One week until I am 1!!!
Today I am thankful for the fact that Lucy loves her grandparents so much that I can leave her for a night and know that she is perfectly happy and not freaking out about where I am. I have not left Lucy for a night for over a year. She has stayed overnight with her Lee Lee several times before, but every time I was always completely stressed out about leaving her. She always did fine, but struggled a little with bedtime. Now, she can spend the night with her grandparents with no problems at all. She was such a good girl while Annie and I were gone for the night. She went to bed easily, slept great, ate great, etc. I am so proud of her.
This whole post is a giving thanks post because now, as I sit here and type, Annie just went from laying to sitting ALL ON HER OWN!!!!!!! This is a first!!!!! She had almost done it, but just couldn't quite get up. So she rolled back down on her back. Lee Lee and I were cheering for her to try again and up she went. Just like that. This has been a HUGE developmental week for Annie. Her OT is going to be so excited when I report all of these big steps we have been making!!!!! She is going to be on the move before I know it. I really can't even begin to explain how exciting it is to see her do all of these things for the first time. She did not want to turn 1 next week without a laundry list of exciting news for me to report! :) She just went from sitting to laying as well! By the time I finished getting this post ready, she had gone up and down 3 times. I think she actually is getting it!!!!!!
I am so glad that this post is getting written in shifts. After I wrote the first two paragraphs, I brought Annie up to "feed" her dinner, which was green beans tonight. Here is how a feeding generally goes - Annie gets upset and very anxious when I start to put her in the high chair, I get her happy again once she is in the seat by playing with her for a bit, she sees the food and starts blowing spit out of her mouth, as I try and put food in her mouth she continues blowing so that all of the food comes out of her mouth and she swallows nothing. This goes on for a while, until she gets upset and then I just spoon some food on her tray and let her play with it for a while so that she realizes that the food is actually not threatening. However, tonight, she ate a WHOLE #2 jar of green beans. Ate it. Didn't spit it or play in it but swallowed it and was not upset!!!!!!! Again, I was shocked in the best kind of way. The progress she is making is just unbelievable to me. I have had a magical day today watching her accomplish such huge things.
Hugging her Lee Lee.
Standing on her own.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
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3:18 PM
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Ok, prepare yourself for LOAD of comments.
Friend, I am ELATED. I am dying reading about the green beans. Seriously?????? That is so freaking huge!!!
And I love that Lucy is so comfortable with Lee Lee. Hats off you, Lee Lee.
And just so you know...I can actually hear and see your excitement through this post. And I love it. I love that you have such a wonderful family who loves you so much. And I, for one, think you're a rock star.
Praise Jesus for all the blessings today!!!
Love you, friend.
I'm SO happy for Annie and for you. What huge steps!! You must be right... she just figured she needed to be doing these things by the time she turns one. Just think what she's going to do by the time she turns TWO!!
WOW!!! How incredible that Annie is all of a sudden making SO much progress! She's learning a new trick at every turn, and I can totally feel your elation! WOW!
Wow. An entire jar. And I thought the breadstick was huge! :)
What's Miss Annie going to do for us tomorrow? Walk?
Very happy for you. I can only imagine how excited and very proud you are of BOTH girls.
So exciting!!
Ok I can't stand it. I'm SO proud of that big girl. Eating, sitting up, she's going to be walking tomorrow!!! And it is SO nice to be able to leave Lucy without a second thought. That is something I definitely do not have in my life and wish so much that I did! You are so blessed!!!
Wow!!! I agree that I can sense the excitement in your words and you should be proud of Annie and of yourself. You are a great mom!!! Way to go, Annie!
Annie, you are incredible! I am so happy to hear how well she is doing...really amazing. You must be so proud of your big girl, kelly!
An *entire* jar of green beans? That's like zero to 60 in less than on second. Go, Annie. Go, Annie. Happy alllmost one year old birthday! You are very loved.
Way to go, Annie!
That's so GREAT!!! Annie has made so much progress in such a short span of time...if this is any indication of what's to come, I think you and Justin are going to have an incredibly strong, willful little girl!
and I was just wandering out of curiosity, how did you guys end up calling your mom Lee Lee? just curious...
Yay!! I'm so proud of both girls--they really are amazing! Annie is making some huge strides. I can't believe she ate an entire jar without a fuss, what a wonderful surprise for you. And praise to you Kelly for being persistent and supporting her every step of the way! You are a great mama!
Hooray! This is great news & So excited for that little Annie! What a trooper! Keep up the good work girl!
Heather M.
Hooray for Annie!!!! You must be so proud of her and you should be proud of yourself too, for helping her get there!
what a great day kelly!!! i loved getting to see you and miss annie on tuesday!!!!! she really is the cutest thing ever! can't wait to play again on saturday at the races!
ok, I check in daily (have my own 18 month old girl from VN)but rarely if ever comment, do love your photo's and your relationship with your girls. I am thrilled for you over Annie's breakthroughs - your joy shines through every word!
yahooooooooooooo!!!! annie!!!!!
that is awesome news kel! she wouldn't dare turn one without a bang!i am going to ship you a couple cases of cin. sticks just in case she starts asking for them! :) we miss you all already! loved getting to love on annie...can you come back next week???
great news! i'm so excited to hear annie is doing so awesome...what a wonderful birthday present to herself (and you)!
Yeah for Annie!! She is doing so good and just in time for her 1st Birthday! I know you must be the proudest momma ever!
How exciting!! I have followed your blog since the moment you brought her home and it is so awesome to see all the progress you are making!! Yeah Annie! You have been doing a great job with her - I know it has taken a lot of patience but it has clearly paid off! Tanya in ND
gotta love progress!!! Awesome.
Yeah for green beans!
Annie is being showered with love and affection, how could she not progress so quickly?
Great job, GO ANNIE!!!!
Take care,
Angela A.
This is absolutely SO exciting! wow is all I can say! she is making leaps and bounds!! I know this is so wonderful for you all, so know that I'm so so excited! Amazing progress really! and, a plug for Lucy too on being such a good girl while you were away. that is also wonderful!!
Yeah Annie, what a big girl! Milestones are the best!
Magical indeed!
I don't know if this is true, but someone told me that kids often make big developmental jumps when they're on trips because they're so stimluated. Perhaps? Awesome news.
smiling for you!
Way to go, Annie! That kind of progress is so exciting. I'm very, very happy for you!!!! Keep it up, Kelly - she's doing so well and your mommy dedication is paying off!
Green beans, of all things! Ick I say go for the cin. sticks, Annie! (Kate, you can send me some!) What a wonderful day of progress. When it kicks in, it kicks in! I LOVE these girls. I LOVE my girls! I LOVE my guys, too! Lee Lee
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