Today I am thankful for my family - all of it. It is so easy, especially on a bad day with your kids, to take your family for granted. And I think that once in a while we all need to step back and remember how precious every moment is with the ones that you love. I got some devastating news today. A friend of mine, that I have known since we were both in diapers, lost her baby very late in her pregnancy. She was due in two weeks and it was extremely sudden and came out of no where. My heart is breaking over and over for her and her husband. What she went through today is more than I can even wrap my brain around. No one should go through what she did today. I beg for your prayers for her and her family. They need all of the prayers that they can get at this point. I pray that they are able to somehow find the strength to pick up the pieces and eventually move on. I really can't understand why something like this has to happen to anyone. I wish I could say that my faith in God never waivers, but I can't when something like this happens. I don't understand. My heart is so heavy for this precious family.
I hugged and kissed these girls extra tight tonight.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Posted by
6:34 PM
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Praying for your dear friend.
It's days like these that makes there lovin' and snuggles extra special. Give those baby girls a big ole kiss from me too. This is all just too much for me to heart aches so much for them today.
I am not going to write much tonight. My heart is so heavy. This family means so much to me, and the fact that I know what they are going thru makes it almost unbearable. It will get better with time, but it also takes time to get there. If that makes sense. I have never doubted God, tho, he's the man in charge. We don't get to know everything, and that's where doubt and unbelief can try to worm their way in. He is with us and will protect us at all times. My prayers are for strength and guidance and peace for all of us, especially our friend's family. And for much needed healing of body and soul. Extra love sent out to all, extra hugs and kisses to all of my family. Lee Lee
I would like to THANK everyone who told me happy birthday. It was wonderful. I will address this more tomorrow. Love to all, Lee Lee
We will be praying for your friend and their family. Thank you for allowing us to do so!
prayers for sure.
Praying...I'm so sorry.
Im so sorry to hear about your friends. There is never any logical explanation as to why this happens. Sometimes I wish God could tell us now why it was part of his plan...but I guess one day, they will know. Take care and hug those girls of yours tightly. xo
So sorry to hear about the loss of your friend's baby. I cannot imagine what they must be going through. My prayers are with them!
Aww, my heart is heavy too even though I don't know your friend. I'm praying too and specifically that they will know that He is all-powerful and can comfort and heal in a way that no one else can, and that even thru this very difficult time they will not doubt His love for them!
Praying comfort and peace upon your friend. I'm with you, I can't even begin to imagine that pain. I'd like to say that my faith doesn't waiver in times like this either, but it's so hard to make sense of why these things happen. My heart breaks for the her loss and she will continue to be in our prayers in the days to come.
I am so sorry to hear about your friends loss. I can't even imagine what they must be feeling. They say God has a plan for everything but it is still hard to figure out what his plan may be for someone so young. Prayers are with the family and may God give them strength.
Elaine from MT
I am saying a prayer for your friends. Losing a child is the hardest thing to ever have to go through in life. Download the song Held by Natalie Grant. It is the ONLY thing that got me through last summer losing our referral and it pertains very well to your friends situation. Yes, we often question God in times like this. This song helped me to understand that somethings things are out of His control... but He holds us and loves us the most through the difficult times.
Oh, Kelly, I am so sorry.
I will for sure be praying.
One of my dearest friends lost their first born 3 hours after he was born, 4 years later they just had their 3 child...
The road has been long, difficult, full of questioning God, tears and more tears, the grief ebbs and flows, and becomes more of a reminder of their child than the sharp pain of loss and question it was in the beginning...
There is also joy, and an intense reality to continually live in the moment, and be grateful for it...
Praying for your sweet friend! I am just 5 weeks away from having my 2nd baby girl, and I can't even imagine how devastated your friend must be....
I am saddened to hear of your friend's loss. They will be in my thoughts and prayers as they navigate these difficult days and weeks. I cannot imagine.
(also... I love annie's bathingsuit in these pics.)
This post leaves my heart so heavy. I cannot even comprehend the pain your friends are feeling... but I pray for them, for comfort, for strength and someday soon they'll be able to see the rainbow through the rain.
Two songs came to mind (because I live through music):
MercyMe Bring the Rain
Nicole Nordeman Gratitude
My heart bleeds for your friend. I can't even imagine what they must be going through. My thoughts and prayers are with them today...and with you to be a strong and supportive friend.
May they find peace and have many blessings in their future.
a friend of mine lost a baby at full term. there was nothing wrong with the baby genetically, no cord knot or placenta issues. it just....died.
One thing i learned through her grief that I thought was so beautiful was that each pregnancy leaves us with a dna footprint in our own blood that we carry for a very long time. the baby may be gone but her dna lives on in her mama. I also think about this as it relates to addy and adoption.
I'm so so sorry.
So sorry to hear of your friends loss of their baby. Will be praying for them.
My heart is with all of you at this difficult time. May family love will heal your friend's heart. A sad news today; however, may many happy and good fortunne coming her way.
I cannot even imagine that level of pain or grief. I'm so sorry for your friend.
Kell - I'm wondering if you should start icing Annie's little face at the end of each day...I mean, it must be so sore from smiling so hard day in and day out;) What a sweetie.
I am so sorry for the loss of your friends' baby. What a tragedy! I will definitely lift them up in prayer in the days to come.
Oh My!! This is so terribly sad and we will be praying for your friend! How absolutely heartbreaking! I am so, so sorry.
My heart aches for your friend and she and her husband are definitely in my prayers. It is such an incredibly painful, horrendous, gut-wrenching pain to lose a child. Words are really not adequate.
Praying for them, and you as you walk with them through this.
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