Today I am thankful for how happy my girls are when Lee Lee is here - or any of their grandparents for that matter. Lucy is just so happy to tell Lee Lee about everything and show her everything. She wants Lee Lee to do everything for her. It really is precious. Even though we live hours from any grandparents, both girls have no problem giving them lots and lots of love, and that makes me very happy.
We had an incredibly busy day today. We went to First Monday, which is a gigantic flea market type thing. It is so much fun to dig through the junk and see what treasures you can find. I was in search of some cute little seats to use for sessions, and I found several things for dirt cheap. They need a little paint, but they are going to be great. We were there for hours. We got home late in the afternoon and everyone rested. Then tonight was Lucy's school's fundraiser Carnival. We ate dinner there, got Lucy a balloon and left. It was crowded and to be perfectly honest, this flu thing is starting to really freak me out.
I have to tell a cute story about Lucy so that I don't forget this one. On Monday when I picked her up from school, the first thing out of her mouth was, "Those other kids weren't listening today, Momma." I asked her if she was listening and she told me "Yes, I listen. Not the other kids though." So when I dropped her off the other morning, I had to ask her teachers about it. They confirmed that the kids were very unruly on Monday. I told them that Lucy said that she did, in fact, listen and I asked if that was true. They told me that Lucy was telling the truth on all accounts. I just died laughing and so did they.
I didn't get my entry up for I Heart Faces this week. It has been too crazy. :( I have two more sessions tomorrow. I can't wait for either. One is another pumpkin adopted from Vietnam and the other is my tiny newborn! Woot woot. Work with me here, weather.
High fives!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Posted by
6:02 PM
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OK, I'll be first, but, could I possibly look younger than 300 years old next photo shoot! We have had a very busy, but great day! Love these pumpkins! Lee Lee
Oh, Lee Lee, you look great! You can tell how much the girls love you. Great pics. We had a huge meeting at school today and now I am pretty freaked about this flu thing. Not for me but for Aiden.
Haven't met you in person, but Kelli, I really like you!!! The flu thing is scary, wash those hands!
I wanted to say that Lucy's balloon is a fishing pole with Nemo on the end! How cute is that! It has since been whittled down in size, serveral popping accidents, but Nemo survived! Lee
I'm so jealous that you went to Canton!! I love going there and digging! Can't wait to see the treasures you found.
Looks like Miss Lucy may turn out to be The Informer! I love it! Hey, at least she was telling the truth, unlike my darling child.
And Lee Lee, I swear I was just thinking how happy you look in those photos! And I never once thought you looked anywhere close to old. Silly Lee Lee!
Great pics of the girls, Kelly. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the weather to cooperate with you for your sessions. Break a leg!
LeeLee - you are nuts! You don't even look old enough to be a grandma!
I'm freaked about the flu, too (all the flus, not just this one!). We are basically staying away from group events until it passes. I'm hoping that all the extreme measures here in TX will mean it dies out sooner.
Love the Lucy story! Reminds me so much of Addy except she's usually at least partly guilty too! heehee.
So glad you girls are enjoying your visit with Lee Lee! Love the story about Lucy reporting on her friends at school about not listening... I have a few little ones in my class who will run right up to other children's parents and tell their mom or dad, "So and so went to time-out today." Even though it is not appropriate, I have to hide my smile!
I really hope that one day you are able to get a picture of Annie smiling! :) Seriously, is she a photographer's daughter, or what?!
as the mommy of the teeny tiny newborn, we have our fingers crossed for good weather too!! Can't wait :) Parker is very excited to meet you Kelly! The Lucy story is a hoot... She is such a character!
Good luck with your sessions!
cute pics! love the bubble! we have it in another pattern that I think you may need. We didn't have the size when you were here b/c I it was out on approval, but i am pretty sure that annie wants it...
hi there,
I have a quick photography question. If you don't mind, could you tell me what aperture you use for pictures like the first one of Annie? I have such a hard time getting an entire face in focus with such a fuzzy background (granted my lens doesn't autofocus) and I try to shoot around 2.5-3.5.
Great pictures as always, your girls are so sweet :) We're off to see Gramma next week and I can't wait for the extra set of hands!
Jenny - That picture has an aperture of 3.2. I will say, my f stop is set on 2.8 almost all of the time. The only time it isn't is when I have two faces in the frame and I want both in focus. It is really hard to get 2 faces in focus at a 2.8 because the depth of field is so shallow. Unless you are super close to your subject, you should be able to get the entire face in focus at 2.8 or higher. The manual focus probably makes that a little more difficult though.
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