Here is something extremely special to me. It is Annie's adoption video and contains our trip pictures and some of my favorites since we have been home. I am still so sad that I didn't take a lot more pictures during our trip, but I did the best I could given our circumstances. Just a tip, the second bit of rolling text scrolls kind of fast, so you might need to pause it if you are interested in reading it. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do.
Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing

Today I am thankful that I don't have to worry about applying for Annie's social security number any longer. I will still have to go back to the office when we get Annie's name officially changed, but my trip today was relatively painless. It was almost a disaster, but I got really lucky. When I got there, my number was 37 away from the first they called when I was checked in. The numbers were actually moving pretty quickly. I was sitting there reading a book and all of the sudden it hit me, I had forgotten Annie's passport. I knew that I would have to have it. Justin was home with the girls. I raced home (about 10 minutes each way), grabbed the passport and raced back. When I sat back down, they were 4 away from my number and I was called back within 2 minutes. Talk about cutting it close! I would have been SO upset if I had to start over with a new number. My officer ended up being a really sweet Vietnamese lady! The whole process from door to door was only 1 hour and 20 minutes. Not bad at all if I do say so myself. It is a huge relief to be done with that so that we can hurry up and file our taxes. Now I have to get those completely prepared for the accountant this weekend. Bring on the refund!!!!
Yesterday I learned that Lucy knew how to tell a lie. :( I really think that yesterday was the first time she has ever looked right at me and not told the truth when not trying to be silly. Remember how I said she didn't nap yesterday? When I went in to get her, I asked her if she had napped. She looked right at me, paused for a second, and said, "Yes, Momma. I napped. Good morning." And then she stretched her arms out like you would first thing in the morning. We had a talk about telling the truth, but who knows what she understood about what is a lie or being truthful. Isn't she a little young for lies??? Yikes!
So excited for Idol tonight. Paula is looking a little rough. Thoughts? I LOVE Danny. He is awesome and I always am drawn to the people with interesting/sad stories or contestants with children. He is such a great singer. Love his voice.
Is the bow too much? Good, I didn't think so either! No really, you know I am dying to get a bow in that hair but she is so far away from it. I honestly can't believe that I could get this to stay in even for a second it is so big and heavy and was hanging on by about 3 hairs. We aren't really the headband types, so I guess we will just have to wait a while.

Lucy could not have been any cuter for pictures today. Seriously, so stinkin cute this girl!

The video made me all teary and Lucy's pic's made me smile.
My fav is Lucy laying down with her tongue stuck out. :) Totally stinkin' cute!
Oh, i think your clip may have cut short - I didn't see any 2dn set of text?.?. I'm not sure....
OK, finally. I'm getting sleepy around here! The video is absolutely wonderful. Dad and I just finished watching and reading. You did a great job and both of your girls will love their videos. The pics are exceptionally good of both angels. The first bow head pic made me laugh so hard! Please don't put too much emphasis on Lucy and the nap story. She just wants to please you and hearing that she napped would please you! But, you should have been pleased because with no nap she was still so happy! Good work at the SS office. Missing you all. Love and kisses, Lee Lee
So flippin adorable Kelly. Really, can they be any more precious?
Don't worry about the lying. I've read in a few different parenting books that kids that age really don't understand what lying is. It's not that she's intentionally trying to deceive you. I agree with your mom, in that she wanted to say whatever she thought would make you happy. According to the books, although they may "lie" to you, they do not intentionally start lying (or understanding what that is) until around 5 or 6 years old.
And always the pictures are adorable!!
Your children are so gorgeous!!!!!, and I love Annie's Vietnamese name :)
I've been following your blog for a while, and LOVE your pictures! I just had to finally comment tonight, because my 2 1/2 little girl just told her first lie this weekend!!! I was kind of shocked... she acted so squirly, too! She's not a good liar, but it still upset me that she did it so young! She hasn't done it again, so I'm hoping it was just a one time thing! (Yeah, right!)
I only came across your blog today and I was very moved by the your stories and pictures. Especially that I'm Vietnamese, seeing these adorable children being loved is a wonderful feeling.
Both Annie and Lucy are so cute. They will love and appreciate all the beautiful memories that you've documented for them. They are very lucky to have you both as parents.
I wish your family all the happiness in the world!
LOVE that first picture of lucy...BEAUTIFUL!!
the video is not working right now, so i will try again later :)
Oh the suspence! Your video isn't working!
Love the hair bow on Annie. It reminds me of when I first discovered your blog and saw sweet Lucy's face for the first time! Where does the time go?
Oh and yes, I'm ALL OVER Misha this season. Have you seen the elephant dress? I know you have and now you have to buy TWO! HA! I'll have to buy for two girls soon (I hope) which means I'll get more dirty looks from the hubs! :}
looooove those first 2 black and whites! you need to print those out!!! miss ya'll!
...And what was up with Idol last night? Did they have a budget cut? The sound quality sounded as if they were singing from an old empty warehouse and the new girl needs to learn how to speak into the mic! PillPopperPaula needs to not mix her meds with martinis. Love Danny. Love him!
I don't really comment to often, on any of the blogs I follow. But I just loved the video that you made for Annie. I remember when I saw Lucy's video the first time. I think it was either during our initial process or during the wait for us...I can't really remember, but I do remember getting so emotional and so excited in one clean swoop. Baby #2 for us is a thought, but hasn't realized yet. I guess I'm hoping that by the time we are ready Vietnam and US will have gotten their act together. Here's hoping :)
Lucy & Annie's pix are ADORABLE today (as always)! Danny is my favorite on Idol too! I am so glad he pulled it off last night - it was awesome! As for Paula....she did look like something the cat drug in!
Thanks for sharing Annie's touching adoption video. Seeing the photos is Vietnam makes me miss my grandparents. I want to go back soon and take my boys to see where their grandparents were raised.
I loved the hair bow. :)
Can I tell you this SAME thing happened to me when I applied for M's SS#. I forgot the passport, and drove the 10 minute drive back home and ended up making it just in time! These pictures are perfect. Linhsey STILL rips out everything I put in her hair. And her hair grows SO slow. So slow.
I couldn't get the video to work for some reason, but I'm sure it's wonderful and will be cherished forever! The bow is adoreable. My hubby hates big bows, so I've never done that with Nadia. So glad the SS worked out - I love stories like that! We've just recently started having some issues here with telling the truth too. Yikes!
Loving the bow pics! I am so sad the video won't load :(
SUCH awesome shots and I LOVE the big bow in Annie's hair! I'm going to come back to watch the video as I have to run now and I really want to enjoy the story!
I love the black and white one with Lucy's little tongue stickin' out. So cute!
As far as lie telling, it's actually a stage of development and a sign that she's maturing. Children suddenly realize (at around age 2 but some not until age 3) that adults don't know everything. Heh. So, for the longest time, Lucy didn't realize that you wouldn't know if she actually slept or not just because you weren't in the room - you were the all-knowing momma! But now she's realizing that you may NOT actually know so she's testing the's all normal. :o)
awesome job on the video!! love the pics of the girls. miss you guys!
Those pictures are AWESOME!! I am SO jealous! The video won't load, but I will keep trying.
aww...that is too sweet. annie will love the video one day. beautiful!
i didn't realize the 17th was special for yall too! so i guess it has been three month!
that annie is such a special little girl.
oh, and those pictures of lucy are awesome!
The video was lovely. Really. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Cute video Kell. You crack me up with your Idol obsession. And how 'bout Lucy fibbing already?!! You've got your hands full when that girl turns, um, 3??!!
What a beautiful video! Your girls are just gorgeous.
I love your blog; your girls are gorgeous and your photographs capture them so well! I am about to go apply for my son's SSN and wondered: did they issue the number right there or do you have to wait?
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