Today I am thankful for my awesome, incredible, spectacular, fabulous, and super duper new camera. Yes, I said new camera. I got a Nikon D700 today. I also got the lens that I have been dying to have - the 24-70mm 2.8. I am blown away by the camera and lens so far. The reason why I have wanted an upgraded body (I have been shooting a D200 which is a great camera) is because my D200 limited me from being able to increase my ISO much at all. If I got to an ISO over 400, the pictures started having so much noise that I hated them. As long as you are outside or in a really well lit home, this is fine. You shouldn't need your ISO above 400 that often, but there are definitely times when you have less than ideal lighting conditions and I either had to use my external flash (a Nikon SB600 - which I am a HUGE fan of) or I just missed out on the shot. The D700 is known for its low noise at high ISOs. Now, when I go to shoot a newborn indoors, I don't have to stress so much about the amount of light coming in the house. I can crank up the ISO and know that the pictures will still be usable, which has not been the case in the past. For those of you just learning, you want to keep your ISO on the lowest possible setting you can to still get the shot in sharp focus. I keep my ISO on 200 most of the time. No matter what camera you have, you will start seeing noise show up in your pictures as you increase the ISO. I LOVE the lens. It is crisp, the bokeh is beautiful, and it is really fast. It is HUGE though. And so heavy. It is going to take some getting used to for sure. My thoughts are that I need the proper equipment to do my job correctly, and I feel 100 times more confident now. In honor of my new camera and lens, every single picture in this post are straight out of the camera. Not a single post process done on any of them. Pretty amazing, huh?
I waited at the door for my camera to get here all morning. I was so impatient while I waited. It finally came at 1:30 - right in time to put my models down for nap. :( I have never wanted them to get up from their nap so badly. Once they were up, we went to another lake by our house with ducks. I am determined to find cool places to take pictures. I am so tired of taking them at my house or the park. This is a big goal of mine. I was so desperate for something different today that I lugged our antique purple chair outside by myself. I love those chairs and hope to use them in pictures a lot some day. I plan on reading my Digital Field Guide tonight and playing around with the camera. Yeah! It is going to be a fun weekend!
I have avoided even talking about this because I swear I am in denial about it - but on March 1st, Annie turned 11 months old. I, quite literally, cannot deal with the fact that she is going to be a year old already. I want her to stay just like she is for a lot longer. All she does is smile, coo, talk, giggle, snuggle, and make everyone around her so very happy. I don't want her to get too busy for me! In less than a month, I will have to start telling people that she is a year old. I am just not ready for her to be a year. The time we have had with her has flown by. I had to mention this today though because she did two things today that made me so proud of her. First, she went from the sitting position to laying down position twice without falling or getting upset. This has never happened before today. If she went from sitting to laying it was because she fell over. Not today though. This is huge! And then, Mandy and Anna were over for lunch today and I looked over at Annie and said hi to her and she plain as day, said the sweetest, "ma ma" you have ever heard. I think Mandy and I both almost cried. It was amazing. So glad I had a witness here. In the past week she has figured out how to get from point a to point b without crawling. She does a butt scoot in the sitting position and can now get all the way across the room. I promise to get it on video soon. She became so determined when she started noticing the dog bowls. She will do anything to get to those bowls. I hope she will start crawling soon. She wants to move so badly when she is on her tummy, she just can't quite figure it out. We will get there, pumpkin, I promise!
Hope you all have a great weekend. Lots of pictures today. I am sure you can imagine that I took just a few. I am sure there will be a lot over the next several days! :)
Not a thing done to make her eyes sparkle or her skin tone perfect. Just shot in manual and this is how she looked. I am honestly blown away.
The richness of the colors is shocking to me.
One of my all time favorites of this silly girl.
Friday, March 06, 2009
Posted by
6:30 PM
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My mother's hub has the d700..awesome camera....jealous! have fun with it
Too funny. My new baby is in the mail too. Yup. Got the d700 also. Too bad you live too far for a play date. I feel like it is way more of a camera than I need right now...but I don't want to upgrade for a long, LONG time.
No new camera talk from me--but ah, the pictures are awesome!!! Looks like you gals had another wonderful day. Your nose sounds like it's getting icky--so take care. Nothing like wearing your pretty dress and emerald shoes to feed the ducks!! And nothing like dragging the furniture all over the yard, but must admit that the purple makes for a great background. Hugs and kisses to all--Justin, how are you feeling? Better, I hope. XOXOXOXOXO Lee Lee
I've been anticipating this post and it didn't disappoint! Love the photos, every one. Please...tell me I don't need a d700 yet. Just lie to me and tell me my camera is just fine! hee hee
What's the story with the purple chairs? Love them!
Yay for Annie's progress! And a year old next month? I don't think so!
Congrats on the new camera and the new business. I finally got a chance to look at your website and I love it! You're truly a natural photographer, I think. You just needed a certain little daughter to get you started. :-)
Great shots with the new camera! Lucky you!
I couldn't help but notice Annie's bent legs in ALL the photos! No stiff legs in these! That's fantastic, obviously the therapy is paying off. Yay for Annie!
I told Dad that I was noticing Annie's legs being bent, too! Also, her mohawk in the tree pic--love it! And the Goose, is of course, beautiful! Mom
Yes, it is so very sad when your baby starts to show signs of growing up. I so remember those days with my middle and am living them now with my baby. At least it is so much fun watching them advance that it makes the sadness a bit less so.
The picture quality looks brilliant! Of course your talent is just as beautiful. Love reading and looking at your blog daily. Thanks for sharing all you do with us!
Thanks for the ISO tips...I was playing with my ISO settings today and having a hard time getting rid of the noise. I'll try what you suggested.
I have to say that Annie has one of the best smiles I've's just infectious.
The pictures are beautiful...
OH MY GOODNESSS! I've been busy and haven't had a chance to stop by in a few days, and look what I missed! So much exciting stuff going on in your world - CONGRATS!
I am thrilled for you and your business and know you will be a huge success. You have an amazing eye, and an even more amazing spirit - THAT is what sets you apart from the rest! The website looks fab.
Congrats on the new camera, too. I admit a bit of envy. ;o) I have the same noise problems with my D80. These SOOC images are incredible...awesome color, and you are nailing exposure.
Eeek! So thrilled for you!
Great pictures! I don't post much, with 4 kids, I don't get much time on the computer. Love the pictures of the girls. I noticed that Annie's legs don't look as stiff. Looks like she is making progress! Congrats on your new camera!
Hi, I've been following your blog and your daughters are soooo beautiful. I enjoy seeing and reading your blog everyday. My daughter has a love for photography. She also just got a new camera and is starting her business with just finishing her website. Take a See my cute grandsons!
Oh such sweet pictures! Have fun with your new camera!!! ;) I am still trying to figure out the one I got for Christmas. And way to go Annie!!! Keep it up! And it's a small world....I met Mandy & her family at Dillon Heritage Day in Dallas last weekend! We adopted through Dillon as well....They have a beautiful family & she is so sweet! I need to get my camera out today! Thanks for the inspiration! :)
Heather M.
Mommy to 3 from VN!
Wow, D700. Now that's high speed. I felt like a princess when I got my D40x- obvious newbie here!
And, is that a bent leg or two I see on Annie? I think the therapy is working. Good job, you guys!
The girls look beautiful! Congratulations on your new business venture. I think you will be quite successful.
I went to a seminar once by an amazing photographer -- Nicole Hill. She said she doesn't post process. Period. She challenges people to work on taking great photos and post process only to add artistic effects but not to fix other things.
I think you've taken that challenge and then some! Your photos are beautiful.
And I love the purple chairs!
Congratulation on your website and your new camera! It is hard to imagine that your pictures could possibly be any better. I have always loved them, with the D40, the D200 and now the new ones! Your website is just perfect. I really like it and I hope you'll find many customers!!!
FABULOUS!!! You speak a foreign language when you speak camera talk but I am trying to keep up and learn more so that my shots will get better! Love the purple chairs outside and how awesome to have that lake so close. I cant believe Annie is already 11 months WOW what a couple of sweeties they are!
I have a Nikon D40 and was wondering how you take pictures in natural light while objects (or children!) are moving around. They always end up blurry if there is the least movement. Is there a way to fix that? I know it has a lot to do with lighting and if there is not very much natural light then it blurs even worse. Let me know what you do about this because I'm sure Lucy and Annie move a lot while you're taking pics. Thanks!!
just catching up on the blog after a few days- we are in houston visiting family- LOVE this weather! your website looks fabulous and your pictures have always been amazing but wow- that d700 is awesome! have fun with it!!!
i love the new camera. i can tell a difference. congrats on your photog business. i'd hire you in a heartbeat if you lived nearby. i wish you and the success in the world!
Those are amazing pictures!
congrats on your new camera! those are amazing shots already! you must be in heaven! have fun with it!
Who said "Squirrels are just oversized rats with cuter outfits on"????????????? LeeLee
OMG I am so in awe of that camera. Seriously I can not even imagine pics like that coming SOOC. So which do you think made the eyes so sparkling and the tone so perfect? The body or the lens? Could you get such great pics with the 50 too? And are you auto-focusing? I am so totally drooling!
SO proud of your girl. She's getting raelly big, it is super sad. I get that totally.
Yep those pics are awesome. And WTG Annie, that is some great progress!
oh friend. i am over the moon excited for you.
the 700? is awesome. in love with it. and what it produces. and the girl behind it all is pretty fun too. :)
seriously. awesome.
want to play soon?
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