Today Justin and I rented a storage unit to put the massive amount of "stuff" that has accumulated in our guest room that is now Lucy's room. We have never really fixed up her room because there was too much junk everywhere. It feels so good to have it out of the house. It was all stuff we had to have, but was way too big for any of our closets. We still have a lot to do in here and it won't ever be fixed up the way I want it for Lucy because we are thinking about putting our house on the market and I don't want 2 babyish rooms while we try and sell it. But it will be a million times better and there is a great little play area attached to the room that will now actually have room for toys. I think by tomorrow night it will be all fixed up for her. Yeah!
I am obviously really into hats for Annie right now. She doesn't mind them and it is hat wearing time of the year. She is at that age where she will gladly do the photos of the day. She sits still and looks at the camera and smiles. It is amazing. Lucy, not so much interested. That is okay with me though because I like everyday life shots. I just can't wait until it is really warm outside again and we can do our pictures outside. The pics of Lucy today are of our after nap ritual. Lucy wakes up a wreck after nap. She is a grouch and easily irritated and a lot of the time just unpleasant to be around. So, I try and keep things really simple. We come downstairs, get a snack, and she watches a show. One of the best things we ever bought her is that little purple chair. She absolutely loves that thing.
Enough is enough already.
She can never sit still, hence all of the different positions.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Posted by
5:35 PM
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They are both absolutely beautiful children. You really have a talent with your pictures.
CFC 7/09/08
Filed I600 1/13/09
Bac Ninh
I love your blog. Your girls are darling! Your pictures are beautiful.
When my eldest was born I absolutely had to have (and couldn't afford) one of those chairs from pottery barn. I finally rooked the grandparents into getting it for his first birthday and I have to agree - BEST GIFT EVER!
I LOVE that hat! I really want a chair like that for Delaney too - one of these days hopefully. What a bummer that Lucy is such a grumpy waker - that is the ONE good thing on our end in regards to sleep, usually D is a happy little pistol upon waking, or if she's slow to get going she's cuddly but pretty happy. Kind-of a bummer to hit the ground running with a grump, though she's a very cute grump!
Love the cute pics, especially the belly button one!
Both girls are precious!
Another day of the hat and love the everyday pictures of Lucy too. T is the same way about waking up...she has to have some space before she gets her charm back :)
i think zoe and lucy are soul sisters.
That hat on Annie is so cute! Ellie has the same little crying face as Annie in her last picture. For Ellie, though, it means she's poopin'! Ha!
Kelly and Justin: A+ for working on a little more room for Lucy/LeeLee. Did the girl drummer get put in storage too?????? ha ha ha ha ha Pics are great. I got every bathroom cleaned, floors mopped, etc. around here today. Tomorrow, the dust must go! Feel free to come help. 2 Orecks are better than one! Tell the Goose that when I was cleaning my bathroom, when I shook the rug, a little something fell out. I thought it was a present from Bruiser, but no, only a dried up raison!!! (He did however, leave a small gift in the dining room!) I must tell you that I am very happy that the picture a day thing is still working! You go girl. Love and miss all of you, LeeLee
Annie looks beautiful in the hat!! what amazing eyes! And, little Lucy in her purple chair can't get any cuter!!
Picture #1 and the belly button are my faves. Lee
OMG how freaking cute is that hat!! LOVE IT!! You know we are all gonna want to know where on earth you got it! I love the everyday photos too and boy does that Lucy have some nice abs! lol
Love all the new pictures. I think it is great you are doing a picture a day. By the way, Stella has that same hat. She is wearing it in my profile picture. Annie is so sweet....and miss Lucy is a doll. courtney
You guys are planning to move?! Where? Still, Lucy's new room and the playroom sounds fab. Oh, and playroom - I think I'd kill for that. ;o)
You need to give me some tips about where you find all these awesome hats! I need to get some for photoshoots!
Where ever did you get that fabulous hat???? Love the Lucy pics too!
Once you have 2 you need a bigger house automatically! Good luck with that.
Love the hats!
liney's a complete grump when she wakes up too. it's like a no contact rule for about 15 min. in order for her to re-engage. anywho, loving the one pic a day thing. annie's smile is infectious and i could just eat her up. still love your fab blog. enjoy decluttering and making space for things!
The 2nd photo is just unbearably cute! She is blossoming and so beautiful.
Love Lucy on the chair, she has such a cute little belly button.
Your girls are just too cute! And that hat!! Where did you get it?? I want to get one for my little girl.
Hey Kelly,
I read your blog periodically and think your girls are so adorable. My husband and I are certain we will adopt internationally. I've been praying so much about the timing in our lives and which country to adopt from. Would you be able to give me any details about Vietnam? Is there an age requirement for the parents? Do you have to be married a certain number of years? Etc. Thank you so much for you help! You can email me at
Lovin' the hat! Do tell where you bought it! I glad Lucy loves her chair. I bought one at PBK for my Lu and she refuses to sit in it. Maybe next baby will love it!
My goodness...Miss Luc is ALL legs. I love Annie's hats. I don't think I could get my son to sit still for a hat portrait. It's hard enough trying to get a coat and hat on to go outside.
Awww, these are some of my favorite pictures EVER. Addy wakes up a mess after nap, too. How fun that Annie will pose for you!!!
We are also huge fans of the PBK chairs. We have three in our living room and those get way more use than anything else we have ever bought for our kids. I'll be sad when my oldest outgrows hers, but she's tiny so we have a way to go (she's five now).
As always, your children are adorable!
Oh, I hope that hat phase lasts a looong time for Annie. I absolutely love hats on babies, but Ella won't have anything to do with them now...grrr.
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