Today I am thankful for the sound of my daughter's laughing. No matter how bad a day is going, when I hear one of my babies laughing, I can't help but laugh as well. I am sure most of you remember that Annie still doesn't really know how to laugh. She is getting there, but is not there all the way. She will let out these little giggles, but even those are hard to get. What you get most of the time are these big shrieks, but not true laughter. Today, Justin and I both got real laughs out of her. It is so fun when you get the little glimpse of what her laugh will sound like. It is really cute! Throughout the past few years, I have posted video after video of Lucy laughing. I LOVE Lucy's laugh. I can't wait to post videos of Annie cracking up. Ever since Vietnam, Lucy has fallen in love with Tom and Jerry. The only cartoon shows on in VN were on Cartoon Network, and that is where she was introduced to Tom and Jerry. We were in our hotel room one day and all of the sudden, Lucy was laughing as hard as she possibly could. We looked over and she was watching Tom and Jerry and thought that everything they did was the funniest thing she had ever seen. We have gotten her 2 DVDs of it since we came home and it has taken the place of Shrek as the all time favorite. Lucy has always loved humor where someone gets hurt, which is what Tom and Jerry is the entire show. Should we be worried? Who remembers this video? It is at the very top of my all time favorites. We love her laugh so much that we will do just about anything to hear her laughing. Look how teeny tiny she is.
Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing
Justin and I both decided today that life would be a lot easier if we all just acted like Annie. She goes through every single day - whether she is sick, exhausted, stressed, etc - with the biggest smile on her face. She loves life all of the time. She is the definition of happiness and living life to its fullest. I want to be more like that. Life is too short for wasting time worrying about things we can't change. We should all just smile more. I always feel great when I am smiling, so I am going to work on that.
Lucy has really been cracking us up lately with a few more things that she has been saying all of the time. She makes it quite easy to keep a smile on our faces. Have any of you ever seen the horrific show Lazy Town on Noggin? It is awful. Really, really awful. Lucy discovered it a month or so ago and now she knows when it is coming on and insists on watching it. Every single day, I say to her, "This show is so weird Lucy." This makes her so mad. She whips her head around to me and says, "Its not weird! Its new Lazy Town. I told you its not weird!" She never changes any of this, she says the exact same thing every single day. She is big into saying that she already told us something if she ever has to repeat herself. The other thing that is so funny is that she doesn't understand time yet, but she talks about it all of the time. For instance, she talks about going to Lee Lee and Papa's house ALL. OF. THE. TIME. I am always saying to her, "We are going there in _____ days/weeks" or whatever the amount of time is. So now when she talks about going to their house, she says, "I go Lee Lee's house on Wednesday (or tomorrow, or in 2 weeks, or in 5 minutes, or this weekend). The time period is always changing and never the same (or correct). We go over this scenario multiple times a day. Whenever I tell her we have to go somewhere and she has to stop what she is doing, she immediately says, "How bout 3 more minutes Momma?" or 5 minutes or 1 minute. Whatever she thinks of at that moment. Funny stuff. I love that she wants to talk about things that she has no understanding of whatsoever, but can use the words in appropriate context.

Lucy has a new trick. She can sit on the floor with her legs straight in front of her, open her legs until she is in full center splits (and I do mean both legs straight out to the side), roll hips over, and get her legs behind her. It is not normal. I have said it before, but she is a rubberband. Her legs can stretch any way she puts them. I will look at her on the couch some days and she is sitting there with a leg up by her ear - it is so easy for her she can just pull it up on its own and not have to use a hand to hold it there. It really is wild.

A quick sunbath for the doggies.

Hooray! A post before I go to sleep! These girls are the best--I'm jealous and anxious to hear Annie trying to laugh/giggle! Can't wait. It really seems like things are going so well. Now, isn't that truly a HUGE blessing?? Kisses to all. Love, LeeLee I, too, am ready for Lucy to come to LeeLee's house.
LOVE the rubberband. LOVE the mowhawk. LOVE the welcome home video (cried).
Lee and I are quite the commenters now...
ok, the laugh is so dear.
lazy town. just ONE more thing to talk about. oh. my.
and before i turn off the computer, looking at lucy in the splits literally makes my hips hurt.
Love the new pics!!! Too funny that Lucy likes to talk about time. I remember my nephews not grasping the concept of time, and my sister would have to refer to everything by how many Scooby Doo's. For instance, if they were going somewhere in 30 minutes, she would say "We will go in 1 Scooby Doo"! Hilarious!
Such a fun update - and I remember that video of Lucy, my goodness where has the time gone? I think you're right about living life like Annie does, smiling all the way through - a very good goal to have. Love the pic of Lucy's splits (ouch) and Annie's little arm muscles (er, chub)!
Found your blog recently. Your daughters are beautiful, and oh, finally someone who feels my pain about lazytown. What is it about that show? It is sooo weird! My little one is just mesmerized by Sportacus. Can't believe I know the names...Ugh.
I'd never seen that video! I know I've said this before but Lucy's laugh is so contagious, it really is a wonderful laugh.
You're right about Lazy Town, it's weird. But I think Yo Gabba Gabba is REALLY weird too, I don't know why all the kids like it, it's odd.
That video is hilarious. What a great laugh! Love all of the smiles.
Luci us to be able to split like that and lay flat on her stomach. As she's getting older, she losing some of her rubberband.
I don't know what it is about Lazy Town either. Lu insists on watching it. It's just plain trippy, but not as strange as Yo Gabba Gabba. Have you ever seen the woman in the gold lame jumpsuit? That will frighten children right into therapy!
Love your thankful blessings. Little things make BIG memories.
So agree about Lazy Town and throw in the WOnder Pets for this house. Wacky. Great pics as usual. I have some questions about I heart faces but I'll send them later!
I'm so happy you got to hear her laugh. I remember while I waited to meet Linhsey..all I wanted to do was hear her laugh.
I wish I was flexible like Lucy!
No sympathy here until you've suffered through Max & Oh, on Lazy Town..Mark things Stephanie and Sportacus are a little too close...ha ha
Love the video..hearing them laugh is the best medicine for sure : )
OMG, I feel your pain on the bad taste in TV - Jack went through a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse phase and I just despise that's brainless! Worse though has to be Wonder Pets (though I've never see Lazy Town). I know, let's introduce our kids to speaking with a lisp just as they're learning to talk! Ugh, who thinks of these shows?! Thankfully, I've redirected him to the dorky but educational shows again like Word World (my fav). You're lucky Lucy doesn't have aggressive tendencies of any kind! I will never let Jack watch Spongebob or Tom and Jerry because I know it would actually influence and encourage things we're trying to hide in him!
Lucy's attitude CRACKS. ME. UP. And the human rubberband thing is too cute. The B&W's of Annie continue to be my favorites. They are beautiful. I hope we get to hear her unreserved laughter belting out soon! I'm sure we'll look back and not believe there was a time when she couldn't laugh...once it comes, I'm betting it's a sound you'll hear a lot!
You have such a beautiful family. Welcome home! I especially appreciate Lucy in the Razorback cheer leading outfit.
I am so glad to see Bruiser and Bianca! I have really wondered about them. I love that video. He probably could have banged his head all night and she would still have kept laughing at her silly daddy.
awww, this post leaves a big ole smile on my face. Lucy's talking cracks me up! I love that girl. I loved all those old laughing videos! It feels like it was just yesterday you posted those. How crazy that she was SO tiny!! And I love the splits. You know addy does that same crazy thing. It trips people out, even her gymnastic coaches freak out. But most of all I love reading about Annie's laugh. Those hard-earned laughs are so so much more precious than the ones that just roll out of other kids. You guys have come so so far, so fast!
Kelly, your posts are always just so full of joy and sweetness and contentment. they never fail to make me smile. You're an awesome person, and so are your girls!
Love this series of Annie! Love Lucy's laugh! She really is a rubberband, huh?
Have you thought about getting Lucy into gymnastics? She sure seems to be built for it.
Thank you for sharing your photog tips...I have so much to learn and I appreciate every ounce of advice! Also- Annie's welcome home video was awesome. That song really brought out the emotion of it all. It's impossible not to tear up watching something so beautiful!
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