Sweet baby's teeth are creating massive amounts of drool.
Today I am thankful for Annie's occupational therapist. Today was therapy day and it went so well. I have been working on some stuff with Annie at home, but have still had a really hard time getting her to do most of the things. It is amazing to watch S (the therapist) get Annie to do so much with no fuss at all. In particular, I am supposed to be working on getting Annie to get from laying down to sitting up and vice versa. Sounds easy enough, you would think. But the girl does not want to bend her legs or bend at the waist. She fights it so hard and gets really upset when you push her. But S can magically fold her legs under her and up she goes. Don't get me wrong, it is still not easy, but it is nothing like it is when I try to do it. I am still working with her on understanding that it is okay to not have her legs extended straight forward in a locked position, side by side. We are working on getting her to sit up with one leg bent. I asked why S thinks Annie has the food issues and the severe stiffness and she said her guess would be that the reflux made her eating experiences in the orphanage really unpleasant and she started putting up her guard as her protection. That makes sense to me. Annie got to do this swing thing today and she seriously sat on it with her mouth in the widest smile the entire time. Could she be any happier? I really think that S likes working with my girl. And, it was nice to meet you today Stacey! There was another OT there today that recognized Annie from the blog!
Justin is really, really sick. Please pray for his quick healing. He went to the doctor today and was diagnosed with the flu and an upper respiratory infection. Not good at all. He is on a strong antibiotic for the URI and got some good cough medicine. He is really miserable. Please also pray that the rest of us don't get this. I don't think this house could function if we all came down with this. Justin has been quarantined in our room, so maybe the germs are contained. I have been sleeping with Lucy to be safe, thank goodness!
Thanks for all of the kind comments about my crappy day yesterday. I really appreciated them all! I do feel better today, but still a bit overwhelmed. The good news is, I had a newborn photo session today that went well. I LOVE cuddly, snuggly tiny newborns. She was so great the whole time. I will put a peek on here after I have the chance to work on them. I know there were some cute ones.
Okay, I am off to get some work done. Have a great night!
Monday, March 02, 2009
Posted by
7:03 PM
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I LOVE THE FOOT PICTURE!!!! I am one of the wierd ones who absolutely adores feet, and that one is PERFECT!!!!
I hope Justin starts feeling better! As always, praying for all ya'll!!!
Kelly--old people cannot, I repeat cannot stay up this late to see the newest pics of the grand girls. I am so glad that Justin got to the doc and is started on some meds. Tell him that I hope he starts feeling better asap. Can we all say Lysol??? I can't wait to learn some of the therapy stuff. It just has me so excited for Annie. Both girls look well and happy. Glad the photo shoot was fun. Nothing like a little tiny pumpkin! I called to ask about everyone, but got screened. Talk about being BEHIND the back burner. Hope you all have a restful night. Love and kisses, Lee Lee
Your girls could seriously not any cuter if they tried!! LOVE the foot picture as well!!
look at you with all your "gotta go get some work done." i love it so much.
and this? "I really think that S likes working with my girl." who wouldn't?
totally praying for justin. tonight. on the double. and praying for ALL of the girls too.
am specifically praying for you guys the prayer big h, goo, and i say every night.
"dear jesus. build a wall of protection around our home, our beds, our bodies, and our hearts. and give us an amazing night's rest from the minute our head hits the pillow until late in the morning."
it's not copyrighted or patented, so feel free to use it.
love you, friend.
I hope Justin feels better, and I REALLY hope no on else gets it! Oh. I remembered another photo I loved that fit in with the messy theme...I loved when Lucy dyed Easter eggs and the colors were all over her hands!
Oh geez, I REALLY hope you and the girls do not get the flu. From a medical standpoint, I'm curious about the antibiotics, as URI symptoms are classically part of the flu. Either way, it's probably going to be a long and painful course if it is, in fact, true flu. Lots and lots of hand washing. Poor Justin!
I meant to comment on the post before this one to say that we all have days like that! I hope the rest of the week starts looking up for you guys. I can't wait to see pictures from your newborn shoot.
Kelly - my favorite picture is Annie with all the drool. :) That is so precious in black & white!!! Your girls are absolutely gorgeous. Can't wait to see your newborn shots...
You're in my prayers this week - I'm glad it's going well with the therapist, and hope Justin is back to himself soon.
That foot picture is adorable! I just need to come your way for Aiden's next photo shoot. You do great work! I am gald Annie is making progress with the OT. Still thinking of you and hoping Justin feels better very soon!
So sorry Justin is sick and hope he feels better soon. Stay away Germies!!!
So glad the OT went well and hope you have some progress soon.
Yay for your photo session! Can't wait to see the photos. I have my first one this weekend. Yikes!
I'm so glad the therapy is proving helpful for sweet Annie. I hope Jason is better soon, and no one else gets it!! Love the tootise picture, and the bubbles are sweet too. Exciting that you got to do a newborn session, can't wait to see!
I'm so glad the OT went well again! I have a toddler crawling on me to my comment is quick today! love the pics!
I hope Justin feels better soon! Just wanted to mention that I tried the parmesan chicken recipe -it was awesome. Thanks for posting the link.
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