Today I am thankful for getting to have a really relaxed day because Justin did a lot of the work with the girls. First, I have been so tired lately. We have just had a lot going on and I have not been sleeping well. All of this has resulted in me dragging most days. In fact, now when Lucy is tired and she yawns, she will say, "Oh boy, I am tired. I just can't stop yawning." All because she has heard me say that 1,000 times in the past few weeks. So as I was going to bed last night, Justin says, "Why don't you sleep in tomorrow. I will take the girls in the morning." I definitely took him up on this offer and did not get up until 11 am!! It was spectacular and I feel like a new person. I also got a pedicure and went to a little party that my neighbor was having tonight. It was a nice break and greatly appreciated. Thanks honey!
I am going to watch Revolutionary Road with Justin. I hope it is good because I get very easily bored with movies.
The pictures in the bathtub sum up the girls' personalities perfectly - Annie is a reckless, wild child and Lucy is diligently working on pouring the water from the cup. The pics of Lucy are from this morning when we used her new Princess Oven that she got for her birthday. It doesn't use heat and I am not going to lie, the cookie things it made grossed me out. Lucy LOVED the whole cooking process, but she even admitted that the end result did not taste good. I was happy to hear that since I really didn't want her to eat them!
Water never stop flying while she is in the bath. It is dangerous for me to have my camera in the bathroom!
At first she tired tried to pretend like they tasted good, but on the second nibble, she just couldn't do it.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Posted by
7:13 PM
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first leelee!!
Dada--you quick rat, you! Great pics, great day, yea all around. Miss all you pumpkins!! Seashy is here for a quick trip thru. She is so excited that I got her a dental appointment! ha ha ha ha Love and kisses to all, Lee Lee
Oh my gosh, those are MY kids to a T! Matty is very diligent in the tub, working on whatever important things need to be done (pouring water, winding up the boat, etc.). Molley is INSANE. She's all over the place, I have to watch her like a hawk b/c she refuses to sit still, and more water ends up out of the tub than in it by the end. Sooo opposite. I love that.
I'm so glad you had a nice break today. All moms need and deserve that. I feel you on the sleep. I've had sleep issues for my whole life and they've really worn me down over the past year and a half.
I follow your blog to see your beautiful photos, hope you don't mind. Your girls are gorgeous, I love the vibrant colors in your photos.
If you don't mind me asking, what camera do you use, well, more importantly, what lens do you have? What settings do you use most often? I am using a 50mm 1.8, but never seem to get as much light and color as you do.
love the tub pics and the ones from the previous post outside! cute stories about the build a bear!
Hi there! I have followed your blog since before you went back to Vietnam to get Annie...yours is always one of the last blogs to check each day. I love seeing your girls and how much they've grown...especially seeing how much Annie has changed since bringing her home.
I do have a question for you regarding Lucy's hair...I'm wondering if the shorter hair style is more or less work for you? Can you let it air dry or do you need to blowdry it to get it to lay so nicely? I ask because I'm taking my 4 year old in tomorrow for a hair cut and think I'm going to go for the bob. Her hair is so fine and gets so straggly looking unless I'm combing it every minute of the day!
Cecily - I shoot with a Nikon D700 and the main lens that I use is a 24-70mm 2.8. I also use my 50mm 1.8 a lot. The bathroom pictures also have a SB600 Speedlite flash on the camera because it is just too dark in the bathroom at night for pictures. I edit every picture you see here in Lightroom.
Gina - Lucy's hair is much easier now with the bob. I don't blow dry it. Her hair is BOARD straight and it lays beautifully on its own. Lucky her, huh?!?! I only wish I could be so lucky.
I would have to say, the bathtub pictures, especially of Annie are adorable--maybe my faves ever! So much action and joy!
They are so cool, I thought, "Man, if my kids were little, I would have that girl come to my house and take pics of my kids playing in the tub". :)
Since they are 18 and almost 21, I think I missed my window, but I would not be surprised if you get some requests like that!
11:00! Awesome!
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