Today I am thankful for another great day for Annie eating. She did awesome today. It seems that we have a really great day and then a few not so great days. So I really am so thankful for the days that she does so well. I am especially pleased because today when she saw the food and the spoon and started doing her happy kicking legs and mouth wide open smile. That means that she is very excited, which is huge for us. She often starts to cry when she sees the food and spoon. I am just so pleased with her progress.
I am a little bummed because I had a newborn shoot today that has to be rescheduled. A teeny tiny newborn who is under 2 weeks old and doesn't even weigh 6 lbs. Heavenly! It was just too dark and dreary to do it. Obviously it is an indoor shoot, but we need pretty bright light. And it is supposed to be raining for the next 10 days. Not good for me since I have 4 sessions scheduled in the next 4 days. I will get my newborn in this week. Surely the sun can't actually hide for the entire week, right? Right. I am thinking positive thoughts here.
We didn't do much at all today. The weather was just too nasty. I ran a few errands during the girls naps, Lucy had school this morning, and Justin took Annie to therapy while I got a lot of work done. Not much else going on.
I have a question. Do you guys notice a lot of people in public belittling their children and treating them with no respect at all? I feel like I keep seeing this over and over and every time it makes my skin crawl. Here are some examples that I have seen lately. At the zoo, a man and wife (I am assuming they were married) with 4 children. The kids were perfectly behaved. But any time the dad wanted them to do something or go somewhere, he would speak so rudely to them and move them along by kicking them. I don't mean super hard kicks, but still using his foot to get the kids moving. And this wasn't after he told them and they didn't move along. He would kick simultaneously as he rudely told them to get moving. The kids were so well behaved that I know that they would have moved had he simply asked them - no kick involved. And one day when I was going into the Arboretum, there was a mom on her way out holding her son (around the age of 3) and she was yelling at him about what a horrible child he was and how he was never getting to go anywhere again because he was the most awful child. She was yelling so loudly and just kept saying the most terrible things to him all the way to the car. You could tell the little boy wasn't even listening. If she wasn't yelling, you would just think she was carrying him out. He had completely zoned out and was oblivious to her ranting. I promise that I know how hard it is to deal with a 2/3 year old who has a mind of his or her own. My girls are pretty good most of the time and I know how fortunate that is. Most of the time I do not think that kids are wild or "misbehave" because their parents did something wrong. I know you can be an awesome parent and still have a spirited child. Kids do what they want to do - and it is really hard when that is not what is considered socially acceptable. But I just wouldn't tell them that they were the most awful child or tell them that they are horrible. I feel like I see this kind of stuff a lot. And it breaks my heart every time. There have definitely been times when I have totally lost it with Lucy. It is impossible to not reach a breaking point at times. But I still wish that parents wouldn't talk so harshly and rudely to a 2 year old, which is really still a baby. Kids are hard, no doubt. But I still don't think that makes it acceptable to be disrespectful and downright hateful to them. I HATE seeing this kind of thing.
Helping me get organized.
The most beautiful lashes ever.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Posted by
5:48 PM
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I know that I see a lot of stuff like you describe, and it really just prompts me to pray for the parents and children and ask God to intervene....
It breaks my heart, not only for the kids, but I always wonder what has happened in the parents lives that has brought them to that point, and it reminds me how very much I need God in my life.
Kelly, I have sadly noticed the same thing. The worst one I ever saw was from the Starbucks Drive Thru. As we were sitting there I could see the parking lot where a woman was out of her car with a little girl. She was screaming so loudly at her that I could hear her from the Drive Thru.
As soon as we got through the Drive Thru, I pulled up behind her and just sat there. She stopped and got back in the car. I should have called the police. I still think about it because if she was willing to treat that little girl like that in a public parking lot I am sure there is a lot worse going on behind closed doors.
Yahoo for Annie's eating!
The lashes picture is just awesome. Love it!
I know what you mean..I see it a lot, makes my heart so sad for those children. It is tough to be a parent, no doubt. I constantly remind myself that my daughter is only 3, to keep my expectations deal with them calmly, they react calmly.
Amazing photos and blog, I found your site recently through the mamarazzi blog and absolutely love with your wonderful little site and view of the world. ;)
Amen. We all have to pray more. Love the pics. Love you. Love the guys! You, too, Dadda! Lee Lee
Loved the pics today. for some reason that one of annie on your table just made me smile. I can just picture her sitting there playing so contently with just some simple pens! I will pray for some sunny weather for you all!
My nephews are treated that way by their mother and it breaks my heart.
LOVE those b&w's omg love them! And YES I have been known to shake my head or tell them that is rediculous! I know its a mind your own business but when I see that or a wife berating his wife I will make a point of at least staring and shaking my head and it usually gets them to stop. HATE it mostly because in the back of my mind I think ok if they are that horrible to their kids in public how horrible are they behind closed doors, ya know. GRRR
Adorable pictures as always!
Yep, I see a lot of stuff that makes me really cringe out in public with parents and their kids too. In fact, there have been a couple of things at the zoo already this spring that really got me! I understand how exhausting and frustrating things can get, goodness knows, but as people said - if parents are that horrible out in public, what is happening at home? Nothing gets to me like children being mistreated. Grrr!
Breaking points are one thing, serial mental abuse is another. I see it, too and it makes me crazy. On 2 occasions I approached parents who were screaming at their kids and complimented them on their beautiful child(ren), and wow, you must be stressed out to be yelling like that. Maybe take a deep breath? Couldn't stop myself. One told me to **** myself, the other just looked stunned. Kids *never* deserve that kind of treatment. So nope, you aren't alone in noticing it.
Lovely pics!
that is awesome you are so busy. 4 shoots in 4 days...wooot.
i know, it kills me too when i see parents being awful to their kids. i have come so close to saying things at times.
Yes I have noticed it.
I also have noticed something not as extreme, but equally bad. I am so sick of parents who put demeaning shirt quotes on their kids. "Daddy's little terror" "here comes trouble." I am sick of seeing that.
First- Yea for Annie's eating! What a great sign that the sight of food is giving her joy instead of anxiety! Second- my heart literally breaks when I see/hear parents like that. I just want to go up to that poor child and tell them they are wonderful. As parents we are supposed to fill our kids up with positive thoughts and self-esteem. Those poor kids are going to enter the world feeling awful about themselves. So sad:(
This weather in not cooperating with is...let me know what you think about our pics today. we're totally flexible. ok...i for sure have one of those spirited little guys so if you ever catch me being mean mommy you better speak up.
With 6 people in our house there seems to be some sort of yelling all the time.. it's just not usually mean yelling, it's more of the "I want to be heard" yelling:) But this weekend we went to a free family fun festival in our town (small town = some questionable people) and my girls had a real awakening about how lucky they are. My three old was absolutely apalled at this one family (particularly the mother) and it was all I could do to keep her with me and not staring or saying something to them.. it's just so so sad for these kids!!
I'm so happy to hear Annie is starting to get excited when she sees the food coming. That was always one of my favorite parts of dinner time.
I saw (and heard) a mother screaming at her child at the zoo this weekend. I actually turned to my niece and said "if you ever hear me talk to Caroline that way, you have my permission to say 'Hey you sound like that woman at the zoo!'" The woman gave me a dirty look and walked away, but she stopped yelling.
I know what you mean...I see it all the time and I live it sometimes (my husband). People don;t realize that yelling doesn;t accomplish anything but anger. Neither does name calling. They are worthless tactics that only make the situation worse. It breaks my heart as well. I love Annnie's eye lashes and her PRECIOUS feet. You are doing a wonderful job with the 365 project.
So glad that Annie's eating well!
It's so sad to witness mistreatment of children. People seem so high-stressed and expect their children to read their minds and follow suit. It's all I can do to bite my tongue and not say anything to the parents who are doing more damage than they realize. Sad.
Heh - I work in social work and have for a few years now. It never ceases to amaze me what people will do/say to children. (THEIR OWN CHILDREN!) It's terrible and it's sad and creates a world where these children grow to become nasty adults, in many cases, and the world just doesn't need any more mean-spirited people.
I hear people tell their 2 year old, "well you know better!" And I'm like, REALLY?? A two year old knows better? Better than what? I mean c'mon!
You know where you see this stuff the most? Family places!! Like fun places - the park, the zoo, museums, aquariums, etc. I don't know what it is about "fun family outtings" that brings out the shitty in parents but I always notice it and can't help but think what kind of memories those poor kids are going to build around their trip to the zoo/museum/park. I mean is the irony lost on them entirely? Its like parents can't just stop to be joyful and really let loose. I see it everywhere but it never shocks me more than when I see it at places that are supposed to bring joy and happiness and create family memories.
I know there are times when I lose my patience with one or more of my kids, but I know what you mean about the people being just AWFUL to their kids. A couple years ago we were visiting D.C. and there was a mother just yelling at her son, who was probably around 8 or 9, swearing at him, using the F-bomb, everything. I just wanted to go up to her and say, "I can promise whatever it is your son did, it isn't as bad as what you are doing right now," but I figured she'd hit me or something.
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