Lucy is back, at least for the moment. We have had three great days in a row. I am sure I am jinxing it, but I had to share that she has been so happy and pleasant the past several days. I appreciate more than you know the comments from the last post. Thank you to each of you who shared a similar story or just gave words of encouragement. I did pick up a few books - Happiest Toddler on the Block and Raising Your Spirited Child. Thanks for the suggestions. I have just started reading. For now, we are enjoying every smile and giggle that we get. I love that girl more and more, crappy days and all.
I never posted again about the glitter pumpkins that we made a few weeks back and several people asked about them. All you do is paint craft glue on pumpkins (with a sponge brush seemed to work best) and then coat with glitter. But the secret to making them look fabulous, is using really good glitter. I would have said that was a crock of bs, but it is so true. We used the specific glitter recommended by Martha Stewart - I think the company was called Art Glitter and I ordered it online. It is really fine and sparkly glitter. Really, it is beautiful glitter.
Lucy and I did another Halloween craft today. I cut out a pumpkin, the letters B-O-O, and a ghost and handed her some paint and paintbrushes. She LOVES doing crafts. I need to do more activities like this because it just makes her day. She was so pleased with her work. We did it this morning and she was still in jammies. And yes, she is in Christmas pjs. They still fit from last year AND we are already ready for it to be Christmas time.
Happy Birthday to Anna!! Today is Lucy's bff's birthday. We have a big princess birthday party this weekend which should be loads of fun. We love you sweet Anna.
Is anyone else disappointed in Grey's Anatomy so far this year? I am just kind of bored with it, which is so disappointing. Next week looks pretty good though. Also, who was shocked by Project Runway last night?? I totally was. I won't write who won just in case someone is reading that hasn't seen it yet, but I would not have guessed who they picked. And I want to say, that I really loved all three collections, which I never have in the finale in the past. They were really good.
Here are our pics from today. Also, for the first time ever, I shot my pics in RAW today. I like it, a lot, but it is much more time consuming. I think I am hooked though because I was able to REALLY improve some of my pictures.
She said that the trash truck was being too loud. Check out the shoes.
She ended up deciding to paint her hands. Whatever works. She did make some cute handprints and insist I made one too.
Our finish products. I am going to hang them on the front door.
She needed to go check out the men mowing - in her heels, of course.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Lucyfer has Left the Building
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7:15 PM
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That first photo is beautiful. I'm glad Lucy is feeling happier, hopefully you didn't jinx it!
i can't wait to hear more about these books you are reading. my pastor recommended one to us called "you can't make me, but i can be persuaded." for our strong willed little girl.
i have also found that when my daughter's day is started with some undivided mommy attention rather than cartoons then our whole day goes better. but you know, some days i just need to drink my coffee alone and let her watch cartoons... ya know.
I'm glad things have settled down. For her and you!
she is so cute!!!!
I'm glad you've had some good days. Your photos are really beautiful. I love the lighting.
I'm glad things are getting back to normal. I've been really going through it with Sarah....and the end doesn't seem to be in sight.
So excited to hear things have been better - definitely hope you haven't jinxed it! I can tell I'll probably need to be checking out both of those books. Gotta love these smart, sassy, adorable girls, but that comes with ATTITUDE it seems! Good thing they are so smart, sassy and adorable, right? I love the art projects - that's one thing I really am looking forward to doing with my squirt. Too cute.
welcome back luce!love the "raw" pics, don't know what that means but i like it! i did look at my crystal ball and see lucy wearing her high heels with nude pantyhose..what??!!! i'm just saying! haha!love the pics so much AND you know i love a good art project..miss ya'll!
I like to see a kid get their hands dirty.
she looks so tall in these pictures...i can't get over it!!
Glad things are going better. I have been shooting in raw for maybe a month now...boy does it hog a lot of space! But I prefer it for editing so far and I appreciate that it is lossless. So I guess I will be investing in some more memory next. Todays pics look great!
Can you have Lucy have a talk with Linhsey??? Just have her tell Linhsey that her new tude is so yesterday. Linhsey has been launching herself onto the floor crying over everything! Poor thing. Glad Lucy is better.
You really & truly have a little beautiful. I'm very impressed with your photography!! Miss you! Hope to see you soon!! Loves- Jules
That's my angel!!!! Love and kisses, LeeLee
OK tooo cute! Im so glad the 2 weeks is over and you have your precious girl back! You are such a fun mom and Im just not sure what you do with all those gorgeous photos... do you scrap???
so glad Lucy is feeling good! love the pictures-that first one is perfect! megan
Seriously. Never pay for another professional photo again. The first picture is perfect! I am so jealous. You have inspired me to finally figure out how to actually use my big girl camera and quit just using the automatic settings. I am going to open the user manual!
first pic is so sweet!
the heels are cracking me up:)
I'm so glad Lucy is getting back to normal for you! I'm sure it's been hard having Lucyfer take over... :-)
I heart RAW! I'm glad you're trying it out...I think you'll really enjoy the extra versatility. It's like having an uncompressed digital negative, which makes me feel better about archiving my photos.
Yep, Grey's has been a big yawn so far. And on that note, I just removed Private Practice from my DVR...that one's a MAJOR yawn! I'm going to give Grey's a few more episodes, though...we'll see what happens!
Kelly, I was catching up with your blog today. Such beautiful and creative pictures! And there's nothing better than paint and glitter. Looks like fun for both of you. We loved seeing you and Lucy during birthday weekend. Having all of you and the children just made it for Cricket and me. Love, Coco
i have been lurking for a long time, your lucy is sooo beautiful and where in the world do you get her clothes?????? I am jealous of her clothes, and not for my two year old from vietnam, but for me!! No, really for my daughter, I wish she had lucys wardrobe, where do you get them????
I really want to know what kind of camera you used for these pictures! Please help a cameraless girl out!
She is so darling! I am way impressed that I didn't see any paint on her cute apron!!
I came over here from Momology...Your daughter is gorgeous and your photos are amazing! We're in the Dallas area too!
I love all of the pictures! Amazing! Oh how I should start making a list now for string willed/spirited children books! Lucy is always so cute and amazing, here is hoping for more great days!
Oh, and I'm glad you are having some better times! Thank God!
I swear, Lucy must have the cutest wardrobe EVER! All her outfits are just as darling as can be.
I LOVE the picture with her hand covering her ear...incredible light!
I too love the pics of Lucy, and have been in the market for a camera (I have a 9 1/2 month old baby girl). Anyway, when you have a minute will you let me know what kind of camera you use?
Cearley Fontenot
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