Today I am thankful for the faith that people are putting in me to take their family portraits. I really appreciate people trusting me to do my thing and document this time in their lives. It is so exciting since this is all pretty new for me to be doing this for others. I booked several more sessions today. I really am so excited. I have finally found something that I love doing that can help support our family. Thanks to all of my new clients!
We had a very busy day today. This morning we met some friends at the zoo, where we got lots of playtime and had a picnic lunch. We went straight home for naps after a busy morning. Both girls took great naps. Annie got up before Lucy so we played for a while outside. I took a lot of pictures of her and me together for our I Heart Faces entry. Not an easy task and the end result was not what I had envisioned, but it was the best I could do in my limited time to work on it. Then I made the girls an early dinner and we were out again to watch Louis' final soccer game of this season. They won!! By the time we got home, it was time for bath and bed. It really has been a very busy day and we are all ready to rest!
I have Lucy's conference in the morning. Can't wait to talk to her teachers!
Is this not so cute and funny? Both girls were wearing sunglasses, but I couldn't ever get a pic of them together. Lucy was too busy.

Despite the serious face, Lucy LOVES nothing more than a pony ride. She was so pleased that the pony was there today.

Annie worked so hard to get under the table to the dogs. I was under the table taking these pictures!

#1! Lee
Annie looks like quite the diva in her cute glasses!!
Love her with the dogs...come to think of it I don't think Bruiser gets nearly the props he deserves on the blog. I want some up close shots of that little snaggle tooth whipper snapper. I noticed he had vacated the premises by the time Annie got under the table and left Bianca to fend for herself.
Ok, now for my comment! Our Lucy Goose sure does like a horse ride followed up by some ice cream! I loved watching her wait her turn! And Annie--the dog series is just plain great. I'm sure Bruiser and Bianca loved that photo session! I do love me some shades, and so does Annie. And new clients???? Sounds like a pretty fulfilling day! Love ya so much, Lee Lee
Pictures are wonderful, as usual. I'm lovin' Annie wearing her shades!
Forgot to tell you, good self portrait! I have such cute girls! Lee Lee
Shades and the hair bow are cracking me up! I love the under the table shots.
My gosh Annie just has the cutest facial expressions.
I just wanted to pop in and say how much I enjoy your blog. It's just the sweetest thing to read such an upbeat blog and I honestly like coming here for a smile. You have beautiful girls and you take lovely pictures.
Jenni in Ohio (mom to a 6 year old and 3 year old sons)
I can't believe Annie keeps those shades on her face! You're girls are too cute! I'd love to have seen a photo of them both with their 'hater blockers' on! Haha!
Adorable pics -- as always! But I have two questions -- how do you manage to do such fun activities with nap schedules? I only have one kidlet and can't seem to get out the door because we are always preparing for the next nap!! And second, how do you get the adorable hair bows to stay in Annie's short hair? Too cute!
Have faith in you?!? Of course they do. The proof is in the pictures, girlie! I would so have you take lots and lots of pictures if we were closer. Annie looks great in her
I see Target (my favorite store ever too)! Lulu has those same glasses as Annie, aren't they the cutest??!
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