Today I am thankful to be safely back home. So yeah, the weather didn't cooperate. I got to do ZERO of my sessions in Frederickburg. I woke up early this morning to shower and it was not raining yet, but the sky was black. By the time I was dressed and ready, it was POURING. I mean really, really pouring. Both morning sessions were cancelled and because it was raining so hardly, even if it stopped, the ground was totally soggy and muddy. So, I talked to my families and told them that it just wasn't going to work out. The forecast was for the rain to continue through tomorrow morning, which was when we were supposed to leave, so I packed up the girls and we left this morning. I hate driving in the rain, especially on small highways with no cell phone service. But it looked like we had no choice, so we left. It rained about half of the drive and it felt so great to be home safely.
To say I was bummed about how our little trip went is quite an understatement. I was really looking forward to the mini sessions that were scheduled. There are so many incredible locations to take pictures in F'burg and several of the families had great ideas of where to do our sessions. I was also excited to take pics of my girls in these locations, which we all know didn't happen. I was glad that Lucy was going to have some fun, new things to do, but she was such a grump the entire trip. The whole thing was just a bust. So in 48 hours, we spent 10+ hours in the car and by the end, we were all very grouchy. Liz, thanks so much for having us and hopefully next time will be better. It was still so great to see you guys.
If I can work out a time with my mom to come down and help me with the girls, I am going to try and go back to Fredericksburg soon and get the sessions done. Hopefully we can work that out. I really want to do them.
I hope everyone has a great weekend. I am about to enjoy the silence!!
I pulled over on our drive home to take this picture. I just thought it was cute!

Always love your black and whites. Aiden and I drove home last weekend in the pouring rain. I think the circulation is finally coming back to me knuckles! Hope the next time you make the trip, the weather cooperates!
Sorry about your trip! Maybe next time!
I am so glad you are home safely! Don't like you driving with precious cargo in pouring rain!!! We will definitely work on something so that you can do your sessions and I can help keep girls happy. I do not, however, have any control over the weather. Have to talk to a higher power. Have kept the two guys tonight, and it went so well. Mamie helped me big time with supper and bathing, so I got to have some quality time with both guys! Adam got home in time to give John some good night, too. Golfers had a good day. Holly had a dance recital tonight, and Mamie is babysitting Lilly tonight. Very busy around here! Again, sorry it didn't turn out so well, but I know you loved seeing Liz and kids and visa versa Feel free to call my cell or the house line. Sure do love and miss ya. Kiss the girls for me. I could tell that they were glad to be home, too! Lee Lee
What a complete bummer! I hate that things didn't work out, but I'm glad you're going to try to make it up soon. Get some rest and love on those babies for me.
I hate to hear that your trip didn't go well. I feel bad for you 'cause I know it really bites when you have your hopes up for something and it just goes all wrong. Get some rest and hopefully things will get back to normal.
Lucy Creek! Very cool!
Dude! That stinks! I'm so sorry the weather didn't clear up and that the Lucy didn't cheer up!
Glad you're all home safe, though. Looking forward to the eventual shoot!
Hey there, winner! Congrats on winning iheartfaces this week. Now everyone is beginning to see what we already knew- how talented you are!
i am so sad reading this post. you sound so deflated and discouraged. and i can only imagine how you must have felt. how frustrating. to have the session stuff canceled but also have the kiddo grumpies.
rats for you. totally praying that you can make them up SOON.
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