Today I am thankful for the time that Annie and I shared late last night. As I mentioned yesterday, her teeth are definitely bothering her. She was sleeping really restlessly last night. I had to go in about 30 minutes after she went to sleep and give her some Motrin because she was so upset. After that, she was sleeping, but I would occasionally hear her cry out one quick cry and then go right back to sleep. I didn't have to go in for these because she was going right back to sleep. Around midnight I heard her in there kind of talking, not crying, just this weird kind of talking. Normally, I would not go in there because she was not upset, but I was wide awake and I kind of just wanted to snuggle her. So I went in and she got all excited, like she would when I go in for her after nap or first thing in the morning. Normally, I would be not pleased about this because it means she is wide awake, but I just didn't care. I was pretty much that happy to see her too. So I picked her up, sat down in the rocking chair with her, and she proceeded to do everything she could to keep me smiling. I LOVE how whenever she is talking in the middle of the night it is this raspy, quiet, whispering type of voice. The sound of those coos and goos she does just kills me. So I rocked her and she stared right into my eyes smiling and cooing for about 20 minutes. It was shocking to me when I looked at the clock and realized 20 minutes had gone by because it seems liked only a few moments. I was just talking back to her telling her over and over how much we love her and how blessed we are to get to spend every day with her. I told her how wonderful of a child she is and how the world is such a better place with her in it. Her smile would get wider and wider as I talked. I am such a dork, but I actually teared up talking to her and just watching her be her perfect, loving little self. After about 20 minutes, I could tell she was getting really tired again, so I stopped talking and just stared at her while rocking and rubbing her hair. She loves to have her head or ears rubbed. Within a few minutes she drifted right off. I rocked her a little longer and then laid her down. I am so thankful that I decided to go in there and be with her because I know I didn't have to - she would have gone back to sleep on her own. But it was one of the single best moments I have had with her. It is so easy to get wrapped up in how busy we are and how much we need to get done or should be doing and miss moments like this. We should all try to not miss these moments because they don't last. They are gone all too quickly. I find myself being irritated that she is waking up in the night, but I need to remember that it is good that she needs us. That she wants to be snuggled and rocked. It is good. I am not too busy or too tired to love on my babies. Ever. They need my love and I desperately need theirs.
Another dreary, rainy, and really cold day here. Yuck. So ready for this to pass. We never have this many days in a row of weather like this, so I am SO ready for it to be done. It is supposed to be yucky again tomorrow and then nice on Sunday. I can't wait. So very few pictures again today. They are from our regular Friday lunch at Chick Fil A with Mandy and her kiddies.
Our huge neighborhood St. Patty's Day party is tomorrow. Normally the weather is incredible. I am sad it is going to be so gross.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Posted by
7:16 PM
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First to comment??? WOW!!
Lucy's dress is SO SO SOOOO cute. is that a Matilda Jane? we don't carry that line...
anyway, love and miss you all. I will be there SO SOON!!! get excited :)
I got to talk to John on the phone tonight, and it was the cutest thing ever. Loved it. Kiss everyone for me. Hope Justin is back to himself. I had to laugh in your last post when someone called him "Jason," why is that so common for him???? hahaha love ya!
DOG PICTURES. And I really liked the ones with Lucy's long legs with the cool lens :)
is she wearing a Nicki dress?
It is beyond cute!
Kelly I enjoyed this post so much. I am really glad that you had that special time with Annie. As always Lucy & Annie look adorable!
I just blogged two dresses I made my girls that are very similar to Lucy's. Wow, I must be doing something right because she always looks so good!
I hope Justin is getting better. My husband was sick for two weeks last month and it was awful. The kids wanted him to play like normal, I wanted them to stay away and not catch it. It's no fun when daddy is under the weather.
um, hello? we went to CFA today too. (or as big h calls it "sick pool yay.)
i'm impressed that you got those pictures. i didn't take a single one today. and nothing yesterday.
friend, i have some bad news. i think my pictures everyday are over. i can't do it.
but i will continue to encourage you, ok? :)
and look at your little punkin in jeans? she looks darling.
and i'm not sure i can comment on your midnight time with annie without tearing up. luckily, no one is here watching me. kelly, you worded it all so beautifully. your girls are so blessed to have you as their mommy. you cherish them and it shows. and they will know it. i love rocking time. and i am so glad for you that your night was so wonderful with her.
want to get together soon?
how's justin?
Kelly, I totally get the tearing up while loving on your baby in the dark. At least once a day, my eyes tear up when I am talking about him or talking to him. I love to hold him close and bury my face in his neck and memorize his scent. He makes me smile so much--more than I have ever laughed in my life.
I am really trying to hold on to these moments and not let them slip away. Your description of the time with your daughter is beautiful.
Hopefully the weather will improve so you can enjoy the neighborhood party and Justin can start feeling like himself again!
I love that you got such a sweet moment with her how perfect!
I had a moment like this rocking with Owen the other day - I had tears in my eyes the entire time. It's such a wonderful, bonding thing to do with your child!
I love the pictures - as always. :)
Oh, I need a tissue! Love this post and so very true. We need to slow down because our little ones won't. Grab those simple moments. They're usually the sweetest.
Wow!!! Thanks for the beautiful reminder!!! I cherish my kids with my whole heart, but it is so easy to get wrapped up in the business of life and forget to savor the little moments. I have an almost 10 year old, a 6 year old and our Gracie (2) from VN, and I can say it has gone by way too fast. Oh, what I would give to rock my big 10 year old baby now!
Oh, Kelly, your post about Annie last night brought tears to my eyes! Kinda weird, but Ellie and I had a very similar night (although I don't have a rocking chair so I had to stand and do the mommy "sway"). I agree - never thought having to get up in the middle of the night could make me happy!
Time with our little ones is so short. They grow up way too fast that I sometimes wish I could freeze time. I love that you had that special time with Annie last night. She sure sounds like such a JOY.
Love the pictures of the girls. Annie looks great in the hat, and Lucy always looks so precious.
So sweet! I love moments like that!!
I got and e-mail with the subjsct line "WOW!!" from my sister-in-law this morning. It just said "i linked to "lucy in the sky with diamonds" blog from your blog and her pictures are AMAZING!!"
Anyway...thought I would share it with you!
Not dorky at all! At least I hope not, because just the other day I found myself tearing up at the very same thing. All of our kids are so amazing and we are all so blessed, how could we not tear up thinking about how wonderful they are and how much they bring to our lives? They are amazing little people. Love Lucy's dress!
awesome post. love that you had such a perfect bonding time with Annie. there is nothing better i know!
love that last picture-awesome lighting!
You worded your middle-of-the-night snuggle time so perfectly and pretty muched summed up a few of my nights. Those are precious moments that we'll always cherish. I love the last picture of Annie too. The lighting and contrast are outstanding. Oh, I also immediately recognized Lucy's Matilda Jane dress. We have the tank apron dress and I can't wait for my dd to wear it once it gets warm (and so I can take pics).
Dork? Are you kidding me? at least one of my kids make me tear up every single day. AND, the other night when it was 12:30am and Linhsey hadn't come in my bed yet....I went in and scooped her up!
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