Today I am thankful for Annie's last day before she turns 1 year old. Our little bitty has a big birthday tomorrow, and I just can't believe it. I am working on a big update post for her. We do have her 1 year check up tomorrow. I hate that it is on her actual birthday, but she needs to get checked on anyway just to make sure nothing is happening in her ears. I think I am in denial that I now have to tell everyone who asks that she is one. At least she is still really small and I can keep pretending she is just my little bitty! At some point I think she may get tired of me treating her like a baby, but she doesn't mind yet so I will just keep being in denial. :) I am hoping that the snot will let up a little tomorrow so that I can get some cute birthday pictures of her. Lucy and I made some cupcakes today, so maybe she will try a little taste now that she has made a couple of eating breakthroughs! I am hoping.
I am super pumped because Mandy and I am going to the Britney concert today. Yes, I LOVE me some Britney and I could not be more excited about seeing her perform tonight. Don't even think about giving me crap about this! Our tickets almost fell through, but thank goodness they came through, literally at the last minute. I think Mandy might have never recovered from missing Britney. I think she might have shed a tear when I called her at 4:30 today to say we were going. We had both just kind of assumed we weren't getting to go. I will be back with a full report tomorrow!! But for now, It's Britney, ______!! (trying to keep it clean around here - Lee Lee would be all over me if I cussed)
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
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12:07 PM
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SHUT UP!!! You get to see Britney? I am not even joking - I'm super, super jealous!!!! All of my workouts begin with, "It's Britney, B____." And then I think about how awesome it would be to look like she did with the whole snake draped all over her, and then I run out of breath and realized it'll never happen....Oh man, I'm jealous. Have a great time!
I love today's photos. So sweet.
Happy Birthday Annie girl! Those pics of you two are just precious...did Justin take them? Hurry up and tell us all about Brit's Circus!
That's right, girl. Little Ladies DO NOT use bad words! Any other siblings listening????? The pics today are great! Justin?? I know one gal that must have been ecstatic about making some cup cakes! Annie looks like a happy camper. Hope her check out goes well and that her ears are clear. You and Mandy have a great night out--try not to be thrown out. Love and kisses, Lee Lee Justin, I assume you are on duty. Have fun with your gals!
I am totally in to Biggest Loser.
Um, I would love to see Brit too!! Hope that it is a blast, and we need some updates in here tomorrow! Happy B-day Miss Annie!
I am just in love with those pictures of you and Annie together - just awesome! And Happy Early Birthday Annie - I can't believe it, a year already. Have fun at the concert - I'm sure it'll be entertaining in one form or another!
Happy Early Birthday, Annie! I love the pics of you and the little birthday girl-to-be--SOOO precious.
Oh My Goodness!! I'm super jealous that you get to see Britney! I always had faith in her and held out for her big comeback!!! Also, I love the pictures of Lucy in this post! She is absolutely gorgeous...and as for Annie growing up, every girl knows that no matter how old we get we are always going to be our mommas little girls...and babies forever...
Love the pictures of you and Annie. - And my little squirt will be 4 years old next month, but she's still my little baby. Although she does like to pretend to be all grown up, she can't resist when I baby her... cuddling, smooching and talking baby talk to her. :)
It's wonderful to see so many pics of you and your little bitty. I love them. I also love how serious Miss Lucy is about licking the beater and the spoon.
I'll be thinking about Annie tomorrow, and I hope the doctor's appointment goes well. I can't believe that sweet girl will be ONE!
I love the pics of you and Annie. Isn't it great to finally have pictures that YOU are in!!! I am totally there with you on being in denial that our babies are 1. Mine will be 1 on Apr. 12 and I also still treat her like a baby but b/c she is to me. She's very small for her age and I just love it b/c she still feels like my baby. Her daddy will be home for a visit from Iraq for her b-day and I think it will help him to feel like she's still his baby too and that he hasn't missed out on so much of her growth. Have a joyful day celebrating Annie!
Beeotch!!! You know I loved it! You'll have an awesome time! (that's not considered swearing, right?)
BTW: She randomly yelled, "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" at our concert. Girl is not right! :)
I am so jealous!!!! I love Britney! Lucky lucky you!
K also a Brit lover! I cant help it! BUT if you ever get your hands on some JT tickets I will insist on you taking ME! haha Happy Birthday sweet little Annie! Cant wait for the photos of her sucking the frosting of her little fingers!!
I can't wait to see Annie's first taste of her birthday cupcake, specially made by her sister,and Lucy is adorable,seems enjoying her cooking task immensely. The series pictures of Mama and Annie are stunning, Daddy is doing a good job as a photographer.
ok you know I am sooooo jealous you are seeing Britney. Have a great time and give Annie a big happy birthday kiss from me and Gracie.
happy bday annie!!!!!!!! i LOVE the pics of you two! so so cute! hope the check up goes well today! can't wait to hear about the big night!
I'm going to be the lone voice of reason and laugh at you, ok? :) Seriously have fun! And happy birthday to your big girl. I can't believe she is one already! Sniff. I can't handle how fast time flies.
Went and saw Brittany in Atlanta it was AWESOME!!
You freakin crack me up Kell!! Really, you kill me! Have a blast!
are you fir ril?
yes, yes you are!
have fun crazy lady!
I totally get trying to hold on to Annie's age. Two weeks ago someone asked me how old he was and I told them he was 9 months even though he was going to be 10 months in 2 days!
Enjoy the concert! Hopefully you'll be taking some photos.
well, oh my. how radiant are you?
these pictures of you and your girl? are breathtaking. good work to whoever was behind the lens.
and i'd like to take a bite out of your oldest. so. darn. cute.
hope you feel better really soon. so we can catch up. and i can hear all about britney.
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