Today I am thankful for having two sweet babies that have made the fact that I am sick not that difficult. They have been really good today. I actually feel better today than I did yesterday, so that is a huge plus. My throat is not nearly as sore, but I just have that really run down feeling and the only way I can function is to keep taking cold medicine which makes me feel weird. A vicious cycle it is. This just reiterates to me how I need to try and live life more like Annie does. She has this cold a lot worse than I do and she has managed to keep a smile plastered on her face almost the entire time she has been sick. She doesn't let a cold stop her from living life to its fullest, and she makes that so apparent. I just love that.
Lucy's playgroup had their Easter Egg Hunt today. Lucy is still feeling fine and she seems to be perfectly healthy today. Annie and I just took our Kleenex and tried not to spread our germs too much. Lucy is a professional egg hunter. She takes her job very seriously and she found a whole lot of eggs. She is even completely reasonable about not eating all of the candy. She got to open two eggs and eat what was inside and she put up no fight about getting into the others. She knows the drill. She said to me, "How 'bout 2 more eggs after dinner? Okay, momma?" How could I disagree with that. In the meantime, she is taking very good care of her eggs and has them all lined up on our kitchen table. I can tell you this, Annie is not allowed near those eggs. Lucy has been quick to tell her multiple times that she is "too little for eggs and candy!"
I am going to post Annie's 1 year update when I am able to do her 1 year pictures. Probably not until Sunday at the earliest. I can tell that Annie is starting to feel better. She has finally picked up her appetite today and she has just been more lively. I still have gotten lots and lots of extra snuggles though. I actually took the picture of us together above. I had been taking some pictures in our bedroom and was so tired that I just laid down. She wiggled over by me, climbed on me some, and then laid down next to me. The sickness has worn both of us completely out. Anyway, I was more than pleased with the cuddles and the camera was laying on the floor next to me. I pointed it towards us and snapped a few shots. That kind of processing is way out of my realm of normal, but I thought it was appropriate for the way that both of us are feeling. The way that her fingers are curled around mine makes me tear up a little.
Here's to hoping tomorrow we all have a little more energy and a lot less snot. Thanks for all of the sweet birthday wishes and get well wishes. We appreciate them.
So big! Look at Lucy in the background. She was doing this wild and crazy dance where she was kicking her legs around and you can see her leg in the background kicked up.

This is just funny to me. That little foot is moving around all of the time.

Working so hard to get her into crawl position.

This will make you laugh. The wind was blowing around about a million mph. Look at how it is caught under her dress and it looks like she has a HUGE booty and gut!! So funny to me.

Hi. I haven't commented before but I have a question, where do you find all their cute clothes and shoes? Their outfits are ALWAYS so adorable! And I hope you guys feel better soon. I hate being sick myself, its not fun =(.
I love the photo of you and Annie. So different from what you normally do. Love it.
Feel better soon, girls.
LOVE that first picture! And it looks like Lucy has the easter egg hunting down pat. Love all of the bright colors. Here's hoping you and Annie feel better soon!
LOVE THE PICS today! Our day has been so dreary, so this was a pick me up! Who doesn't love a professional egg hunter??? And Annie working on standing and crawling?? Can't beat that. Now, all of you get some rest and get healed up. I'm so glad the girls have had a good day since Momma doesn't feel that good. That's a blessing! Much love and kisses and hugs, Lee Lee
Last ER forever. Gotta wath!
I don't know how my post got posted! Me and computers! Anyway, love ya! Mom
I love, love, love that pic of you and Annie! I agree, it totally brought tears to my eyes!
The wind also caught her hair - and because of the chair behind her it looks really long - so cool! How on earth do you get your pics so light without losing sharpness? I would love to do that - if it's a secret e-mail me at LPrichett@hotmail.com and I promise I will send you a margarita in return! (www.2brothers1sister2dogs.wordpress.com)
I pop over to your blog every once in a while...
Oh my gosh, the photo of your daughter with the budket of eggs is beautiful. I just love it! Congrats on winning TWO I heart faces in one week!
Love the picture of you and Annie. Single mom...I never get pics of Gracie and me.
Hope you feel better soon.
Such sweet photos. Linhsey's first egg hunt is tomorrow! I can see her doing all of the things Lucy did. She took trick-or-treating VERY seriously.
Happy belated birthday to Annie! Hope you both feel 100% soon. Love the picture (and the post processing) of you and Annie - too bad you had to both feel like crud!
Oh Wow! That first photo is so amazing! Love it! Ok, I'm gonna have to break down and have me photo shoot!
The effects on the first photo of you and Baby Annie are gorgeous. I have never seen that sort of photo treatment/editing before!
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