Today I am thankful for other moms who can relate. Thanks for the support girls, and making me KNOW that I am not the only one who goes through these days. So, I would like to say to all of you mommas out there, I know what you do. Even though lots of the little details that you do go unnoticed, I know that if you didn't do those things life at your home would not be so pleasant. Keep up the good work! You are doing an awesome job.
Let's see. Today we got up and Lucy and I made waffles. The girl loves to help. Loves it. Every time she sees me doing something, she declares, "I help momma, okay?" I try and let her do anything in the kitchen that does not involve a hot stove. She is the official mixer and measurer. I swear, if I let her measure and mix all day, she would be perfectly content. I feel like I should get this off of my chest, but I have totally failed at my Lent resolutions. I did great for several weeks and then I fell apart. I am not proud. Moving on. After making breakfast, eating, and cleaning up, it was time for Annie's nap. After she went down, I got cleaned up and ran a few errands on my own. It was nice to get out for a while on my own. Not much else happened today. We played outside all afternoon again. It was lovely.
We are doing something SO SO SO fun tomorrow. I can't wait. So, tomorrow's post will be a fun one. Until then, I must run. Have to go and get ready for tomorrow.
Whoever invented this thing is an absolute genius. Seriously.
Hello sun flare. Oh how I love thee.
Lucy and I were outside playing a game of hide and seek. I had Justin take over my roll so that I could take some pictures because Lucy loved it so much.
I saw this bird's egg in one of our flower beds. I showed it to Lucy and it was all she could think of for the rest of the night. She would yell, "I go check on egg. I not touch it, okay." She seriously looked at that egg for so long and she had to keep checking on it over and over.
Love all of these sun rays.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Posted by
7:15 PM
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Beautiful photos today. And I am truly in awe of how you have kept up with this for 77 consecutive days! Damn girl, I don't know how you get it all done. Bravo! :)
Hello Kelly. My wife and I are from (French speaking) Quebec City, Canada. We also adopted a year ago (most wonderful now 2 years old boy from Kazakhstan) and we are once again in the process of adopting another baby (girl) once again in KZ. We are thankful we (actually my wife did!) found you. Your Blog is a real source of inspiration and offers a fresh look at different aspects of life. And your pictures...WOW!!! I also have my own business (convention planning) so I know what you're going through. Best of luck to you! And I'm telling you, should you ever move to Quebec City (beware of snow!!!), I will certainly hire you as our official photographer. On a more personal basis, I've been reading your Blog with Kim (my wife) and I was telling her "This woman could easily be one of best lady friend" because you seem to have simliar personalities. So keep on writing and clicking Kelly. Cheers! Jean, Kim and Noah
i ALWAYS adore your pictures!!! Today, my favories are the one of Lucy on her tricycle and her counting for hide and seek!!! I hope that when you sell your house you don't move too far so that I can take advantage of your photography skills!!!!! Thanks as always for your daily posts!!!
I love the new pics! Where can I get the popsicle holder, that is awesome!?
Kelly Belly--great pics! So funny that you all are into playing hide and seek! I played that with John a million times and he would always say, "I'll hide right here, Lee Lee, and then you come find me!!" Or, if Holly could not get him to reveal his hiding place, he would hide while I counted and then whistle! Crazy! But they do love it. Everyone looks very happy today! Awesome! Sleep well, talk to you again tomorrow. Love and kisses, Lee Lee
I always love your pics but I'm really loving the ones lately of you and Justin with the girls. That's something I don't do on our end hardly at all and I regret it (though almost always hate pics of myself). I always wished I had more pics of my dad and I, so I really enjoy seeing others do that. So easy to always get of just the girls, but so important over the long-term to get mom and dad in there too!
Love the rays!! I also love the pic with Justin and Annie she looks so teensie under his legs..darling!! And thanks for the shout out to all us moms who often go unthanked!!
Okay... so do you have any idea how much I enjoy looking at your daily photos before I go to bed every night? :) Wish it was green and warm here. I only dare let my daughter outside for photos for 5-10 minutes at a time because it's still so cold.
I love the ones of Annie in the rocking chair today. :)
Looks like such a warm and fun time.
I saw those ice pop holders, thought about it and didn't buy. Wasn't sure they would work but now I have ordered some for the girls. I am soo sick of them ruining their clothes due to pops!
Love the sun flare. I am a fan myself.
Beautiful photos! Boy, I wish the warm weather would hurry up and get to MD. I'm so jealous! Lucy is getting so big. Love the photo of her sitting on her bike.
Sun flare is really beautiful. I have always enjoyed it. I need to learn how to do it better. Your pictures are beautiful. Thanks for the opinion on the popsicle holder. We need one of those over here.
Oh my gosh! I am in love with the pic of Justin & Annie with the trike. LOVE. IT.
Also, I know this was said yesterday, but regarding that post... you are completely normal.
the vintage one of lucy on the tricycle? I'll take one of those to go please. Preferably in at least a 20x24. Or bigger. That's fine. And Annie's dress? I would take one of those but I don't have a 1yo anymore. Rats.
I love these. Loved your sentiments about yesterdays post.
And of course, can't wait to see todays post. Yippee!
You're so much fun. And I second whoever said that they liked seeing you and justin in picture. Am loving that.
Hey there! Just catching up on your posts the past couple days-so unlike me I know but I had a sick little girl!
First, the pics are absolutely AMAZING! I honestly am blown away by the different lighting, sun rays and smiles you catch! so much fun to look at! the pics of the dandelions etc are perfect! loved those. And in general sounds like it's been a fun week. And second, on the post where you were asking us moms if we can relate-oh there are days! But, I guess that's what makes us such great moms eh? Ok, may have just tooted the horn, but that's ok sometimes right?? You do such an awesome job of making every day so special for your girls. You seem to fill each day with fun activities-what's better than quality time with mommy right?
ok, that's enough out of me! can't wait to read thursday's post!
I just wanted to tell you that I absolutely love your pictures!! You are very talented and have inspired me to try and educate myself more on my DSLR. Your girls are gorgeous and are perfect little models! Keep the great photos coming!
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