there would be some other big signs going on that are not at all present. But he did say again that he would get the test done to make sure because there is definitely a possibility that something is going on. Tonight I ask that you pray for my daughter's health and peace for me as we wait for it to be time to do the test. It would mean a lot to me. I have, of course, already worried myself sick, but I am really going to try and not do that because there is nothing we will know for at least another 2.5 weeks. For now, I don't plan on discussing any details of what may or may not be going on, but I would still really appreciate any prayers you guys were willing to send up for Annie. Thanks.
Now, to lighten the mood a bit. I have a fun giveaway for you guys! I have never done a giveaway and probably won't be doing many more - mostly because I really don't have anything to give you. :( But a friend (she keeps a private blog and has a REALLY cute daughter) asked me to do this and I thought the bibs were so adorable, I of course agreed. The pictures of Annie today are in her Hattie Rose bibs and let me tell you, they are just what my constant drooler needs! They really did absorb all of her drool and they are so cute. Here are the details:
Hattie Rose Designs would like to give one lucky Lucy in the Sky reader a 30 dollar gift certificate to shop at their online store! To enter, visit the Hattie Rose Designs website and check out all their great bibs and burp cloths. Then come back here and leave a comment telling me your two favorite bibs. Be sure to include your name and a valid email address in the comment as well. For a second entry, blog about this giveaway and link back here. It's that easy!
No purchase necessary. Must be 18 years or older to enter. For this sweepstakes, Hattie Rose Designs, Inc cannot offer shipping outside the USA. Contest ends midnight April 15, 2009. Winner will be chosen at random and announced on Lucy in the Sky on April 16, 2009. Winner will be notified and receive their prize via email. Prize must be redeemed at www.hattierose.com web site. Actual retail value of prize is $30.00.
So come on and play. You will love these! I promise. Look at how awesome they are.

You can actually see that it has absorbed the drool in this one!

Cupcakes for the birthday girl (or boy!)

We got a really fun Easter box in the mail from Lee Lee today. The bubble wand was a huge hit!

I certainly know what you are going through worrying about tests and 'faint' possibilities. We went through the same thing. I had worried myself sick, literally. After getting our referral, the doctor's here felt that Elizabeth was suffering severe heart failure either due to a congestive disease or leukemia. We decided to bring her home anyway and so far she has shown no signs of neither... just a little girl needing a whole lot of love. It is natural to worry, but it will all work out. Just look at Annie's beautiful smile... there's nothing wrong with her. Doctors just like to cover there a@@es that all. But I will pray for Annie and you.
Wow a giveaway!
I love these bibs! My favs are the yoshi bib set, and the rosie..how cute!
Tara Neal
The waiting is the toughest part. Adalee was having issues when she was younger and we had to have a whole series of tests done on her. Just waiting was terrible. It turned out to be something very simple the could be fixed with medication.
I will be praying for you guys as you wait and for little Annie as she goes through the testing phase.
Amy in Tennessee
You can count me in as a prayer warrior for all of you. God can and does do 'immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine,' and He will get you through the wait and anything else that comes your way. It sure is hard to wait and sometimes not knowing and/or knowing there is a possibility that something is wrong (especially with our little ones) is the hardest part of all.
Hang in there and know that there are lots of people praying for your family.
Usually just a faithful reader (lurker!) but as a mom of 2 that knows that when your kids are sick, there is no worse worry in the world for a mom. So, I wanted you to officially know you all were in my prayers. :)
-Erin in NH
You're killing me not knowing what's going on with sweet Annie!She'll be fine, Kel. Docs did the same to us when Lulu came home. Heart tests and everything came back just fine. Try to stay positive. When you get worked up, focus on the endless smile on your daughter's face. You can tell she has amazing strength. If something is wrong, I know you and Justin will be able to handle what God gives you. You're an amazing mother and I'm glad you have a rock of a husband. Annie's in our prayers. {{hug}}
Little Annie will have prayers coming from SA.
Going to check out the bibs...
I love the pictures of Annie in the pink bib. She looks like such a tiny little thing!! - I'll keep her in my prayers.
I'm having a hard time commenting. Even with my chicks at the age they are, mothering can be SO hard sometimes. I've had a lot of reminders of that lately. But I do know that God doesn't give us more than we can handle, and that HE is good, and that you and Justin were meant to save that precious girl's life, and are doing an awesome job of it. Be strong for one another and for those angels. You all are in my prayers--and they will not cease. And Baby Girl, I just KNOW that your Baby Girl is OK. We'll just do the testing and know what to do next. I'm up for a challenge and will be there to help in any way I can. My arms are around you all right now!
Next subject: Yea for the Easter package arriving! So glad the bubbles were a hit since Bolt scared my girl! (Seriously, next time I'm opening the package and screening for bad guys.) You can all have some candy after dinner!
Also: Do Lee Lee's get to enter the bib contest??? If it can catch Annie's drool at your house, just think what it could catch at mine.
Did I tell you I have to report for jury duty? I have Camp Aldersgate then court tomorrow. Should be an interesting day. I don't think I'll like being on the judging end. ick
I love you. I love Justin. I love Lucy. I love Annie.
More than you know. Mom
Infrequent commenter, but wanted to let you know that I will keep Annie in my prayers. I am so sorry for the heartache you must feel to hear something unexpected like that from your doctor. I do understand and send you big hugs!
Your girls are so incredibly beautiful!
Prayers are on their way up right now, and we'll continue sending them every day. Hugs from Petunia and me.
PS Love the pics. And DaDa, I'll try to be #1 tomorrow! Lee Lee
kelly, i am praying for annie. my heart goes out to you right now. try not to worry b/ i know she is going to be just fine. i truly believe that. you are a such a wonderful momma to your girls! don't stress!
Your Annie and you will definitely be in my prayers. It is so hard to wait not knowing what the outcome will be. I will pray that it is nothing. So sorry that Annie has to go thru that testing. It hurts a Mom's heart so much to see them suffer through those things.
Your story hits home today because the one thing that will consume me is the worry about a loved one's health. I can understand your pain as I have worried so many times myself. You all are certainly in my prayers. I will leave a quote for you:
"Do not anticipate trouble or worry about what my never happen. Keep in the sunlight" Benjamin Franklin.
Will be praying for Annie and this hard time of waiting. I will pray that the Lord gives you a peace during these next two weeks. On a lighter note..I like the rosie bib and the boys with the tie! VERY CUTE!!! aliwoodut@gmail.com
I'm sure you are a little stressed and worried about what is going on. It's only natural to be this way! Of course I will keep you all in our prayers that everything will turn out just fine and that you will have complete peace!
I love the Sir Henry and the Rosie one!! I have BBGG quads and those would be just precious for th massive amounts of drool we have going on!! sandradcochran@bellsouth.net
Also, please know I am praying for your little girl!!
Beautiful Annie brings joy to all of us who read your blog. Prayers are being sent your way from Oregon.
Holla to Bruiser and Bianca!
Sweet Annie will be in my prayers and so will you and Justin during this wait. I am sure she will be fine. I remember freaking out when we hade some abnormal things show up on Liam's bloodwork. It was a hard few weeks trying to figure it out. What a wonderful supportive family you seem to have. Your mom's comment was very touching.
First and foremost......prayers are being made for your sweet little Annie all the way in Snohomish, Washington state. Praying for a promising outcome to the tests and a peaceful mind for you during these next couple of weeks.
Secondly.....LOVE the bibs! The Lizzy Lipstick and Phoebe ones are my favorites. Too cute!
You are all in my prayers!
I know that beautiful Annie will be ok, just hang in there "Momma bear"
“May today there be peace within.
May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others.
May you use the gifts that you have received and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content with yourself just the way you are.
Let this knowledge settle into your bones and allow your soul the freedom to sing dance praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us.”
Know the God NEVER gives you more than you can handle. I look at what you have done for these kids and I can't wait to start my own family and possibly adopt! You whole family is in my prayers. There is power in numbers!
Gig hugs coming your way from Iowa!! It is so hard to wait, especially when it comes to the serious stuff with our "baby bears". You and Justin will handle whatever HE has in store for you. Annie is perfect!! We will pray for you all!! Keep us posted and only share when you feel comfortable. You guys are so real and that is what we love about you. We are privileged that you share your journey with us!! Love the bibs...Uncle Sam and Kendi are my faves!! But, on to more important matters....gosh, your poopie story is so cute!! What a little pistol!!
Many, many prayers coming from Arizona...
Hopefully you can get the tests done quickly and have some piece of mind... and SLEEP better!
I love the Pheobe and the Rosie Bibs. My little chika is a drooling fool right now too! I just love all the photos you take of your girls everyday and look forward to seeing them, they make me smile.
Definitely thinking of you and Annie and the whole family. Waiting is so hard. Whether the answer is scary or a relief, it will be good to know and then you will deal with whatever it is.
Will be thinking of you all while you wait and you will be in our prayers.
Sending positive thoughts!
I think the Sherlock and Lulu bibs are very unique and I'd love to give them to my friend's newborn.
I will most definitely be praying for Annie and her family.
So onto the contest, I love the sir henry and the david soccer bibs.
You and your family will be in my thoughts...my positive thoughts that Annie is perfect!
I just know everything will work out and whatever happens with this test, your family will always do what is best for Annie. I will be thinking about that sweet angel and hoping everything is okay! I can understand that as a momma, you must have felt so scared for your baby. Feel better!! Stay strong!
Hang in there. Prayers sent. If it isn't one thing, its the other? Right? Thinking of you.
Enter me in. I love the St Pete and the Phoebe collections! Very cute and nice of you to help. Wondering where in MN this person is since I am here too! :)
I think you have my email.
I will be praying every day for Annie and the rest of the family.
*Tara in Alabama*
loving the st. pete and the casey!
praying for your sweet annie!
kendigfamilyfarms at juno dot com
i'll be thinking of you as you await testing. Annie is a wonderful beautiful little baby and i'll be wishing the best for your family.
ok. the bibs are adorable and i should know because they are on my list of my buy before leaving for Vietnam.
they are all cute but my 2 favs:
1) rosie set
2) pheobe set
I really hope the 2.5 weeks fly by with warm weather and fun activities for you and your sweet girlies. I'm hoping the doctor can quickly rule out any issues and you can move on peacefully.
Congrats to your friend on a cute business. I like the Polly bib and Sherlock bib.
I love, love, love the phoebe and the momo bibs! How cute!!! My absolute favs!
About Annie, My husband and I adopted our daughter from Ukraine fifteen months ago and she had no past medical history. But, I know everytime she coughs or pulls her ear or limps, I panic. I think something is wrong, I ask my husband, "How do we truly know?" But, in the end, we have to have faith. You didn't get this far on your own and by reading your blog daily, you are a believer. I will pray for you as a mother that God will rest your fears for these next few weeks and many many prayers for little Annie. God bless!!
Melissa May
I will be praying, and wishing that your sweet Annie will be fine, it's best to get this painfull process over with, so you will have peace, and not to keep on worry, and thinking about her health. Annie looks so big, and her hair is really growing longer. Gorgeous pictures as always.
Oh girl, I know how worried you must be playing the "what if" game. I'm on the professional league :) I just know that girl with her clear fighter's spirit will be just fine and you will be able to breathe a sigh of relief to know definitely that there is one less thing to worry about with your girl. She, and you, will be in my thoughts and prayers becuase I know how much strength it takes for a mama to set aside the fear and anxiety during a wait like that. Annie is a rock start. She'll show ya!
We'll be praying for you over here. I know the waiting can be the worst.
As far as the giveaway, my favorite is the Yoshi bib set. Thankfully, Ava is getting better about not needing a bib as much, so I looked mostly at the boy ones.
I like the Yoshi & the Phoebe bibs.
Thanks for sharing this website.
The Yoshi bibs are so cute. I have always been glad to have girls 'cause the clothes are so much cuter but the tuxedo bib is so stinking cute, it made me think how I wish I had a boy too.
I'll keep all of you in prayers as you wait, for both the test and the results. Happy Easter!
I don't know what you're going through (obviously), but boy, I can commisserate that waiting, especially re: kids, is HARD! I've mentioned now and then that we have developmental concerns about our Lucy, and although we haven't done much testing, I am still anxiously waiting, whenever I can't force myself out of the mindset, for the next milestone to be reached. Which is bad.
I cannot imagine the heaviness you are feeling--please know that your family will also be in our prayers!
Tara C
I can't enter the contest but I just wanted to say I will pray for Annie and you family.
BTW - the bibs are so cute. Goodluck to everyone.
Thinking about you guys. The waiting to know is often so much more painful than the actual diagnosis because once you know, you can put a plan into action - waiting just makes you paint the worst case scenario in your head and then spin out from there. Doctors should know better than to make moms wait more than 2 seconds for news about their little ones.
This isn't an entry into the giveaway because I'm past the bib stage but LORDY that little boy in the tuxedo bib and in the derby hat picture too...I want HIM along with the bib!!! He's just edible!! I would need that bib because I would be gobbling up those big ole thighs! What a PUNKIN!!
I'm so sorry for all of the worry that you are going through right now. Hang in there...Little Miss Annie looks perfect to me, but we will pray for her and for peace of mind for you.
Please enter me in your contest. The Rosie is the cutest hands down, but I love the Billy Jean too!
Absolutely keeping Annie and your family in my prayers. I know the waiting and not knowing and worry can take a toll-we had the same scenario before we brought our little one home from Ethiopia. So I can sympathize with how you may be feeling. You and Justin seem like a very strong team that can handle just about anything! I will pray for Annie's health. It is easy to see that she (and Lucy) are your everything. Watching Annie over the past few months gives me the sense that she is a very strong little girl!
The professional birth-3 OT in me wants to tell you (and I really mean it) that most likely these tests will show nothing and even if they did, Annie is making such great progress so that's a good indicator regardless. The mom in me understands how scary it is and is sending you a big, huge hug. You are all in my prayers!
Prayers for your sweet little one. She is such a doll baby!
I love the billybib and sir henry! Too Cute
Let us know when you are ready about Ms. Annie...
I'm just catching up with your blog - sorry I missed this post before - I will be thinking about sweet Annie - going through stuff like this is the very hardest part of being a parent. Hope the test turns out well.
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
On a lighter note, I love the Blackbeard and Lizzy Lipstick bibs!!
Um, the lipstick bib is totally ALL Elizabeth and the Rosie bib would look great with her birthday party dress... next month's big Half birthday party!
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