I have made it 50 whole days of posting in a row! Woo hoo for me! Here is a slideshow of the first 50 days of my favorite pictures for each girl. Feel free to skip this is you aren't interested because it gets a little long. There are actually more than 50 pics in each slideshow because some days I put a pic of them together in their saved set in addition to their individual shot. I have loved this project so far. It is challenging and forcing me to learn new things about my camera and editing.
Today I am thankful for all of the friends that I have made through adoption. I have made some friends that I consider to be lifelong, dear friends because we were in the same boat as we built our families through adoption. Adoption is a thing that not everyone can understand or relate to. It is the biggest roller coaster of emotions with EXTREME highs and lows that only others who have been through it or are going through it will ever understand. I have been lucky enough to meet a bunch of my new friends in real life, but some of them, even some of my closest ones, I have only had long email conversations or phone calls with. Thanks for the support girlies. I love you all. I could have never made it through these two adoptions without your constant encouragement and ears to listen to me rant.
I took Lucy and Annie to a play area at the mall today. I needed to return a few things and Lucy loves the play place. Lucy has made me so proud lately because she has done so well at these kinds of places. She keeps a close eye on me, but she has gotten brave enough to actually play and have a great time without me being glued to her side. We ate lunch and then headed home for naps. This afternoon we just played around the house. I am not going to lie, the afternoon drug on and on and on. It felt so long. Most days the afternoons really fly by. Since Annie goes to bed at 7, it feels like the girls barely get up from nap before it is time to work on dinner, baths, and get Annie down. But they took early naps today and we didn't really have much to do so the day just seemed to last forever.
While the girls napped and I did my normal thing on the internet, I started really thinking about just how public this blog is. It freaks me out some days and I worry that it is not worth it. But like so many others, I love this blog. I love sharing the girls and I love to hear from you guys. I use it as my creative outlet. I use it so family and friends know what the girls are up to. But since I have started posting everyday, the number of people reading is growing and growing. Most of the time I have no idea who is reading or how they ended up here. I see all kinds of stuff on my stat counter. A little freaky when you think about it. For now I am not changing how I do this, but I can't say it will always be this way. I have just seen some weird stuff and one in particular involved my babies directly. It was harmless, but I didn't like it. And just so we are all clear, no one has my permission to use pictures of my girls for anything without getting my approval first. Feel free to introduce yourself if you are new here. And thanks to everyone that comments or emails me nice messages introducing yourself. I really do love to hear from you.
This picture is really special to me - this is the one and only time I have EVER seen her put a toy in her mouth on her own. This is the only toy that she will let me hold and she would bite on it for a second, but she still would never put it in her mouth on her own. Today she did, and I was lucky enough to be taking pictures and actually catch it. I realize this might not seem like a big thing to most of you, but she is 10.5 months old and has never put a single thing in her mouth. It is big to me.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Posted by
5:09 PM
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toy in mouth is a huge step, HUGE! I remember when the twins finally did that, I was so happy and proud and less scared. They just really didn't seem to know what their hands were there for and it lasted longer than I thought it would.
As always, your girls are dolls and look fab!
I think I found your blog through Journey to Hannah Clair. I'm a mama to my bio daughter and we are waiting to bring our son home from Taiwan(and our 2nd referral from Taiwan).
Your girls are so adorable and your photography is amazing! I totally understand what you mean about not knowing whose reading your blog. I often think about going private. Anyways, just wanted to let you know who I was. :)
GREAT PICS!! The old John Deere toy is at work again!! That is a big deal. Love the videos--and once again, good job on the day to day! Aren't you lucky your Mom mailed your computer cord???????????????????????
Kiss the girls for me--one for you, too. Lee Lee
My favorite TV night.
You truly take the most beautiful pictures of those girls. Love them all-
Yea for Annie! The first step. She'll be crawling all over the place before you know it. Baby steps. Literally. :)
My sister-in-law introduced me to your blog in January. I have 12 month old and you have inspired me to take more pictures of her. I have even been trying to read my camera manual to learn how to take better pics. I hope you don't have to go private, but I understand. I worry about that with our blog too, but we only have about 5 people a day viewing it.
I hear ya...I think any of us who post pictures of our kids wonder who reads our blog. Thank you for being so open with all of your faithful readers :) and sharing your amazing pictures.
Sorry you had "creepy" stuff too. I seriously am shocked. I know a TON of people read your blog...its a great blog...just be careful :)!
So I was going to start working on a card tutorial...and I got to thinking that you should share some new stuff too you are learning about post processing! I have been drooling over your black and whites lately (just a hint).
Hi from Canada...love your blog, your story has really touched me. Your children are so lucky to have you as parents.
Hi, thought I'd better come out and introduce myself too. Im Rach, I live in AUstralia and have two children, Darcy (5) and Matilda (2). I found your blog through youtube when I was looking through adoption videos..this was not long after you had adopted Lucy..so I've been reading since then. I love reading about your beautiful family and looking at your amazing pictures. Thanks so much for sharing. :) I'll endevor to post more often so that you know at least one of your readers!
hi kelly.
I have emailed you before, but I am a reader who found your blog from the VN adoption sites. I just wanted to say that of all the people that I have tried to email, you are the only one that wrote back. You were so sweet and kind, and thoughtful, and even though we are strangers, it gave me hope in this confusing adoption world. :) Sometimes, just something kind like, "hang in there!" can really brighten a persons day.
So since I dont comment too often, I wanted to say "hi" again!
As always, your pictures are amazing!!
1. fifty days is impressive on itself. but fifty days with incredible pictures. amazing.
2. proud of annie for putting the toy in her mouth. huge step for your girl.
3. thanks again for today.
lulu and i love yall!
HUGE hugs.
I love your blog: the photos, the text, the comments, everything.
You're one of the best "Vietmoma" I know :)
I have commented a couple of times before, but thought I would introduce myself again. I found your blog through another and felt a connection, as I really want to adopt from Vietnam one day (still in college now). Your girls are beautiful, and have truly sealed my desire to adopt from Vietnam one day. I also recently fell in love with photography, and got my slr for Christmas so I love seeing your photography as well. I don't keep a blog right now, but yours is really special!!
I, too, love reading your blog. . . mostly because you are so positive and you are an amazing photographer.
I do not have a blog because I know I would be very nervous about giving 'too much information' to the 'wrong kind of people.' It can be a scary world out there. I'd love to continue following your journey but would totally understand if you need to go private at some point.
I have been reading your blog since you first brought Lucy home. I can remember your ticker that said it was only a few days since Christmas in Vietnam! We were researching Vietnam adoption and I found you through a Google search. I am a faithful reader and totally understand your privacy fears. My husband actually asked me to take our blog down after we had our daughter. Thank you for being so open and for letting us follow your adoption journey. It is inspiring, especially as we hope to adopt internationally in the future.
I love your blog! I live in the Seattle area and love to take pictures of my 3 boys. I come to your blog to see your pictures and get photography ideas. I also think you are a fabulous parent. I came to your blog through the Sweet Life web site and Jen's subsequent adoption web site.
Hello....fellow Texan here. I'm not for sure where I ran across your blog but it's been a while ago. I commented years ago while you were waiting on Lucy's referral and I was waiting on our first China referral(Max).We also just adopted our second, we just returned from China in November with our daughter Vivian Josephine (Vivi Jo). Since commenting way back then I've just been one of those lurkers. I have followed your 365 and enjoyed every day. Your photography is amazing and your girls are absolutely precious.
Sorry about the creeps. I had to deal with that recently myself. Sometimes I feel like shutting the blog down, but I love blogging and love the people I have met and the support they give.
Yay for Annie! That's exciting news. Progress!
Congrats on 50! Only 315 to go!
I found your blog through the Sugar website and have been a faithful reader ever since then. You have a beautiful family! Your Sugar Slideshow brought me to tears and I now LOVE that coldplay song! I just started blogging so I am trying to get in the swing of things in blog world. Hopefully it will soon come more natural to me.
You are such an inspiration and I absolutely love reading your blog and looking at your amazing photography abilities. I got connected to your blog from my sister-in-law. I wanted to introduce myself...I totally get what you mean about possibly needing to go private someday. I am a mother to 3 amazing kiddos.....we adopted our son domestically(I relate so well to your feeding issues, though)...he had a ton of oral motor issues from birth until about 15 mo. There is hope!! Love, love the pic of Annie with the toy in her mouth. What a huge milestone!! Thanks for sharing and take care of those angels!!
Hi....I've left a comment before also, but thought I would introduce myself. My name is Candace and I live in northwest AR. We brought our youngest daughter home from Vietnam last July (08).
I found your blog through ms. broccoli guy and have been following it since before we traveled to Vietnam. Your photos are always so beautiful and you've inspired me to learn more about photography.
I've often worried about having a public blog as well...I'm wondering how you are able to monitor yours...any advice would be appreciated.
I'm Megan from South Carolina, I came across your blog through my sisters interest in adoption. Ever since then I can't help but look at your blog to see new pictures! Your girls are beautiful. I admire your determination to be a loving mom and your story is truly inspirational.
I'm not a blogger simply because I don't have enough to say but I can understand the "creepiness" of others reading personal information. It's sad that some people in this world can ruin a good thing. Thanks for sharing your amazing pictures though. I hope the Lord continues to bless your family! :)
I'll join the club and post too. I'm in Georgetown, TX the home of Ms. Lily from the Adoption Patience blog. I've been lucky enough to be introduced to their family (we live across the street from each other) and be apart of the last leg of their journey. I got here from her site, and I just enjoy hearing your story. My husband and I are young and still not ready for kids, but are very interested in adopting.
Thanks for sharing this part of your life, it has given me an impromptu education on adoption!
hi kelly. I've only commented once before, so I'll introduce myself again. My name is Tara and I'm a junior in college. Your pictures are amazing, and your girls are adorable. I hope to adopt in the future, so I love reading about your experiences. Thanks for sharing with us!
*Tara in Alabama*
Hey Blogger girl--if you're still up, call your Mom!
Just want to reintroduce myself as well. I'm a long time reader, but don't comment that often. I first found your blog when you were waiting for Lucy's referral. I was really interested in international adoption and Vietnam caught my eye. I found your blog through other Vietnam adoption blogs and have been reading ever since. (I didn't get to start the process this time around. I'm hoping Vietnam cleans up and reopens for future adoptions.) I love reading your blog and especially enjoy seeing the pics you take of your beautiful girls!
Hello :) I'm not sure how I found your blog either...just ran across it some how...and I LOVE it! You seem like such a sweet and genuine person and your girls are simply precious. I have one little girl who will be 2 soon and a little boy over in VN that we are waiting to pick up (we are currently waiting for our I-600 pre-approval). My hubbie bought me a wonderful camera for Christmas (Cannon Rebel) and I find your pictures so inspiring! I am a total newbie…but working at it!
Wishing the very best for you and yours! :)
God bless!
I commented the other night, but I just wanted to introduce myself. I am the Momma to 3 beautiful kiddo's from South Korea. I don't remember how I found your blog, but the first time I saw it, I was HOOKED!!! Your photography skills are so inspiring, but even more so, is your story! You all are awesome parents and the love you have for your children is so evident! Thanks for sharing so much of your life with us!
Washington State
Hey Kelly,
Marina here from Australia. I must admit that I visit everyday but this is my first comment. Like some others, I found your site through the Sugar website. I first started visiting to check on the health of Annie when you first brought her home, but the beautiful photos that you take of the girls make me keep coming back. I really want to do the 365 project with my two little ones next year. Your photos are incredible-I wish that you lived in Australia so that I could book you to photograph my babies. I really enjoy your writing too, and the amazing story of how you became parents to Lucy and Annie. Can't wait to see your photography site.
Hi Kelly, Olive here. I emailed you recently. Not sure where I came across your blog first, no doubt from trawling through everything to do with adoption when we were first waiting for referral. To be honest, you really inspire me to be a better parent. I admire your honesty describing how tough it is sometimes to be a parent and can relate to how absolutely fantastic the highs of it are too the majority of the time.
You also inspired us to get a decent SLR camera which we will be forever grateful. The images that we have now of our little girl are priceless. Thank you for your fabulous blog, but I too can totally understand if you need to go private at some stage. Will be very sad if you do though!!!
Good Morning! I found your blog through Sugar Photography's website/blog--can't wait to see your photography, you're doing great! My name is Amy and we have two little boys and we're from kentucky. GO CATS! We're starting our own photography business--can't wait until the weather breaks...I'm tired of the nastiness!!
P.s. Your girls are precious!
I have been reading your blog for about 2 years. (pior to Lucy's adoption) I have left comments in the past but I am more of a lurker now. Your girls are beautiful. I really love to read your blog everyday.
I want to re-introduce myself...I'm Amy from Michigan and I've really only commented on your site once, but I'm a daily viewer. I'm not sure how I came across your site, but I've been hooked since before you brought home Annie. My fiance is a paraplegic and we have been discussing adoption and your site has been so educational. There are days after reading your stories that I think maybe adoption isn't for me and then there are days that your stories touch my soul and I know that my fiance and I are making the right choice. Your stories are so inspirational and your photography is amazing. I would love to follow your journey but understand if you need to go private.
Hey, this is Jill from Philadelphia, I still check in on your family. My hubby and I wanted to adopt from Vietnam, but with the shutdown we where unable. We are now waiting until Vietnam adoptions re-open or we turn 30 to adopt from China -we have a year and a half wait to start the long process : (.
I don't blame ya, for feeling freaked out by not knowing who's reading your page, so i thought i would re-introduce myself.
Hi, I guess a lot of people are introducing themselves now. I have left comments or rather a comment before. I can't remember how I found your blog, but I'm glad I did. I have strong feelings about adoption. I spent a little time working in a childrens home in Central America and fell in love with the children that have no family to call their own. It breaks my heart. I get inspired reading your blog. I hope to adopt in the very near future. I have an aunt from Vietnam, and always considered adopting from there, and taking her (my aunt that is) with us on the trip there. But just when my husband and I were ready to apply all that mess started with Vietnam adoptions. Now we are just trying to figure out where to go from here. There are children all over the world that need families so we are trying to find the best road for us to travel. Sorry this is so long, I just wanted to let you know that I read your blog because you are an inspiration. Thanks
I'm not sure if I've ever commented on this blog, but most definitely your other one. I found you through a really random blog to blog way. We are considering adoption someday, but mostly what keeps me coming back is your amazing photography. I will be very sad if you decide to go private!
Hi, After reading your wonderful blog today I thought I should introduce myself. I'm a grandma with two adopted children (28,17) and two natural children (27,26). The 17 yr old was my 53 foster child in 9 yrs. Born 10 weeks premature he had alot of issues. He is such a joy! The 28 yr old has 2 children and I love being a grandma too them. Only wished they lived closer. She is also very involved in photography and has a blog to keep me updated www.rileyanderika.blogspot.com. Take a look. Your daughters are darling and thank-you for sharing. I so much love how you write your blog!!
Hey there
I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone in your struggle with the blog and privacy.
I too struggle with this on a regular basis, and google analytics is always shocking to find out how many people are actually reading (vs. commenting).
I have had a couple of freak-out moments when I found a bunch of pictures of my oldest son "fave'd" by some creepy men on flickr. It was shocking. I went back and forth over what to do about it (I went private, and then back). I have decided to just police it for now- I always check my stats and keep my eye out for lots of traffic on single pics-
It stinks to have to be so protective, and now that we are about to bring home our adopted daughter I am even more concerned....
Anyway, hang in there. I love your blog and it has inspired me to take more pictures and learn more about post processing- I majored in photography at UT but that was all film of course. I have always used elements but never pushed beyond curves- thanks for the inspiration to explore deeper.
Your girls are beautiful- as is your family. I hope you keep your blog public- but understand if you don't.
Take Care- oh and go to Chuy's for me! YUM!
Hi, I left comments before, but now I will introduce myself.
I'm 17 yearrs old girl from Vietnam, but currently studying in the US. I found your blog through VN adoption site about 2 years ago when Lucy is still a tiny baby :D. I love children, and very very interest in adoption. Oh I love photography as well! (I have you as my contact on flickr). I love seeing photograph of sweet Lucy and sweet Annie......their smiles warm my heart :). Thank you for sharing them.
and congrats on your 50 days! amazing!!
Tuyen (Hei Yan on flickr)
OK, I'm coming out of lurking. I started reading your blog on your journey to bring Lucy home. I absolutely love seeing your beautiful girls. I have 2 girls who are both adopted. Samantha is 10 and from Russia and Sydney is 3 and from China. We are currently in the process of adopting our third little girl. She is only 2 months older than Sydney and from China also.
I dream about taking pictures like yours! Congrats on 50 days!
hey kelly! it's julie mckinney scarborough! i just found your blog through facebook...you do such a great job capturing your girls. i wish i was only so lucky to learn to photograph like you. annie and charlie are close in age...charlie is 8.5 months. charlie was 2 month premature, so it is fun for me to watch where annie is and compare where charlie is. they are both making such great progress!! i hope you are well. hopefully we will be in little rock at the same time and can get the girls together. i will facebook you when we are heading back home!
Good morning,
I just wanted to say hi and thank you for your wonderful blog. I found your blog through Pho for Five - long before it was five! There are many reason I enjoy your blog but it all began because of your Vietnam adoption of Lucy! I have wanted to say hi for so long, but I just never really knew what to say...
I am so happy for your progress with both girls!
Hi, just wanted to say I'm a fairly recent reader but we have much in common. I have a son from Vietnam, so I already heard of you from adoption blog world. I got a new camera for Christmas and and am trying to pick up some tips from you now. Then, I found out we share some common geography as far as family goes. Thanks for letting us read along in your life!
Kelly, this is so wonderful that she put the toy in her mouth. It is atiny step but you are making progress. I love to see how the girls are doing daily. i keep thinking tat i need to post on my blog but no one follows it anymore so i dont see much of a point. but then as i realize, it is something that Brooklyn can go back to and read up on and see her milestones. You are an inspiration. I have been following you before you ever left and got Lucy. We got our little Brooklyn 2/12/2007. One of the earlier families too. Keep up the good work and i look forward to all of your hints.
I've been reading your blog since the birth of my second bio daughter in April and I am sooo addicted. I love everything about it...the pics, the clothes you put on the girls, and most of all your honesty about being a mom. Reading has got me through some challenging and depressing moments after having a baby. My 5 year old loves it too and every cute outfit sends us on a shopping frenzy! Obviously I've never commented on any blog before but after that last post I felt I needed to say something, I don't want to be the creepy one just lurking about. Thanks for sharing your world with us!
Sarah - Missouri
Hi Kelly!
My name is Melissa, and I have 2 little girls Sophia and Lilly and we are pregnant with quads (HUGE SHOCKER!!). I have commented on your blog before, but we went private for a while there too! I do have a few suggestions. There is a code you can place on your blog where nobody can steal your pictures, I can get it and email it to you! Also, I know you used wordpress for Annie's Adoption Website, but when we went private I completely transferred my blog over there and had every post with pictures private. I know I am in love with your blog and I find so much inspiration through your photography. It just is horrible that creepy people get involved. Anyways, just wanted to let you know about the code!
Lucy and Annie are adorable!!
Hi - I don't remember when I started reading your blog, but I've been lurking for a long time and haven't actually commented before (sorry!!) I can understand the creepiness completely - I often wonder if I should keep on blogging, even the small bits of information that we have that is unprotected.
We were planning on adopting from VN but then did not due to the changes in the environment (and MOU).
Thanks for sharing your photos!
Wanted to introduce myself :)
I'm Erin in NH and found your blog through Sugar, which I found through Jenny, which I found a billion years ago through Baby Center... Your family is gorgeous and your pictures are beautiful. My daughter Morgan is getting into photography as a career and I showed her your work to inspire!
Your blog is really fun to follow! Thanks for sharing!
Hi Kelly - I'm still following the blog daily (way to go on 50 consecutive posts - wow!) and honestly I'm using your blog to learn how to post process (I go back to old posts quite a bit to learn from them).
Just a thought but when you started the "I love faces" challenge that probably created more traffic. I know I've been checking out a lot of the blogs that are doing the challenges.
That picture of Annie with the toy in her mouth is fabulous! What a momenteous picture! :)
Thanks for sharing your life and journey with us, I hope you don't go private but even if you do I think this blog is such a tribute to your girls and they'll LOVE reading it some day!
God's best always,
Hi Kelly,
I am friends with Nicole from Raising Animals in Portland, OR. I've been following your blog during your adoption process of Lucy. This was during the same time that Nicole was bringing home their daughter from Vietnam. I enjoy reading your posts and I love your pictures. I too love taking pictures of my daughter and you give me some really great ideas.
Thank you for being so open and for sharing your family!
-Jen Portland, OR
Kel, so proud of your 50! I too am thankful for your adoption friends for you...it's great to be able to share your experiences with others who have gone through it, and as much as we can be there for you and support you, it's important to have people who truly understand. Oh, and gold stars for Annie! So glad to hear (and see) this progress! Loves!
I really enjoy your beautiful photography and simple descriptions of your days raising two beautiful girls! I was led to your blog when Sugar Photography posted on their blog about your homecoming with Annie. I have to admit I've been hooked ever since. You inspire me to take more photos of my two kiddos and make me yearn even more for a nice SLR camera! I just hope that when I finally do get one I can remember half the tips you've so generously shared! Thanks for sharing - everything.
Hi Kelly,
Sorry to hear some creepy people found you. Let me introduce myself again...My name is Dawn and I live in Central NY...cold and snowy Syracuse to be exact. I can't remember where I found your blog, but I think I probably linked to it from another Vietnam adoption blog. My daughter Katie was adopted from Tuyen Quang VN in March of 07...can't believe we are almost going to celebrate 2 years with her, seems like she has been ours forever. I love watching Lucy grow, as she and Katie are almost the same exact age. Katie will be three on Aug. 5th. Annie...well, Annie is just beautiful, just love to see that dazzling smile on her sweet face. I am a faithful everyday reader. Yup, I am addicted. I absolutely LOVE your pictures. Feel free to visit my blog if you want. The address is www.youbelong.net/mccarronfamily
Please email me and I will happily send you the password. I am not nearly as faithful at updating my blog as your are, but I am working on it. Thank you for sharing your lovely family.
Hello! I've been reading your blog for awhile but have never commented. To be honest, I don't remember how I even found it, but I love your stories of Lucy and now little Annie too. I would totally understand if you went private at some point, but would miss seeing your girls grow up! I'm not a mom yet, and seeing your girls gives me my "baby fix" for the day. Plus, I'm very into photography and love your interesting shots. Thanks for sharing!
I have commented before but have never introduced myself. I live in Mississippi between Batesville and Grenada. My husband and I have a 6 year old. I love reading your blog and I first started visiting your blog when I saw the link on April's blog and that was almost 2 years ago. I saw you and spoke to you this past November in the lobby of the Peabody. I was in Little Rock for a certified family life educator conference. I teach parenting classes and child care trainings (and other classes related to Child and Family Development) for an organization in MS.
I think you take the best photographs and you have inspired me to learn more about my camera. Anyway, I better go for now as this has gotten long.
Hello, my name is Kylee and I'm a lurker. :-) I'm not sure how I came across your blog but I was glad I did. My 23-year-old sister was adopted from Korea at age 4 months, so the photos of your little ones reminded me of her. I have a 4-year-old and my husband and I are wanting to adopt from Ethiopia. I enjoy your beautiful pictures and hearing the tales of another mom with little ones. Thanks!
Your blog of your babies have inspired so, so many people for many different good reasons, very sorry about the very few creepiness, think of them as flies on the wall. The progress of Annie is just incredible, we are following her improvement, her stride for life, and all the amazing pictures, stories of Lucy and Annie throught your daily blogging.
That is SO great about Annie putting the toy in her mouth! She is really making such great progress! Love all the pics today!
Love the pictures and post as usual...and like you, I have thought about how public my blog is. I've been considering going private for months now.
My name is Emma and I am a mother of 2 beautiful children (Noah ~ 5yrs old and Natalie ~ 3yrs old.) I have been following your website for a while now, way before Annie was adopted. You have beautiful girls and I have really enjoyed your photography. You definitely catch their personalities in your film. Oh I found you through Jens The Sweet Life blog.
wow kelly! I love how people came out of the woodwork and introduced themselves. That must give you a tiny bit of peace. I am SO IMPRESSED with your 50 days -- raising the roof for you now. ;) All wonderful images. You could wallpaper your home with these images! Have a wonderful weekend! ps. i wonder if the I heart faces has increased your numbers?!?!?
Hi! My name is Sue, I have 2 boys 5 and 7.5. I came across your blog through Sugar also. While I love hearing about the adoptions and your girls, I am mainly here for your photography. I have started a part time photography business and get much inspiration from your pictures. I also love the info you pass along. I am having a hard time finding anyone to get info from. So, (please, please, please)any info you want to share PLEASE do. I would love to know more about your b&w conversion and any others processing techniques you have. Thanks to you, I am starting to shoot in manual. YIKES! I have not done that since high school and that was with a film camera!
Anyway, I just wanted to say "Hi" and let you know about another one of your readers.
Take Care
So proud of Annie! She'll be biting on everything else in no time! Love the slideshows. I have no idea how you keep up with all your pictures as well as you do! I am impressed.
I found your Blog through the Sugar Photography Blog...I'm just learning how to be a better photographer--got an SLR for Christmas...your photos have given me wonderful ideas on how to photograph my own daughter (19 mos). Thanks for sharing!
All the creepy stuff going on is freaking me out a little. It's such a hard situation, huh?
I'm so impressed with your 50 days! Congrats! I officially quit this week and don't even feel bad about it! haha.
I, too, am so thankful for my bloggy friends. I know I wouldn't have survived lots of rough stuff without you and other amazing mamas I love so much.
That pic of Annie with her teething toy made me cry!
I found your blog throught another blog and I was hooked instantly. Your girls are beautiful, as well as your photos.
I am an adoptive mom myself. Thanks for sharing your lives with us.
I have been following your blog for a long time. At the time (your blog was recommended to me by a fellow blogger) we were also involved in an adoption through Vietnam. We were 8th in line to adopt a baby girl when the shut down happened -same agency as you.
I love your blog and I love the pictures you take!
Your girls are just darling!
Project Stormea
I am Carolyn a single mom who adopted a beautiful baby boy from Kazakhstan in Nov.07 when he was 9 months old. My friend Mindy passed your blog along to me when you were adopting Annie. I have always wanted to adopt from Vietnam and still hoping oneday I can.
I LOVE your blog, your honesty is wonderful and so deep felt and real. Your daughters are so beautiful and your photography is amazing! That really is an understatement, your photography is the BEST!
Thanks again for sharing with all of us outsiders looking in.
Keep up the good work, you a wonderful mom, Lucy and Annie are so lucky to have you.
Hi! I came across your blog a couple of months ago. I have a daughter around the same age as Lucy and love looking at all of your fabulous pictures!!
Your girls are super cuteness!
I thought I should comment after reading todays blog. My name is Melissa and I found your blog about a year ago after returning from Ukraine and adopting our daughter. I admit, I love your blog and photos. I am addicted to three blogs...pioneerwoman, bring the rain and of course, vietnam lucy. I read every day and enjoy all three so much. Funny how I can find the time to read all three everyday but not keep my blog up to date. Thought I would leave my blog address if you would like to see one of your readers..melissarmay2000.blogspot.com Also, melissamayphotography.blogspot.com God bless you and your family and hope to continue reading. Thanks so much
Hi, my name is Steph and I live in Australia. I think I found your blog through another adoption blog. I am planning on looking into adoption in a few years time and I love your photography skills. Your photos always look awesome!
Hi! My name is Patty and I am a single mother of 3, all adopted as babies through the foster system. I found your blog through Jen's adoption blog. I was struggling with wanting to share the love I have for my children with their bio mom and was reading on her perspectives regarding open adoption when I found your link. I loved reading of your experiences...all three of my children have had their developmental difficulties and emotional struggles as well...it helps me feel not so alone. I also am a hobby photographer and love seeing the pics and picking up new tips. I am sorry to hear that some readers are taking advantage of your openness. I understand your mama bear instinct and the desire to go private, but I also would like you to know how greatly you have affected so many, as a mother and a photographer.
Hi! I check your blog every now and then scanning for more photography tips. My husband and I are trying to get pregnant, and I am looking into getting a better camera and reading up on taking great baby pictures. Your pictures are amazing!
Just wanted to said "Hi!" Love your blog. Your pictures are amazing and I'm always looking for a tip or two in your blog! Keep the pictures coming! Your girls are adorable!
My name is Teri and I live in Iowa---so I am an instant fan of the same John Deere toy Annie mouthed!! Good taste, that girl (pun intended).
I am a speech pathologist who works with children ages 0-5 through Early Access. Love them OTs, too.
Lastly, I have followed your blog since before Lucy came home. We had hoped to adopt from VN (we have been on wheelchair missions trips there; my husband is a physical therapist), but that is not to be. It still makes me so sad, so I love the follow along with adoptive families, rejoicing at all the milestones.
I haven't commented in awhile, but I've been reading your blog since right before Lucy came home. I was just starting the adoption process then, and I FINALLY brought my daughter home from Vietnam this September. I'm really enjoying following other recently home families right now. I also love your photography and am about to purchase my first digital SLR. I made my blog private over a year ago. Please feel free to email me, if you'd like an invite.
Hello. My name is Melissa and I've been a lurker for a little over a year. I am a single girl that was looking into adoption from Vietnam when I found your blog. Unfortunately, due to the shutdown it wasn't meant to be for the time being, but I still hope to adopt internationally one day soon. Your family is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
Hey Kelly, it's Natalie Clark. I found your blog from your link on facebook. I think that you take absolutley amazing pictures of the girls. You have a precious family and an awesome story behind it! Thanks for sharing your daily joys through the blog!
Love the 50 days of the girls. I am sorry you had to deal with some weird freaks. I love blogging and all of the people I have met and the support I have received. But am wondering if I should go to wordpress so I can PW protect some things....hard decision. It freaks me out though when several of my blog buddies are affected!
Hi Kelly,
I went to Mount and was a grade below Amy and a grade above Katy. Amy and I were on Rockettes together my sophomore and junior years. I started reading your blog a year or so ago when I found a link on Katy's facebook. You're girls are adorable and it is great learning about the adoption process and just your day to day activities:) I just thought would say hello since I am a regular reader!
Angela Strauss
so many awesome photos of your girlies! These daily pictures will become even more special as time goes by. Yay for the toy in Annie's mouth!! Nadia STILL puts everything in her mouth - maybe we should hang out and it'll rub off on Annie. :o) I understand yur concerns with posting stuff so publicly...I've had a fair bit of toruble with Orkut in particular.
congrats on the toy-to-mouth action! Just wanted to say that I still read...don't always comment (especially with the daily posts -- you're a better writer than I am a reader!) but I always love checking in and seeing how "the other lu" is doing.
I don't think I have introduced myself yet but your blog is one of my favorites. I adopted my daughter from Kazakhstan (now almost 6)and my son (now 2.5) from Vietnam. Your girls are precious and your pictures are truly fantastic.
Hey there! I have no idea how I found your blog, but I have continued to follow because I love the pictures of your girls. I am envious of your talent with photography. I've never commented before now, but I truly enjoy your blog!
I visit your blog because I am learning photography and love your photos, and because I'm interested in possibly adopting one day. One day I'll get around to emailing you directly to ask you a few questions if you don't mind, but until then, I just thought I'd introduce myself. Thanks!
I recently started looking at your blog, and the girls are SO cute :) A very very good friend of mine's cousin is adopted from Vietnam and I came across a link to your blog on their blog. So dont worry, Im not some creeper! Just wanted to let you know that I'm not some psycho, if you were wondering why someone from Chicago is reading your blog.
(i love the girls' names too-lucy is one of my favorite names and my name is annie also haha)
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