Today I am extremely thankful for days when both babies take nice, long naps. I usually prefer that both girls take their afternoon nap together so that I can have a little bit of time to myself. Annie usually naps like she sleeps at night - she wakes up several times but I can get her back to sleep. However, this morning, I laid her down later than normal and she slept, with no wake ups, from 11-1. Lucy and I ate lunch together and she helped me put away groceries during this time. We also did some cleaning. Mom, you would be so happy, Lucy LOVED being my little helper and she dusted away! Then I took Lucy up for her nap at 1. I got her down and about 2 minutes later, Annie was up. I got to have a lot of quality snuggle time with her. She didn't have to have Lucy trying to get in my lap with her or demanding that I put her down for a while. We just hung out. She smiled and cooed and I enjoyed it. At about 3, Annie was ready to lay down. Lucy woke up as I was rocking Annie. Annie went back down from 3-5:20 (and I woke her up then because I don't want her up all night). So, as you can see, there was a lot of napping today. But the way it worked out was perfect because I got to have a lot of one on one time with each girl, which is something that is hard to come by around here. I don't mind them having nap schedules like this if I get a semi-normal night of sleep. I got a great night's sleep last night. Woo hoo! Come on for tonight. Justin gets home tomorrow and we are all really ready to see him. We love and miss you Dad!!
A little background info on the pictures today. First, it is cold here again. At least, cold to us. I took both girls to the grocery store this morning (my first time to do that alone and it was a huge successs!) and on our way it was only 35 degrees. Cold! I thought it would be cute to get pictures of Annie with this big hood on. This is Lucy's coat, so it swallowed her, but you can't tell in the pictures. Then when Lucy got up, I wanted pictures of her with the hood on too. In order to make that happen, I bribed her with whip cream and Reece's Pieces. Guess which one of my avid readers turned her on to whip cream? She instantly agreed to my bribe. We zipped her up, I asked her to sit down, and she went to work. Lucy seriously knows how to work it for the camera when she wants to. She sat down, looked right at the camera, smiled, laughed, posed with her head tilted, and then a serious straight on look. I swear to you, I said nothing other than what her bribe was. After she did each of these things, she said all done, and that was that. It all went down for her in about 45 seconds. I liked that just as much as she did! I guess all of that time she spends in front of my camera has really paid off! Love that girl. I had a really hard time picking a favorite today. What I really want is a big faux fur hat for both of them. I am on the look out for that if you know where I can get one.
All Done!
Where is my treat?
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Posted by
6:23 PM
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The first pic of Lucy is truly breathtaking. It's beautiful in color as well but, Wow!
Also lovin' them sticking their little tongues out. Incredibly beautiful kiddos you got.
I love the hell out of one-on-one time with my kids. Most of the time it's worth losing a nap for myself, but only most of the time. :)
I love the pictures where they each have their tounge sticking out! Amazing! I have been loving the pictures sorry I am so far behind.
Kelly--lucky day! Mamie says to put the first pic of Lucy in the baby contest!!! Love and miss ya! Hope all sleep well tonight. You can NEVER go wrong with whipped cream (on anything)! Love and kisses, LeeLee
SUPER cute pics, Kel! The tongues crack me UP! Love that! And duh, why didn't I think of bribery!!! You are brilliant! That hat is super cute! We don't even HAVE coats this year. If I would have known it would be a freezing winter I would have done it! But I kept thinking "surely this is as cold as it will get" and it just keeps creeping back in!!!
i LOVE that you are posting daily! i look daily too! precious precious- both girls!
Love the tongue pictures! too cute!
LOVE IT!! I always feel like people are disapproving when I give my little squirt extra M&Ms, or sprinkles on her ice cream AND a couple of hersheys kisses. I mean the only time she's really allowed to "pig out" on candy is Halloween. But I don't have a problem with letting her enjoy some yumminess now and then, especially when I'm using it in a bribe. :)
You sure did make good use of the few seconds Lucy gave you! they are both too cute in that big ol' hood. You should frame a matching pair!
So great that you got some alone time with each girl today! It really was cold wasn't it?! Brrr!
I can't wait until I can bribe Phoebe to sit for photos. The girls are gorgeous as usual!
Bribery is my friend! :) The secret to great parenting.
Your pics today make me want to chomp down on those chubby baby cheeks! Love it!!!
The two tongue pictures are so cute. It looks like Annie and Liam has the same little dip in the end of their tongues.
that first one is magazine material.
find a seamstress or someone who sews in your area. They can buy a pattern and fabric to make the hat your wanting easily.
I am loving your photos everyday. Those first two took my breath away. Beautiful girls!
You really have no idea how happy your pictures make me. We are still in the negative degrees, so to see your girls playing outside in the sun shine really lifts my spirits! Are your summers super hot though?
Oh, and about the hats, I had just come across this hat yesterday, so I thought I would drop the link for you:
Kelly, you've out done yourself with those pictures. they are absolutely breathtaking. And, kudos to Lucy for her posing! I'm not shy about bribery too (wish it worked as well)!! megan
so, prepare yourself for a really dumb comment.
i am in love with your daughters' skin tone.
i love it. it is beautiful.
reeses and whipped cream. gotta remember that. maybe tomorrow.
truly amazing pictures!
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