Today I am thankful for how much fun Annie and Lucy had in the pool today - TOGETHER! We are having a really hard time with Lucy and her patience toward Annie. She does not want Annie anywhere near her right now, which is not easy to make happen. Lucy's transition with Annie went so smoothly at first, but things have greatly changed since Annie became mobile. Lucy is quick to hit, kick, or shove her out of her way and Annie is starting to retaliate in similar ways. It is frustrating to us all, Lucy included. For whatever reason this afternoon, Lucy decided it would be fun to actually play with Annie. Lucy pulled her all over that pool. It was really sweet. I try and really make Lucy feel great about acting like this so that maybe it will stick one day. Any advice for those of you who have had an older sibling act out this way on the best way to deal with it?
To lighten the mood a bit since things have been kind of heavy around here lately, I got a really cute video of Lucy singing yesterday. I thought I should point out that as soon as Justin heard Lucy saying, "Hit it Maestro!" he promptly told her that obviously her dorky mom or her Lee Lee taught her that because no real musician would ever say that. Whatev! Someone is just a little too cool! :) And by the way, I was the one who said it first and Lucy LOVED it!
Bwhahahahaha! Only in the south......
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Posted by
5:54 PM
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YEA!!! What a fun day. The pics are fabulous, especially Annie in the last one!! he he he Lucy is the next American Idol, obviously. And Justin, I know that you say "hit it maestro" before you play your drums. Only natural that Lucy would pick that up! Sure do love and miss you all. Lee Lee
You have posted everyday for almost half the year! WOW Good job.
oh my word, too funny on that last pic!
very cute video! loved the pictures too!
We've been going through the same thing with our boys. I think they're about the same age as Annie and Lucy? (Porter is 3.5: Feb 2006 and Hudson is 1: May 2008). Porter was the most loving big brother when Hudson first arrived but in the past few months now that Hudson is mobile and has a definite opinion about things/wants what Porter has, Porter has been mean to him. The other day he bit him on the arm (we've never had a problem with biting until Porter was bit by my friends son a couple weekends ago... grrrr!!) We have been talking about "Bucket Filling" and that seems to make sense to Porter a little and make him realize how he's acting towards Hudson. However, the bickering/hostility is still there.
The books... Have You Filled a Bucket Today? (and) Fill a Bucket by Carol McCloud are great and easy for toddlers to understand.
LOVE the "hit it maestro!" - that kills me. Justin clearly has no idea what he's talking about.
Wish I could help on the being mean to little sis stuff but I got nothin'. We're SO there right now. Which made me crack up that Lucy began gathering her stuff as Annie crawled near and then if my hunch is correct, you cut off the video camera so you could wisely move Annie before she got a whack on the hand with a "drumstick".
My girls are 5 1/2 years apart, and they had quite a day, too. The 2 year old is into everything that Sissy has, and Sissy about had it today. It breaks my heart, but I guess it is so normal. I just pray that they grow up to be the best of friends.
Cute pictures! I try to tell my older kids that the younger ones want what they have because they love them and want to be just like them. I also tell them if Kylie took something that they want, to "trade" with her and give her a different toy, that will usually satisfy her.(instead of ripping it out of her hands and hearing her scream.) Don't know if that will work for you or not, but thought I would suggest it. Good luck!
hit it maestro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i KNOW i have seen justin mouth that a meeeeellion times on stage. seriously.cute cute!
So being that I spaced my kids all 5 years apart I never really had to much aggression between them but when it did seem to creep up it seems that the older still needs to feel in charge... Lucy was in "charge" of her in the pool, so any way you can do that without making her feel like she is the mommy cuz that could get scary too lol seems to be helpful. I hope that makes sense, just make her feel like everything she does for Annie is such a HUGE help! Pretty normal stuff though!
Hit it Maestro!!! Absolutely too cute!!! I loved all of Lucy's songs. She did a great job.
Loving Annie's cute outfit.
Look at that girl with the daisy dukes on...! Love Annie in her jean shorts and bikini! Made me laugh. Lucy and her "hit it maestro" was funny too. Looks like a great day.
Go Annie in that sassy little number. She looks just like Daisy Duke:) Really cute pics!
Jasmine Starr is a judge on I heart Faces!! MAKE IT A GOOD ONE THIS WEEK!!
adorable pics and video! that was neat to see annie stand for a second! I read the tea party post as well (but I'm commenting here since I read yesterday but forgot to comment because I followed that link to about your friends neice and I felt just awful-prayers are in the works for sure). hope you have a fun dinner with your friends tonight and the tea party pics are so so cute!
I love your blog and visit every day. I was looking back through last week b/c I missed a few days and noticed that you all had the crab float. We do too and I got an email today that there has been a recall on this and others like it. Something about the leg holes breaking and allowing kids to fall through. Just thought I would give you a head's up.
Your daughters are adorable and clearly very loved. I love seeing their outfits for the day. Where do you get all their mod/cute clothes?
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