Today I am thankful for my mom making us a yummy homemade dinner. We had meatloaf, baked potatoes, and salad. I LOVE my mom's meatloaf. I have been terrible about cooking this summer. I have just had little desire to do it. I love home cooked meals, so I need to get better. I swear, Annie will eat anything. Now that she is not having eating issues like she was, we are yet to find a single food she won't eat, so she loved the meal as well.
The girls and I are headed home first thing in the morning. I dread the drive, so we are just going to get up and do it because I tend to keep putting it off more and more. We were going to go today, but I was just too exhausted. Both girls are still fighting a yucky cold and Annie is cutting some teeth. The combination is making nap time for Annie unpleasant and she has not been getting nearly enough of a nap. She was a grump quite a bit today.
I have been so bored with my blog lately. I am just out of anything to say since I post everyday. Any ideas of some things to talk about?? I would love you to throw out some ideas.
The never ending drool continues. Is it ever going to stop??? I could edit it out, but I don't think I would recognize her.
Papa does a lot of complaining about not getting nearly enough face time on the blog, so here you go Dad.
Lee Lee's little helper. She LOVES to crack eggs.
Monday, July 20, 2009
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5:03 PM
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OK. First, I love that you are consistently posting to the blog. Hard stuff, consistency.
I love that you are including your 'thankfulness' every day, as well. I am proud of you for that (since I am likely the close to the age of your mom, I feel I can be proud of you-lol).
That being said, I cannot imagine NOT feeling bored with the project. I would be dry and out of ideas, too.
Do you want to allow us to ask you questions? Or you could designate a certain topic to a certain day of the week.
Be encouraged that we enjoy stopping in everyday to see your beautiful girls and read your words... last comment didn't seem to work...I was just saying that I'm sorry that you're feeling the monotony of daily blogging.
I find a strange comfort in your daily updates and I'm not bored one bit. I love seeing what dear Annie and Lucy have been up to. And, although that can sound stalkerish, I'm just a local mom who loves blogs so no worries :)
Only 164 days to go! ....that is, unless you want to entertain us throughout 2010 too! ;)
Well, first and foremost, I am so sad that you are bored with your blog, because I think it is so exciting! It is such a highlight of my day! You could come on here and talk about droll and potty-training all day, and I would be just as excited.
But I guess since you asked, I thought I would throw out some ideas (take it or leave it!)
I would love to hear you talk about your girls and what they love as far as clothes or toys. What advice do you have for someone who is about to have a child, as far as toys that get used, or toys that sit and collect dust?
I also think it would be fun to have like a flash-back friday(or some other day). You could take the day like july 20th, but a few years back, like july 20th, 2007. Post a picture from that day, and talk about it! It would be fun to reminisce, maybe about lucy, when she was smaller, and hear a memory about a certain day/photograph!
Just some thoughts for you!
I look at your blog every of very few I do that with...but your photography is AWESOME & your subjects oh so cute! Plus as a fellow mommy of a Vietnamese daughter (and boys too) I love other adoptive moms blogs! You aren't boring. Life can be monotonous; especially in this Texas heat!!! Caleigh has drooled consistently for almost a year she's cutting her eye teeth; lovely....I don't think the drool will ever end either!!! ICK! I think the "a day in the life" blog entries are cute...I can't really talk though because I've only been updating mine once a week this summer!
Heather M.
I would love for you to write about your husband and what he does that causes him to travel so much. I love reading and looking at your photos once a day. Your thankfulness causes me to find what I'm thankful for each day too. Thanks for the reminder!
Have a safe trip back!
I know what you mean about feeling bored with your blog. I just talk about random stuff from time to time. One post was about ketchup and I had so much traffic on my blog that day. Who knew ketchup could be so exciting! About as exciting as drool and potty training, right? :)
Keep on keeping on, girl!!!
Like everyone else, I really enjoy your blog and check it out almost every night and have yet to find it boring. I love your photography and the girls are gorgeous. I am a fellow adoptive mom (China and soon to be Taiwan) and a wife of a photography buff.
Our blog is all about our daughter and I try to keep it that way and that may be your thoughts as well. I'd love to hear more about how you guys got to this point in life, what made you choose Vietnam, plans for the immediate future...any bites on the house?
You have a great family, a good outlook on life and an awesome style. All of which make checking in everyday interesting.
Can Annie send her good eating habits Aiden's way? We are struggling. Anyway- the girls look so grown up in the first pictures and I love the ones of Annie with her papa!
I am bored with my blog as well and I only posted everyday last month. Maybe I need to start working on another adoption or something so I can have more to talk about. leat right now. So, unfortunately I have no ideas for you. Sorry!
I never get bored with your blog, but I can understand how being the one writing it, you would.
I love the pictures. You do such a great job.
I love that you talk about something you're thankful for each day too.
As for ideas... maybe you could give a "tip of the week" for photographers.
Maybe something like the girls' favorite songs or type of music.
I also enjoy reading about the random things Lucy says. Any kid stuff is interesting to the rest of us mommies. :)
Yeah, I can understand getting bored. I will admit, rarely a day goes by that I don't check your site. It's always nice to curl up with my computer in the evening, check email and your blog.
Since I am also a photography lover and so many people here are checking b/c they LOVE your photography, why not talk about that some more? Maybe your wishlist of things that you wish you had for your business? Favorite lenses?
LOVE YOUR BLOG! i've loved your blog since i first randomly stumbled across it, and have followed it before lucy came home. i love your pictures and your thankful posts. i can't believe you are 201 days in to your project. the girls will treasure it forever.
your girls are always looking super could post some links of places you find their clothes. You could post photography tips (i know you do that occasionally already, but they have been really good in the past). you could post games/projects/ways you keep 2 little girls entertained (i could definately use some tips there).
I love your blog, don't always comment but admire your cuties and photography. You seem to travel a lot, do you have any car tricks/tips? My guys, 2, hates the car and the car seat. Needless to say we have not ventured further than an hour from our home. I would love to do a road trip but can't stand the complaining! Also, would you recommend a rodeo for a 2 year old or is that too young. Random, I know but there are several coming up.
Angela in Colorado
I am interested in adopting internationally one day and would love to hear what lead you guys to adoption, then international, and specifically to Vietnam.
I feel you on the lack of blogging ideas and you keep up WAY more than I do! Its hard to find much to talk about with no good tv on right now!! Love this pics of lucy with the bowl and the reflection in the counter!
I suppose I understand about you feeling like you're running out of things to blog about, but, honestly, I enjoy reading about your day with the girls each evening. Of course, the photos are a plus!
What to blog about... hmmm... You know I try to include a Petunia story each time I write, so perhaps you can document something cute, sweet, or funny that Lucy says. I bet one day she'll love to have those conversations documented. And in the meantime, people like me will love reading them. Just a thought...
I can't picture Annie being a grump. Annie and grumpy don't mix! Have a safe and happy ride back home!
I know I fail to comment like I should, but I read daily - I love seeing your gorgeous pictures!! I am thankful for your commitment to the blog! As for what you can blog about? I'm currently facing a homestudy and could definitely use some adivce/words of wisdom/etc. Also... got to LOVE the pics of your dad and Annie - super duper cute! and I can't believe how fast Lucy is growing up!! I can't believe I've been reading your blog that long!!!! Thanks for everything, girl! You Rock!
Lucy has lovely natural poses, and natural facial expressions, such as solemm, sultry, ethereal, deeps in thoughts, joyfull,etc..., she would make a very lovely model someday. Pictures of Annie and her Papa are so endearing, just can't imagine Annie being grumpy, not part of her character at all. Perhaps you can give us a sneak peek about Justin's entertainer job, which keeps him traveling so much, he must be very talented.
Im another who reads your blog everyday and isn't bored! In fact, it's inspiring me to start mine up again (had one a few years ago). I think lots of things that might seem mundane to you are quite interesting to others. You could talk a bit more about yourself too, maybe what book you are reading or what tv shows you get into. You could talk about new decorating ideas you have or what you are making for tea (I know I could use some ideas for!). I too would be interested to know about justin and his travels, I too have a husband who works away alot so strategies on how you cope when he's gone would be good too. Sorry, don't mean to overload you - the ideas just kept flowing!
Take care,
I'm not bored with your blog, so it must be working : ) .
So what DO you cook? What have you all been eating this Summer?
I am not bored with your blog either, and I read it every day! I don't have time to post often though. Some ideas - I am trying to think ahead - what would you want your girls to remember about this year when they look back on it? Maybe some cute stuff the girls do and say, pictures of them in their rooms, with their toys, their favorite toys, people, places to visit, by your vehicles, etc. Things that would be fun to look back on several years from now. There are lists "out there", I know I saw one in creating keepsakes, that give you ideas of pictures to take if you ever struggle with some different ideas (just a suggestion), I have loved all your pictures of the girls! I think it is awesome that you have kept up with it for so long!
Hey Kel,
Maybe you could write a little bit more about your dear Seashy???????? Kidding, kidding, but I do have a few ideas of my own...
I think it would be really cool if you let Justin write an entry (if he would). You could still do your bit and then have him add a little something. Or dad, or mom, or June and Grandy, or ME!, or just whoever you and the girls are with that day.
Also, I don't know why, but I LOVE knowing what the girls ate that day. Like when dad gave us the play-by-play of all the stuff Annie ate the other night, I always think that is so cute. Plus, I just like to know what people eat for meals, I'm weird I guess.
Finally, maybe you should start putting some family tradition type stuff of here. This may come more into play around holidays (almost time to start asking about CHRISTMAS!!), but that is always fun to hear about, and maybe you could make some of your own with the girls too! :)
ok, sorry so long! love you guys!
Almost every day I get to work, turn on the computer, go get my coffee, pull out a granola bar and pull up "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds". That's how I start every morning. Love it and look forward to it.
I can imagine how it feels boring to you because it's just everyday life from your perspective but let us all reassure you - we love this blog!
My suggestions would be more photography instruction (post processing too). Memories of your life, things Lucy and Annie might want to read some day. Stories about you and Justin. Little things about Lucy and Annie that seem insignificant but they can someday look back on. More videos! :) Interactive posts, "tomorrow Annie will either wear THIS or THIS, readers pick" (okay that was lame, just an example! :p)
Hang in there, Kelly! We are getting closer to the months where daily posts will be FUN! The HOLIDAYS!!!
I agree with everyone else - I read your blog every night after I put my girls to sleep!
I love the idea of the flashback to this date several years ago - you probably don't have tons of pics but it is kind of fun to throw out a date, particularly pre both kids. Of course, it might be a little depressing on some days...we used to have an awful lot of fun back in the day! The footloose and fancy free stuff seems like a lifetime ago. But a good trade I think.
Since I am always in awe how great you have always been with kids and how your mom has raised four exceptional daughters who are each so cool, so close to their family and such all around great people, I'd like to vote for weekly parenting or family tips from Leelee. She has to have some secrets of success that worked for her that she'd share with all of us! Share your pearls of wisdom Leelee!
Plus your sister is right - it's almost August 1st so in about a month you can start posting pictures of all your beautiful christmas decorations going up.
I think just documenting every day monotonous things is the best thing you could do. I don't like to scrapbook so I consider my blog Elizabeth's 'baby' book. I only wish I could do it everyday like you do. Your girls will love to read their blog in the future.
...ok, just realized I started writing this comment at 3:00 today, then someone woke up and now I am just now finishing it at 10:00...
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