She ate avocado tonight. I know it doesn't look like it, but she did actually eat some.

Today I am thankful for having such a better day than we did yesterday. Yesterday was just a bad day all around for me. The kids were crazy, the weather was bad, we spent 5 hours in the car, and my sessions were cancelled. I was so grouchy and short tempered. I feel a million times better today. The girls had a much better day. We got to see one of my great friends, Kathy and her precious baby Perry. Both girls took great afternoon naps. It was just a good day. And I won first place in the I Heart Faces contest this week. That made my day!

It was pretty cloudy and rainy here today, but by late afternoon it cleared off and we ended up having a gorgeous evening. Lucy ate her dinner outside and Annie was so pleased to sit and dig in the dirt. The fresh air felt so good and was just what we all needed. We did a nice long video chat with Justin when we came back in. The girls went down easily and now I am just enjoying my evening.
While we were outside, Lucy found a thing that had fallen off of our crape myrtle that at one point had a bloom in it. She was certain that it was a cocoon with 2 butterflies in it. She said that Annie and me needed to stay quiet while the butterflies were sleeping. She kept that "cocoon" with her the rest of the night. She still can't make the -ck sound, so it was a too-toon. Cute stuff.
This is such a funny picture. I promise she liked it. I think. :)

Surprisingly, she never hurt a single flower. She just dug herself a little hole.

Seriously, this is so cute.

The "too-toon"

look at those bent little legs! too precious! such beautiful pictures as always - you're girls are absolutely amazing!
Great pics today. Looks like Annie might at least have had fun messing with her food! Glad she ate some! I love that Lucy had a cocoon to play with. Mostly I'm glad that a better day was had by all. The guys didn't win at the tourney. Dad said he didn't play his best. Not actually how he worded it, but you know what I mean. Was another great day here. Got to eat our salads and pizza outside. Boys loved it. I'm ready to go wash the old face and brush teeth. Talk to you tomorrow (or tonight if you want) Love and kisses, Lee Lee
Congraulations on the first place photo! I love some of those pics you got of Annie, some new expressions (of course she's always adorable, but love the new ones!)!
They are just precious!
i seriously can't believe you have made it 108 straight days of amazing pictures! It has been so fun to keep up with your blog! Congrats on the winning photo, but seriously, the other photos didn't have a chance against that one of annie. she is so very precious.
I love all Annie's expressions, amazing you able to capture the right moments, she is so natural, sitting with bent legs, enjoying playing with dirt. 1st place winner is expected, with such a joufull face.
Love the totoon. You really captured some adorable faces here !
Congratulations on winning first place in the contest!! You should be very proud!!! You have 2 absolutely ADORABLE subjects!! Keep up the good work.....
mmm. loved those sweet faces with my breakfast this morning! jealous you and kath got to play. glad it was a better day though! :) those bad ones will creep up on us. liza didn't got to bed till midnight last night??? are you kidding me?
I love the photos of Annie in this post! She's so adorable! But that last photo of Lucy was awesome! She looks so sassy and sweet!
Congrats on the i ♥ faces win!! I screamed,"It's Annie!" when the page loaded and by boyfriend was like, "who is Annie?" HA!
LOVE that pic of annie looking oh so cute in the garden! And so happy about the avocado! You must be overjoyed!! Lucy is so sweet about her tootoon. She with her lack of -ck and addy with her lack of -r or -th make quite the pair! I love their sweet talk - it passes so fast!
Congrats on first place! So awesome!
yummy avocado! Still a favorite at our house as well.
Too sweet about the cocoon :)
cute pics of the girls! it was so good to see you guys. the girls are adorable! lots of misses, k
oh those are some GREAT pics! beautiful of Lucy and love the pic of sweet little Annie digging! congrats on your first place in the contest!!
ok, annie is looking more and more different everyday. is that just me? more faces. more physical positions. different smiles. i don't know what it is, but she looks different. maybe in a growing way. probably not something you want to hear. maybe it's the whole "i'm a year old" thing.
and picture #1? lucy? that b&w conversion is PERFECT.
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