Have I ever mentioned how much I love that dimple?!?!

Today I am thankful for girls night out. I had my playgroup moms night out tonight and I always love it. I have really needed a break since we have barely left the house for a while with all of the sickness. Dinner was yummy, drinks were had, and conversation was excellent. Thanks for a great time girls. I found out that 3 of the moms there have blogs that I didn't even know about!!!!!!! Let's just say I was not pleased. We all know I could use a few more blogs to read. :) I have you marked girls so you can't hide any more!
Good news - Annie's nose seemed a million times better today. She was still running a low grade fever, but she seems to feel fine and definitely has gotten some relief. Lucy seemed better as well, just grouchy. I am telling you, when this girl doesn't feel 100%, she lets the whole world know about it.
I have a funny story. Laurie, you were the first person I thought of when this happened since you just told a funny poop story on your blog and I commented that I didn't have any to share. Well now I do. We took the girls to the mall today. I was still searching for the perfect clothes for their pictures. We had been there for a while and stopped in Neimans on the way out to look at their kids section. I was paying when I saw this go down. Lucy was out of the stroller and had just been walking around. She looked like a mess anyway because we had made her try on some clothes in another store. So her hair was everywhere. I am sure you can imagine the little, proper old ladies that work in Neimans. I doubt they were amused by our little rugrat on the loose, touching everything. That is beside the point. As I was paying, Lucy had just ran off and was standing perfectly still by a rack of clothes. I knew she was pooping. At that exact moment, I see one of the ladies who works there walking over to talk to Lucy. First and foremost, Lucy does not really talk to strangers. At all, but especially if I am not right by her. But secondly, she does not talk to ANYONE when she is pooping. She doesn't like to be looked at or acknowledged. She wants privacy. So, the lady walks over and says, "Hi there. You sure are pretty." At which point, Lucy shouts, "NO!!! I'M POOPIN!" Loudly. I am already running over there at this point trying to get her to stay quiet. When she sees me coming she yells, "NO MOMMA! I'M POOPIN!" multiple times. I tell her it is okay and to please not yell about it and then she shouts, "I'M NOT DONE YET! I'M POOPIN!" The lady was actually really sweet and just kind of pretended like nothing happened. We gathered our things and left. Quickly and quietly. I was just so embarrassed by how loudly she was yelling and how shocked the woman who went over to tell her she was pretty was. Poor lady. It was so very funny though.
Be sure and check back tomorrow. I am doing a giveaway for some really cute bibs for a friend!! You will love them.

This is the look she gave me when I asked her how she was going to smile for our pictures on Thursday. HA! Good luck with that one Jen.

i am first leelee....haha!
OK==robbed of being first!! And I had to wake PaPa up to hear the pooping story! I am crying, and just wish to all wishes that I could have been there to see you handling all this!!! What goes around comes around!!!!!!! Also wish I was there for pics. Just please let me know asap as to how they went!! You will all look awesome. Hope Annie's fever decides to vacate the premises tomorrow. I'm ready for all of you to be well at the same time! Glad you had a fun night out. I had a tennis match, got absolutely killed, and then afterwards had a very strange conversation with one of my opponents! Tell you about that tomorrow. Hugs and kisses to all, Lee Lee
Tell the Goose to watch for the mailman tomorrow for her surprise. (And no, it's not much!)
I can't wait to see your family pics when you get them taken. I bet they will beautiful as you have a beautiful family! The Lucy Story made me LOL and after the past week, I really needed to laugh. Kids are just so darned funny, gotta love it!
P.S. I love your blog and also have been watching the LaLa blog, your photography always inspires me so much! Thanks for the inspiration.
Oh goodness, the pooping story is a hoot!
First of all, I'm glad Annie is finally feeling a little better. It's amazing how much better one feels when one can actually breathe, isn't it. Hopefully Lucy will be grouch-free by tomorrow.
And, oh my gosh, about the poopin' story... I just posted one of my own, but it's not nearly as good as this one. A girl DOES need her privacy, though, so I can hardly blame Lucy. Of course, if you need privacy, why do you want to announce to everybody and their brother what you're doing? Things that make you go hmmm.
And last, but not least, a message to Lee Lee. I personally think you should have your own blog. You really leave good comments... please don't get me wrong... but I think it's actually the tiniest bit cruel to tease us with hints about a strange conversation with a tennis opponent. :-)
That is the cutest story ever! SO FUNNY!
LOVE that story. i can see those ladies in there right now! haha! awesome.
Great poop story! Congrats! You almost made it to potty training without one but Lucy blessed you. :) Seriously that's a hilarious story. Addy is the same way. She has to have the light off, no one can be near her in the bathroom when she's doing her business.
OK I love that story. I could just SEE it happening. Way to go Lucy!!!
LMAO!!!! Gotta love a good poop story!!! I can not wait to see the pics!
LOVE the poop story! Made me laugh out loud! Don't you love the things the kids say???
oh that is a great story! Parenthood-never a dull moment! great first pic of Annie in B & W!
That is such a cute story! I would have been red faced! I am sure you handled it well! Your girls are so PRECIOUS! I love looking at their pictures and seeing the way you dress them!
OMG...can't stop laughing at the poop story. Too funny. Oh, love Lucy's special smile for her photo shoot too! Good luck
That poopin' story is hilarious!
Too funny Kell! Would've killed to see you in that situation!
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