Okay, so I am a little overwhelmed by the requests for the password. I am not positive about how to handle it all. Don't worry, I have not sent it to anyone yet. In fact, I don't even have a second blog started yet. My plan is to get it up with at least one post this week. I can make no promises, but those are my intentions. So, hopefully I can get the password out this week sometime. But for a little fun while I procrastinate getting the site up, what is your guess about my big news? I am interested in hearing and bet that I know what most of you will say. My guess is that most of you are wrong!! So, that mixes things up a bit, huh? If you know my news, zip it up. It will be out of the bag soon enough, password or no password.
I am feeling overwhelmed in many aspects of my life at the moment. It will all calm down, but in the meantime, I am just feeling stressed out. I am not sleeping well again. I feel like there are not enough hours in the day, but then I find myself not getting the things done that need to be done when I have the time. Do you know the feeling? I look back on a lot of my days and think of what I SHOULD have done. Get it together, Kelly!
One of the exciting things going on that is not a secret is that I am going to really pursue getting into the photography business. I still lack the confidence to really say that I am going to do this, but I am getting better. I find that I am normally embarrassed to say that I am doing this because I just don't think that I am there yet. I still have so much to learn and figure out. It is definitely a learning process. Some day I hope to be really, really good. But I have to start somewhere, so I am getting the courage to take the next step. I have a bunch of friends with kids here, so I have summoned them to be my guinea pigs and luckily, they are all more than thrilled to aid in my learning of how to work with other people's kids instead of only my beautiful little subject. I have worked with two of the families so far and both sessions have gone so well. I am just so excited to get into this and think that it would be the most amazing job - I love taking pictures and can work my own schedule. Lucy will normally be able to be home with Justin when I would be out working, so her little life will not really be affected, which is VERY important to me. But, I need your help. Can anyone think of a good name for my business? My goal is to capture natural, fun photos where the child or family's personality really shines through. I want to photograph what feels like a normal day for the child. So, going on that, any name suggestions? I like A Day in the Life (sticking with the Beatles theme here). Justin likes this name as well. Thoughts? Here are a few of my favorite pictures of some of Lucy's adorable little friends. She really has the cutest little friends, so my job is fairly easy. I have more sessions coming up, so stay tuned to hear more about this. But don't forget to give name suggestions.
I really love this picture. I love the light in her eyes and the sweet, precious look on her face. I am really proud of this one.
For some reason I really love this picture. The focus is on the baby, and sweet Hannah is just so joyful in the background. You can see that the baby would love for this to be over and Hannah is smiling so big at her momma and is clearly thinking, "Hey, I will smile all day for a few fruit snacks!" The girls did so well, but let me tell you, getting an almost 2 year old and a 2.5 month old in the same picture, looking natural is not any easy task. This is the kind of stuff that I will only learn with time.
And this is my favorite of Hannah. She kept asking me where Lucy was. Luckily, she was more than thrilled to just look at a few pictures of her that I had on my camera.
And from my very first session!! The first one is definitely my favorite. I just love it.
I don't even have any new pictures of Lucy Goose. Sorry grandparents!!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Um, Wow.
Posted by
7:15 PM
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I am overwhlemed FOR you... 205 requests, and that doesn't even count me...
#2 I am so freaking proud of you for venturing out into your own photography business.... You have the talent AND the drive to really make it work. I love these photos that you shot, you really capture each child and who they are in your photos, which is what makes you great...
#3 I actually love the name!
adopting again
getting a job
we just had pro pics of lulu
i would hire you of you were here
I know your secret!!!! But my lips are sealed, I won't breathe a word. :o) I will say that I too am amazed by just how many people want to share in your excitement!
And, I am thrilled that you're really going to go for it! You totally have the talent and I know you will be successful. I absolutely know how you feel, as I still struggle with those same insecurities. It will be fun to share the journey together.
But sorry, no name ideas since I'm still sruggling with that myself. In fact, you're going to laugh when you see the post I'm working on right now. ;o) I do like A Day in the Life!
You are starting a girls hip hip band, named "Kelly Rocks", have gotten a record deal, and you're going on the road!! I am not even kidding and I should know since we talk every day.
I'm so excited for you!
All the best, Mandy
Holy smokes, 205 requests - that's amazing and totally crazy! I'm sure then my guess is wrong too, I thought for sure adopting again (as in very close to big news to share) but you said what most of us will guess is wrong and I'm sure that's what most will guess. So then my guess is moving. I remember you mentioning big changes coming up a while ago - so with what you're saying now too... Hmmm.
That's awesome that you're starting a photography business (I like the name too!). You DEFINITELY have the talent and you are amazing! If we lived near you I'd want you to do a session with D in a heartbeat!
Oh, and I forgot to say that I LOVE all these pictures! You totally rocked both sessions. WOW. No one would ever guess that this was your first efforts. (I might add that you did way better than my first sessions, too!)I will cheer for you every step of the way.
I can't guess since I know, but a while back before I knew, I totally would have guessed wrong. I'm wondering if that's what people are going to guess...
You shouldn't feel insecure at all because you take amazing photos and you clearly have tons of people who come here to see them. You're very talented and I think that's a wonderful idea. I like the name you suggested.
I'm so glad to hear that you're going for it! I was wondering when you would start your own photography business - you're SO talented!! Next time we're in Dallas I'm hiring you... I take a ton of pictures of her, but I really want someone else to have a go at it - you know, a different perspective.
Can't wait until you share the big news!
I'm guessing you are are going to give Lucy a brother or sister or you are moving!!
Regardless of what it is, we are looking forward to hearing the news!!!
I really like A Day in the Life, and I agree, if we lived near you, I'd def. hire you to photograph Kyndal :)
The best advice I received when beginning my photography business was to use my name, and not my married name. (I went with Ashley Anne). The idea behind it is that you want to build your business around your name. My second piece of advice (not that you're asking) is not to price yourself too low. It's great you have friends kids to build up and use for your portfolio. That will help big time.
I personally think you're pregnant. If Vietnam were still open, I'd venture to say a second adoption but since it isn't... pregnant is my guess.
I know your little secret Miss Kelly! Can't wait to see people guess and I'm soooo ready for you to spill the beans!!!
Your pictures are fantastic. The little girl with the pigtails reminds me of Dakota Fanning. Adorable!
Name for your business--I think you should use your name. It's the best form of advertising. Though I do like A Day In The Life.
I know what you mean about stressed and overwhelmed. I need a break!
The antisipation is unbearable! Can't wait to hear the news. I will give it a shot at guessing, but seem to feel that the guesses will be missing the mark.
1. Adding a brother or sister for Lucy
2. Going on an over seas trip
3. Building a house
My number 4 was actually starting a photography business. At least that was right :) From the pictures you post of Lucy, you will be amazing! Enjoy!
Kelly--the pics of the children are absolutely wonderful! You're right, us grandparents would love to see OUR GIRL!!!! I know how big the head is with all the comments. My heart goes out to Justin!! he he he
All well here--getting really cold tonight, lots of wind. Guess fall is really here! Get some sleep, angel. Love and kisses, Mom
Wow, that's a lot of requests, and I haven't even commented yet, but I want to keep following along, so please send it to me. I know you read our daughter Tori's blog, and I *think* you have our email but it recently changed so it's kross-keller@comcast.net
I'm pretty sure either
a) you got Lucy a part time gig in the circus
b) you got Lucy a pony
and (not or but and)
c) you are finally ready to admit you're in a girl band and that Justin is your manager
Ok I know your secret too. Clearly. haha
I'm so excited about your plunge into the world of pro photography! How exciting! Those pics are adorable! And I do love the name. Go with your instincts girl!
My guess would be either pregnant or adopting again, but since you said most of us are probably wrong, I'm thinking maybe not? Anyway, whatever it is, I'm sure it's awesome news, and I can't wait till you share it! The pics are awesome! You've done a great job with the pics of Lucy and these just add to the portfolio. Good luck with all that it entails!
I think you'll do great with your own business! You may want to check out "A Day in the Life"- I think there is a series of photo/essay books under that same name...
I think that photography is definately your niche. I only wish I lived closer that I could have you photograph Yen when we finally (if ever) get her home. I feel I am still trying to figure my life out and I have now been to college twice! I admire your ability to really involve your true interests into your life.
My guess about your news is that you are adopting a little boy. I am guessing that when Vietnam reopened you and Justin applied knowing it might shut down again. I guess you received a referral just before the cutoff and are now anxiously awaiting travel.
Anyway, just my guess
PS-if you get a chance to visit my blog, do you have any suggestions for orphanage donations? I really don't know what to plan to take in this department.
I promise to stay zipped. I hope the stress level decreases a bit! And congrats on the new business. Those pictures are to die for! I may have to make a special trip for a session...not that I have anything or anyone that needs photographed, I'm just saying...it would definitely be worth the drive!
I absolutely LOVE the pictures - just answer me this, why do those of you who take great pictures have to live so far away from me? Just curious!
I would say that your news has something to do with a child - pregnant, adopting again, etc... But hey one never knows! I am excited either way!
Kelly, great things are happening in your life right now. Congrats! The photography business sounds so awesome and I really do like the name you have already pondered.
I am guessing your secret is...
1. a brother or sister for miss Lucy?
2. Moving?
hmmm buisness names: "Moments in time"...."Moments that last a life time" ...."Picture This"..."Smile, Flash, Snap"...."Naturally Photogenic"
No matter what name you choose, you business will be a hit. Your Photos are amazing! Hey ever think about photographing pets as well or pets with children? (sorry this coming from a pet groomer, can't get dogs and cats off my brain. lol)
I think you should pursue photography full-time. Why not do what you love to do. You are great at it.
Please, keep me in your password thoughts. I am one of the many who love following you.
Wow, like most of the others here, I was SO sure that you were going to make a baby announcement. Now I am not so sure??? I am going to guess either moving or a new job for hubby. I was going to guess new job for you, but you already announced your new business venture. Okay, you are a really good secret keeper, because I have NO clue what it is!
Holy comments!
I really like the Day in the Life name, but kind of agree about using your name. Your first and maiden names together could be a kind of catchy title--
Hope you can get some sleep! Let me know if I can do anything to help out -- I'll be in town all week and I know you're super busy right now so give me a call if I can do anything to help--
You're going to be awesome in the photography biz!!
Kelly, I don't really even know you, just through your blog but you are an amazing photographer and I am so glad you are starting up your own business. If I ever get back to Dallas I would love for you take pics of my daughter (my in-laws use to live there so we don't go back much)....
Starting your own business was going to be one of my guesses as the big news.... since that isn't it, I am thinking:
1. you are pregnant or
2. adopting a brother or sister for lucy!
Congratulations on your big news, can't wait to hear what it is.
i was going to guess photography business but you shared that in this post. congrats you will do great. i am the same as you and want to get into it but am timid about it. :)
so are you adopting again? moving to a different country?
You've mentioned a big trip coming up so I am assuming you are headed back to VN for another adoption.
You should definitely go into the photography business - I would hire you to photograph my child!
My guess was that you are starting a photography business! And you are, but that's not the secret! That's super exciting news so I bet the secret is a REALLY good one!
Don't be too hard on yourself for being busy and stressed out. We're all at that point one time or another.
And I wish I lived closer to you...I would totally hire you to photograph my kids!!! Good luck with the business!
Think about people giving recommendation to other people when naming a business...I like "your name" photography because you are putting yourself on the line/reputation. But go with your gut. Having spent loads of cash on pros...I can say one of the best things I was given is a design book of how to arrange and order pictures.
And the other thing...I have ideas. Just waiting on the thing.
Lips are sealed tight.
I'm SO HAPPY you finally grew a pair and are going to have some fun making money with that talent of yours!! Hahaha! I just wish you would come and photograph my kids!! I'd hire you in a heartbeat...if you lived here, and if we had money;) Sigh.
I'd definitely use your name. Every single photographer I really admire uses "Their Name Photography."
It's an easy way to make sure that no one else is using the same name and it makes it easy for people to find you.
Oh, and my guess . . . I would have assumed you're adopting again or pregnant but I'm sure that's what everyone will guess so I'm probably wrong.
Maybe Lucy has been asked to model for Pink Chicken. :)
Well, I thought the big news was that you were going prof with photography. So I was right in a way. :)
I also think you have a bun in the oven.
PS. You are so mean making us wait, LOL!
Well, starting a new photography business was going to be my first guess (you'll be amazing, by the way!)so...second guess would be adopting or expecting!??!?!?
For a business name how about.....
La Dolce Vita
pronounced: Lah Dole-chay vee-tah which means "The Sweet Life" in Italian? Just a thought!
Can't wait for the password!
I love your blog--I have been following it since we started our Vietnam adoption process. (Now on indefinite hold.) Your photos are such an inspiration to me--if I am able to take just one or two shots of my little ones once a month I feel lucky. Good luck on your venture!
I am stumped!! My first thought was either expecting/adoption again ... but I'm thinking that's too obvious ... so I'm gonna throw a few ideas out there ...
That is wonderful news about your photography business!! I like the name you came up with, but would be worried that there are copyrights to that. Other suggestions -
Real Life Photography
A Day in Your Life
Shine Through
Typical Day
Ok, I'm still a little brain-dead and jetlagged. Best of luck!!
Well, I was going to guess another adoption but then you said it's not what we'd all be thinking and I think that's what most of us would be thinking. Then I was going to say, starting a photography business. Then you talked about that in the blog so it's not that! UGH! I dunno...are you preggers or moving? I'm trying to think of things someone would blog about...
Also, I have to say, I understand the lack of confidence because when it comes to creative things you almost have to have a bit of an ego to believe anyone would LOVE something you created, but I must say: You're work is incredible!! Every single picture is more breathtaking than the previous. You will have no trouble starting a successful business.
I was also thinking your news was that you were going to adopt again, or you were having a baby! But since you said it is not what most of us think... i have no clue! I can't wait to hear the news!!! I love all of your pictures... I am CRAZY about pictures as well, and you are so great at it!! Can't wait to hear the news!!!
Well, since I know I will Zip It!! LOL
Love all the pics and can't wait to see how your business progresses...I will send Annslee and Coby over for a shoot sometime : )
oops, forgot to include what the surprise may be ... you're going to be the star on a new reality show?
Did you win the lottery?! Is that your news!? : ) I just had to put a guess out there.
Just wanted to say some family members have recently had pictures of their kids made by professional photographers and yours are MUCH better. Much more natural and fun!!
I just love those photos. Your locations are absolutely amazing as well. Good luck in getting the business started. If you lived close to us, I'd hire you!
As for your news, maybe a move in your future? I was with most others about the new baby too!
Amy in Tennessee
Yea, I was overwhelmed for you too, with all the requests that you got!
About the photography stuff, I seriously am so excited because I have been thinking for so long now that you would be so great at it! If you make a website, send it out to us because I will send it out to the peps I know in your area. I dont live in your area, but if I ever travel that way, you can be sure you will be getting my buisness!! I think any name that you choose would be good. I understand the part about wanting to explain what kind of pictures you are shooting with your title, but you can always do that if you make a website. A ton of people will be drawn to a photographer who wants to take pictures of kids/families in more natural settings! I also think your name would be a good idea!
Now on to your secret...
Apparently I am not the only one making guesses about adding another baby! I was for sure that was it because A)you said that it would really help you out if lucy could go to school a few times a week with these upcoming changes. All I can think of is either you are pregnant or adopting. And B) you left a comment on Lauries giveway with the ergo babycarrier that you had just bought one! ...and I dont think lucy would need one of those!! So a new baby is my guess, but then you said most of us wouldnt guess it, so now I am confused!
My guess is that your family is remaking the "hit" movie, "From Justin to Kelly". I am glad that you decided to use your talents to start a business. Congratulations! I suggest using your name, as you are the brand. If you have a chance, I would love to get your opinion on cameras and lenses... I would value your opinion, as I admire your photography skills.
My guess is that now that you are starting your photography business you are finally moving to FREDERICKSBURG to become a country girl and take pictures of babies in the poppies all the time! Just think, you could be like the next Pioneer Woman!
Oh, and I agree with PP about using your own name for the biz. I like it when photographers use their own name.
And now that I've read the posts I think I'm casting my vote for the reality show!! Big news, can't tell but everyone will know soon...
I saw/heard your performance at your wedding and I think you probably already made it to Hollywood on the next edition of American Idol. Wow. A famous friend...how exciting.
I 50th the opinion that staring your own photo buisness is a great idea. I like the name and maybe using your name too somehow. Hmmmm I wonder what that surprise of yours could be (hehehe).
Ok you are just to cool thats all! I only know you in blogger world and its only been about 18 months but I feel like i know you so Im guessing thats how others feel too! I am THRILLED that you are going to do photography you are billiant and have such a natural talent. I have posted on here before that if I lived closer to you I would make you do photos of my fam cuz you are so good!! So YAAA!! I hope you will share LOTS!! My guess was pregnant, adopting though I thought maybe not just cuz Vietnam is closed, career change etc... but thought maybe a photography site?? So I cant wait to see!! And I love the name, I also think your photos are so precious and lifetime keepsakes. You will be succesful with any name you choose! Good luck Im so excited for you!
BTW I thought career might have to do with Justin since I recognized him quite awhile ago! AND the photos were soo pretty!!!
I'm guessing baby #2 is on the way, but that is too expected!!!
PLEASE let me know when you are ready to start booking appointments here in LR! You know I love all the pictures you take!
And my guess is that you are moving. Hopefully here. Or that you're pregnant with quadruplets. One of those for sure.
I found your blog months ago after being on Sugar Photography adoption blog after going to her photography blog looking at photographers...haha did you catch all that?
I love the emotions you capture in pictures and attention to detail.You have such a gift. If you ever want to branch out from little kids and want to do some high school senior portraits just let me know!!-Maureen
Well, my guess was adding to your family,but that seems to be what everyone is thinking and you hinted that most of us would be wrong. So I am going to guess that it has something to do with Justin's job...or...maybe Lucy got a big movie deal and you all are moving to Hollywood! obviously I do not have clue.Cant wait to hear though!
My guess is another adoption is in the works????
Can you handle one more request for the password? chelle433 at hotmail dot com, And Sam Makes Seven
two buns in an oven
signed a book deal
signed into a reality show
moving overseas
lucy is staring in a movie.
i love guessing games!!!
Pregnant and/or adopting again
Hi Kelly,
I so wish you lived closer so I could let you take photos of Ebeth and Em for me........might have to just travel your way....Baton Rouge isn't THAT far away.
You just take the most amazing pictures! :) I love them all!
Take care and try not to get too stressed and overwhelmed about things.
I have to say that you are way too hard on yourself. Those pictures that you have posted are phenomenal.I hope you will pursue this line of work. I would love for you to capture my children the way you have Lucy's. Keep up the great work!!
CFC- 7/9/08
Waiting to File I600
Bac Ninh
My guess would surely be wrong...so I'll make up another - I *guess* that you have decided to go to Russia with us to take pictures of the Bun!! :)
I so wish you lived in my area of the country because I would sign up to be your first customer! Your photos are always gorgeous.
Good luck (not that you will need it, just let this blog be your advertisement).
For the biz, how about "Shining Through" -- you said it yourself in your description of your vision statement for your work.
And, I missed your last post, am just catching up, but would love to follow along on your next blog too if you're willing to share password (melissa.marksATopusnet.com)
Your opening a childrens clothing store ? Your going on some incredible vacation ? Your going to be foster parents ? Your going to be hanging out with some super star celebrity ? You have a gig on a T.V. show ?? Ok, so I am thinking outside the box, trying to NOT give answers that everyone else would. HEE HEE. I can not wait to hear what the new adventure is .... I love surprises. Congrats on the photo business. I wonder what you will name it ??? Courtney
Ok - I thought maybe you were adopting again - but whoever said you were going to be on TV - that sounded good too - like a reality show?
You are totally talented enough to be a prof. photographer - I would hire you in a second!
Can't wait to her....
I meant "can't wait to hear" - my typing stinks...
hmmm-my guess a big "work" trip for your family, or an addition to your family
I think a great name for your photography business is IMAGINE Photography (although that is more Lennon than the Beatles)
Finally as for your feeling overwhelmed years ago someone told me something I try to keep in mind
"if you are going to worry don't pray, if you are going to pray don't worry"
Anyone would be lucky to have you as thier photographer!! I can't wait to see what your secret is...and your new blog! I'm a sucker for secrets!
Wow, this is too much fun! It makes me want to do something similar on my blog! The big reveal will definitely be exciting...I think people will be surprised to learn exactly what the news is.
2nd comment here...sorry! But I had another thought. I do not think you should use your name! I think you are big time in blogger world, and I think you should keep your last name under wraps. Just my opinion!
ok, call me tomorrow...i think i might need to bring you back down out of the clouds.....the comments are too much!!!! :) haha! i know your head is too big for the house right now. hahaha. i do want you to sleep tight..so get that on your to do list asap.call me.
Good luck with your new business! I find it very hard to accomplish anything while being a focused parent. :)
Comm'on just skip the password and tell us people! :))
Hmm. If you are starting a business it is likely you are not moving. If you can't adopt from Vietnam, would you consider elsewhere?
Your mom said to get some sleep angel so I'm banking on -- pregnant.
You really have us going here. If you are starting a new blog -- is it to document your TWO little ones? I can barely wait.
Congrats on the biz. We should talk. Also, someone mentioned to me as I ventured out to have photo or photography in the name to know what it is off the bat and not question. Just another thing to think about! Good luck and congrats!
Yes, I'm going to have to go with pregnant, or adopting again.
I'm pregnant...maybe I just want others to be so I can talk to them about it all!
Hiya! I think I asked before but the password would be great for me too! I am entirely un scary...a 40 something Mum from Cardiff in the UK who has links and has travelled to Vietnam.
Anyhow, I hope you think me worthy!
Debbie in the UK
Hey, I have an idea . . . since it's already been 10 or so days since you posted that you'd share you news publicly in a month AND you have more than 200 requests for the new blog and Blogger limits you to 100 people on a password-protected blog, why don't you just save yourself the time and trouble of entering all those e-mails and spill the beans here?
A girl can ask, can't she? :)
The pictures are just beautiful!!!
Love and blessings, Kristy
Awesome pics....
Okay, I'm a little behind the times here. The news about your photography business is super exciting. You seriously do a great job with the camera, and I have no doubt you'll be a raging success! I haven't thought of the perfect name for your business yet, but I'll get to work on that pronto.
BTW, I'm going to mail you something... probably this weekend.
This is a shout out to Liz--your comments always make me smile and laugh. I want you to know that I have a copy of your and Kelly's dvd to get onto the Amazing Race. It is hilarious, and is a good pick me up when one feels a little pick me up needed! For the life of me, I never could figure out why you two weren't selected------love to your lovely family. LeeLee
holy comments batgirl!
super big, super amazing things are nearing, so it's no wonder you are feeling overwhelmed.
I LOVE the first baby pic, it is beautiful!
Hi Kelly, I just came across your blog from Shawna's. You're daughter is ABSOLUTELY precious. How do you stand it? I think your photos are amazing. I'd definitely hire you!! Take care and so glad things are going so well for you. Take care, Tabitha
WOW! I just came back and read your WHOLE blog about all of the changes. I am SO excited for you. My brother is a professional photographer and I can promise you, you are ready! I wish I lived near you and I would hire you. My ultimate goal is to be as good as you. Keep your chin up. 220- something people believe in you and know how great this will be for you, and your subjects. Please share your pictures with us! I am alwasy in awe.
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