Today I am thankful for how happy Annie is to see me when I have been away. I have had to leave the girls with friends several times this week to go and do work stuff and when I get back to see the girls, Annie gets so happy that I am back and really dives for me. She has one of those really easy going personalities that can, at times, make it hard to be certain that she is properly attaching to us. For the most part, she just loves everyone, which is WONDERFUL, but we obviously want to make sure that she prefers us over anyone else. At first, she really showed no preference, but now you can tell that she is really becoming a momma's girl. I really don't stress over her attachment anymore. It is obviously something that is always evolving, but I don't feel the need to stress about her being so comfortable with almost everyone. That is simply who she is. She is a very social, happy little girl who honestly strives to make everyone smile all day long. But it sure does make my day when she throws herself into my arms and hugs me tightly.
I really don't have much to say today other than have a great weekend! It has been a great day around here, just not very newsworthy.
Is she serious?

I feel a little bad beating your family to comment! I am glad Annie's attachment is going well- have a great weekend!
Glad the girls did well while you were away! I guess you need to call me to fill me in on stuff! The pics are darling. I planted 264 impatiens today. My back can testify to this. Hope they do well. You are very timely today on posting!! Hope I remember to push publish! Catching up on some of my recorded shows. Hugs and kisses to all. Lee Lee
Oh, my goodness! Annie in the sand turtle is just too much cuteness to absorb. You're right in saying that attachment is an ongoing thing, but it HAS to be great knowing you can leave Annie with a friend and she'll do fine. My youngin is going to have to be surgically removed from my hip, I'm afraid. *sigh* Love the photos of Lucy enjoying her ice cream. She's getting prettier every day.
Ok, Annie in the sandbox picture...... Could very well be the cutest thing I've ever seen. You're just not human if that doesn't make you smile! :)
Isabel was a lot like Annie. She loved everybody and I worried a little about attachment issues but all is well. No need to have worried. It really just IS who she is! :)
Yeah, I wondered about Duc's attachment for a while because he is sooo easy going and is sooo outgoing. People often remark that we are seeing a politician in the making. It was obvious from the beginning that he knew I was mama and he will go to about anyone--but only for a minute and only if I am standing right there. What a relief!
Have a good weekend!
Annie really is too sweet. Kyle and I LOVED being able to love on her when she came to play.... please drop them off again soon!!!:)
264 impatiens!?! I would not be able to walk for days. Lee Lee is going to have the prettiest yard. Grace has always been alot like Annie. For a long time I was afraid she didn't know I was her mother.
cute pics! love lucy's bow!
My 16 month old is not walking and my older 2 did not walk until 18 mos and 17 mos. The older 2 are now 5 and 7 and have recently started wearing orthotics and going to pt for low muscle tone. My 16 month old may start pt soon- want to catch it early this time. Good for you for working with her now! If you ever want to email me about it all, my email is heatherloo97@yahoo.com.
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