Today I am thankful for Annie's long nap this afternoon. It was a nice break. I have not had a great day at all. Justin is really sick - high fever and didn't get out of the bed kind of sick. I am not feeling great but am nothing like him. It has just been a long day. I feel stressed out on a lot of levels. I hate feeling stressed out, but I do. I do not function well under stress. The girls and I never even got out of pjs today, which was actually really nice. It wasn't worth the effort because I knew we weren't going anywhere. Bedtime was really difficult with Annie, which is not the norm at all. I have had to go back into Lucy's room twice since she went down because she was crying - which she never, ever does. Why was she crying you ask? BOTH times because she had a booger on her finger. She despises boogers and snot. Enough so to cry and make me come into her room and remove the booger from her finger. Twice. It has just kind of been one thing after another, you know? My pictures are awful today and I am lucky I got any taken.
I know this is a way downer post and I apologize for that. It has just been one of those days. A hard one.
Lucy did not want her touching the puzzle.
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Posted by
5:57 PM
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Dearest Debbie Downer: I hate that the day has been hard and that Justin is really sick. That high fever sounds like doctor time?? But for all the hardships, the pics are adorable and I only know too well how Miss Lucy wouldn't want Miss Annie to touch the puzzle, but did you see the look of determination on Annie's face trying to touch it??!! Next, days like this happen to us all. So, realize that you are loved. Now, look around you. You are in a beautiful home filled with a beautiful family, and these things are such blessings. Take some really deep cleansing breaths and know that we don't have a fraction of how many hardships others are facing today. End of speech. Or, just think, I could be there bossing you around! And I could be making Justin gargle every 30 minutes. There you have it. If the time offers some quiet right now--take advantage of it and rest. Love ya Poopsie. Mom
PS--it is absolutely FREEZING here and the ice cream man in his noisy truck was coming down our street when I was on my way home from tennis!! CRAZY Love and kisses, Mom
Hey Kel,
Sorry your day was rough, never easy when loved ones are sick. I hope everyone gets to 100% very, very soon. Mom has some better encouragement words for you :)
Also, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE POST YESTERDAY!!! It made the girls and my day! :) love, love, LOVED it. I miss you all so much, and am sad that we got such a short time together--but it was a TON of fun. Can't wait to see you all again soon!!!
Love you all, and hope everyone is back to themselves in the morning! MWAH!
We must be in sync... today has been a downer as well. I am just extra, extra tired and my muscles in my shoulders are so sore from carrying Elizabeth everywhere I could barely lift her out of her crib this morning. She was so clingy today I had to make the bed entirely with one arm... perhaps what is causing my sore shoulders.
Today was one of those days Erik and I disagreed most of the time and I spent the day feeling sorry for myself like I am not doing a good enough job at anything. The house is a disaster, etc. You know.
Here's to hoping for a better day tomorrow! I am hoping that the hard time getting the girls to bed means they will sleep well tonight!
Don't feel bad for the downer post, it helps me feel better; I'm not alone sort of feeling. I am even too tired to post tonight. I'm just checking my blogs and off to bed.
so sorry kell..sounds like a crappy day all around. i hope tomorrow is better. we are are allowed bad days.
I'm so sorry you had a tough day. I completely understand - I've had a lot myself lately. I think it's great you still found something for which to be grateful!
Your mom sounds exactly like my mom. :) Like, she says the same stuff! So sweet. I just adore my mom.
I hope tomorrow is a better day for everyone!
Hang in there! We will send positive wishes your way. Hope Justin feels better and that you all don't end up getting sick.
oh friend. tough, tough day. which is no fun at all. but like your mom said, be glad that nighttime is here. hopefully justin is in bed. lucy is asleep? annie will have a GREAT night tonight. and your body and heart can have a rest as well. and tomorrow is a new day! i know that doesn't make it better. but hopefully knowing that surely tomorrow won't be the same.
love you, dude.
and your pictures. i have NO IDEA what you're talking about with all your "poor me, my pictures are so not great." please. please. you rock the house.
nighty night, friend. sleep well.
Sorry you had a bad day, I hope tomorrow is a big improvement. But I did have to laugh at the booger story, that's so funny that she cried over boogers. Too cute.
And I love the photo of Lucy with her completed puzzle, beautifully framed.
Hopefully tomorrow is a better day for you. And remember, even when you think your pictures aren't that great, the rest of us still are totally impressed with them! :)
Oh, I hate to hear you had such a totally crappy day. It's so draining when everything goes wrong at the same time on the same day. I'll keep my fingers crossed you get some sleep. (The booger story made me laugh out loud btw).
Hang in there, tomorrow is a new day.
PSS--some of us in blog land like the fact that Lucy Goose wants the boogers off her finger and doesn't just silently become a booger eater. Now that is something to be thankful for. More good vibes coming your way. Love, Mom
O dang I feel for you. I hope you and Justin both feel better quickly and that the girls dont get sick. Hang in there!!
Oh my gosh, your mom is hilarious. And how sweet is she to comment EVERY day...
I am sorry today has been crappy. Sickness is no fun. Either is stress. I know the combination of the two can ware you down in no time flat. I hope you can take some time to yourself to relax and just breath a bit.
I'll say a little prayer for you and the fam...tomorrow will be better, it always is!
Awww Kelly, I'm sorry for a rotten day!! Hugs to you...and those sweet girls. I hope everyone wake up feeling much better tomorrow!
I hope tomorrow is a better day! Big hugs!!!
I came back to say that although it's a bummer that Lucy cried twice, you have to be grateful that she wants you to come get her buggers. I'm not even going to tell you what I caught Mattix doing with his the other day. It makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit. Ew!!!
Oh dear. Boogers on fingers would make me cry, too. You poor mommy. Here's hoping monday brings on a less stressful week!
So sorry- sounds like a bad day all around. I know the feeling and hope tomorrow is better for you!
I am so sorry you had a tough day. I will pray that Justin will soon be feeling better and you will all stay healthy, too.
I know you said your pictures weren't very good today, but I LOVED the first two pictures. In fact, they were two of my favorite. Lucy is doing great on the puzzle.
Hang in there and here's hoping that today will be much better for all of you. . . and that Lucy will find no more boogers. :)
Hang in there chica- it will get better.
As for the boogers- I can't decide what is worse, having to get out of bed to go wipe them off a finger, or finding a spot on the wall next to the bed that is booger central.
Oh man...sorry to hear you had a bad day. Hoping tomorrow is better for you. OMG..that booger story is hysterical, and I have to agree with your mom...better to call you for a booger removal, than to become a silent booger eater! Too funny. Hope everyone is feeling better soon.
I very rarely comment, but I thought about you last night. I was watching Brothers & Sisters on ABC and at one point they played "Fix You" by Coldplay and I thought of you. What an amazing song!
Amy (Michigan)
Sorry you had such a bad day yesterday, I hope today is better. I SO know how those days feel. Not that I'm glad you have them, but glad you can admit it so that I can keep coming back and reading (otherwise I might get too intimidated by how dang awesome you and the girls and Justin and your photography is and just go crawl under my covers). The girls are adorable even on a bad day.
I hope today is a much better day for everyone. And booger free!
Hello there. Just wanted to introduce myself. I found your blog through Sugar Photography, which I found through Charity Mom's blog...funny how one blog just leads to another. I am new to blogging, so mine is not as fancy as others, but I'm learning!
Your little gals are gorgeous and your photography is really great.
Oh, and I found The Pioneer Woman's blog from your site, and now I am obsessed with her recipes, so thank you for posting the link!
I hope tomorrow will be much better!
And even your "bad pics" are great!!
Even on your bad, sick feeling day, good effort with these lovely pictures, perhaps at bedtime, give Lucy a tissue, so her booger has a place to sleep, at least she did not flick them off, and landed on the wall or furniture, lol...., have a long rest, and a better tomorrow...
Uggh, I know those days too! I hope Justin feels better soon and you are able to get some rest. I do love the pictures! wow, Lucy is doing one huge puzzle! smart girl! I'm glad you stayed in your jammies all day-ggod to know others are too!
Despite the bad day - I think the pics are good! Please, please tell me how you get shots at night that look like they are in natural light - I am an amateur, but I am finding that I can only take pics during the day because I have my flash so much! I have a Canon Rebel digital xt - do you have an external flash?
Thanks any tips!
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