Today is Justin and I's 5 year anniversary. 5 years seems like a big deal to me. We have been through so much together in our 5 years and I can't wait to spend the rest of my years with you. I am so proud of the family that we have formed together. You are an amazing father and husband. Who knows what the next 5 years will hold for us, but I can't wait to find out together. I love you and am so thankful to have you in my life.
Today was a rough day around of our house. Both girls have snot pouring out of their noses. It is not pretty. Lucy has not wanted me to hold, touch, or interact with Annie a lot of the day. The TV has been on all day long in order to keep her semi-content. Annie is still pretty happy. Not quite herself but manageable. Lucy is running a low grade fever, but it is very easily controlled with some motrin. They are both in bed and I hope we all get at least a little sleep.
Annie had a very rough night last night again. But there is good news - the top 2 middle teeth finally broke through!! Now we only have a zillion more teeth to deal with and I know there are more on the horizon, but at least we have 2 less that have to come in than we did the day before. Right? Right. The reason why Annie's sleep issues are so difficult to deal with is because at 11:30 or midnight, she starts her constant wake up routine. I go to bed every night between 11:30 and midnight. I know you are thinking, why don't' you just go to bed earlier, and to be honest, I would love to. But I have had sleep issues for years and if I try and make myself go to bed earlier, I just start worrying about going to sleep. So, it is better for me to wait later so that I am good and exhausted. So, right when I am ready to go to sleep, Annie starts in. For whatever reason, she is up and down and upset from 11:30-2 am every single night almost. At 2 something happens, and she will settle back down. It is really strange. And really exhausting. Of course, last night she was up again at 5 and 6:45 and then slept until 8. All of this resulted in me getting very little sleep. Functioning on that little of sleep with 2 very needy girls is not easy at all. It is so hard to stay patient with Lucy's whining and everything else that is going on. All that matters is, we made it through the day. Maybe tonight will be better. Things could be much, much worse, and I try to remember that. We can do this.
The hand chewing pretty much never stops.
She had so much fun talking to herself in the mirror of my closet today.
Lucy was very pleased with herself when she was able to reach a bag of hershey kisses and eat about 6 of them before I found her.
We never managed to get out of pjs today. Look at Lucy in this picture.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Happy Anniversary! 17/365
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5:44 PM
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Oh, I can only imagine what was going thru Lucy's mind in that last one. :)
I so feel for you in the sleep department. I remember how hard it was when we first brought the kids home and I KNOW how hard they can make things now and you've got both to deal with without the luxury of 6 or 7 hrs of sleep. I used to cry for at least an hour most days b/c I was just so tired.
Well, YEA! to those 2 teeth that came in. That might get you some temporary relief.
Happy Anniversary!
Dear Baby Girl: Happy Anniversary to you and Justin! Wow, the time has flown. I, too, am so proud at how hard you two have worked and made such an amazing family! Keep up the good stuff! Always remember the difference you have made in the lives of these two precious babies. They could still be somewhere, underfed and under loved. So, yes, the sleep issue is huge in your case, just always remember that this will pass (hopefully sooner than later) and how blessed you are. Get some rest! Sometimes that means that you have to put your computer up! he he he he Much love, LeeLee
Happy Anniversary!! You are amazing to keep up with an upbeat attitude and faily pictures even in the midst of sleep deprivation and with sick kiddos. Here's hoping for a better tomorrow!
happy anniversary guys!
i hope the baby girls get well (and SLEEP soon!)
Happy anniversary...I remember feeling like 5 years was a big deal for us too!
I am so sorry about your lack of makes being patient so hard...and sick kids on top of it = not fun. I hope and pray things get better for you, Kelly!
Happy anniversary! Yay for 2 teeth! Hope both girls feel better soon.
Oh! That last photo is hysterical. It's a little glimpse of the teenaged Lucy. Such comtempt. LOL
Happy anniversary!
I hope the girls feel better soon. Oh my goodness does Annie have awesome eyelashes!
Your girls are so precious! I've followed your blog for a few months now from Jen's blog and I'd love to know if you have any sleep tricks that you use-for yourself, I mean. I have suffered from insomnia for almost 3 years now and have tried everything!
O snap! I feel for you girl... you feel so bad that they are sick but the constant crying and not sleeping sure wears on ya.. it will pass! AND OMG! That last photo of Lucy is awesome... this is the "look" you will get when she is a teen!
Obsessed with this post. Love the one of Annie talking to herself in the mirror, too cute. Hope you had a wonderful anniversary!! LOVE YA!
p.s. I managed to keep my wheels on last night...but just barely...
Happy Anniversary!
Kelly and Justin, congratulations on another anniversary. Believe me, every year is an important and good celebration. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the adorable Christmas card. We loved seeing the girls. Annie is so pretty, too, and I can just see charming personality all over her. I guess lack of sleep is the issue of the day (Kate's blog). Somehow I've forgotten our sleepless nights. Since the girls were born in San Antonio, I do remember being outside every day as the weather was so nice - probably sick or not. But winter is difficult. Hang in there. So enjoyed catching up with your blog. Love, Coco
I'm sorry Lucy is feeling bad again, and that Annie is having such a hard time sleeping. :(
Happy Anniversary!
Poor baby girls. Hope they get better and you get rested soon Kel! Happy anni!
Happy Anniversary! Hope you get to do something special together.
I don't know how you can even function with no sleep. I can't. Take care of yourself!
happy anniversary! megan
Love the Lucy'tude in that last picture!!
Do you guys have a dog? I thought I spoted a dog's crate in one of the shots but I never see a pup in any of your pictures.
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