Today I am thankful for the yummy meal that Mandy made tonight and invited us over for. It was so nice because the afternoons are usually pretty long and boring. But today we went over, played, ate dinner and rushed home for bed and bath. Thanks for having us over. You guys are the bestest friends ever. Love ya.
Lucy had her first accident today. Bless her little angel heart - it really caught her off guard and she was not happy about it. She was playing so hard at Mandy's and just peed. She looked over at me with this stressed look and told me she just tee teed. We got it all cleaned up and Mandy and I both assured her it was fine. I should have asked her if she needed to go because she drank a giant glass of juice this afternoon, but she had just gone not even an hour before it happened so I wasn't even thinking about it. Mandy and I were later talking about how totally normal it was for accidents to happen and she didn't even want us talking about it. I knew it would upset her when it finally happened. I am not going to talk about it at all because I don't want her to feel bad about it. She did sleep at nap in panties and of course stayed dry. I would say that 1 accident in the entire first week of potty training is pretty spectacular.
Jon and Kate Plus 8 is so sad to me. I feel bad for everyone in that family.
Anners looks so big here. She is really getting longer. And that hair. The rat tail is coming back. I trimmed it myself a month or so ago and it is back in full force.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Posted by
6:32 PM
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173!!! You are almost to the half year mark! Unbelievable!! Good work. The gals look as cute as ever--and one little accident is NOTHING in the scheme of life! She has done so well! Leave the rat tail alone!! Oh yow, Dad had me open my present, and the pictures are AWESOME! I am so excited! Katy wants to see them, so we are taking them with us to visit her. You gals will have to help me put them in the perfect place, somewhere that I can look at them every single day, lots of times! Great job to all of you who worked on this. Love and kisses, Lee Lee
Also, Lucy looks like she is really pondering something big! Give those gals a hug and kiss from me. Lee Lee
Its amazing what a good friend can do for you! 1 accident is amazing! And omg Annies hair makes me smile!! I keep thinking about the Kramer hair she came home with!!! Love it!
Jon and Kate plus 8.. I have to wait for someone to upload it to youtube before i can watch.. I love all the photos you took!
OO and Jon and Kate makes me sad and mad! GRR dont think I can watch anymore!
Ugh. J and K plus 8. What to say? So absolutely depressing. I am glad Cake Boss is on afterward to lighten the mood. It is so hard to watch a family fall apart like that. I honestly can't believe they are filming through it. Sort of makes me sick.
I am so excited that you will be here in the fall!!! It is going to really be a shock seeing the girls in person and how big they are and I can't wait to meet Annie. Lucy is doing such a great job. Grace is always getting too busy and not stopping to potty. I have to stay on top of her. I'll be glad when it's done.
I'm with you on the J & K + 8.. and ourgoldenchild hit it about them keeping filming. Who wants to be able to watch even snipits of time during a divorce? so so sad. Your pictures are amazing as ever and I don't start the day without checking on all my daily reads.. I really need to get a life or maybe do some laundry:)
Great pics yesterday and today!!! Poor Lucy...I can imagine how hard that was for her. It is just amazing that she potty trained in one week. We have "dabbled" in potty training for some time now, but you have totally inspired me to just get it done! I know Katie can do it, but my laziness on being consistant with potty time is definitely holding her back. Wish us luck!
Awww poor Lucy - so sensitive!!! Man I wish Addy cared so much! She still has accidents, a lot. waits too long, insists we help her when she doesn't need it and ends up peeing all over the bathroom floor! I've considered getting out the candy incentives just to get her to care enough to stop. It all started when we threw out her tiny potty. Big mistake, where she was concerned. Anyway I am envious of your 1 accident!!! I'm proud of Lucy for being such a rock star. And her sensitivity is surely a sign that it won't become a regular thing!!
I'd love to have just one accident a week with Ava! Maybe Lucy can give her some tips. I have to tell you, when Ava walks over to the computer when I'm on it, she asks, "Is that Lucy?" Funny!
It's okay Lucy, you're doing awesome!
J& sad. My parents live in the same town as them and we drove by their house this weekend. Paparazzi everywhere! They've got to get those kiddos out of the fishbowl.
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