Today Lucy and I had the pleasure of meeting Christina and Nadia at the park for the morning. I have written before about how much I admire Christina's photography skills, and I have been so excited to meet her and her beautiful daughter in person. It was great to with her talk about the girls and photography stuff. We all really hit it off.
Lucy's morning started off a little rough. I was worried she was going to be a total disaster at our play date, and at first, I was right. She was not playing nicely and was just a grouch. We had eaten our picnic and I had pretty much had it. I told her it was time to go home and she straightened right up. The girls ended up playing and really having a great time together. We stayed at the park for almost 3 hours. The weather was gorgeous and it was so nice to be outside all morning. I was glad that Lucy finally showed a little of her nice side because I was worried they were going to think she was an absolute toot! Nadia was SO sweet with Lucy. She shared all of her toys and was just a joy to be around. Hopefully Lucy was taking notes! She was really such a good girl all morning. Thanks for such a great time girls! We will definitely do it again.
Speaking of Lucy and her attitude, the girl is just in a weird place right now. She gets SO easily frustrated. She freaks out over the smallest things. If one thing is out of place or not just right in her world, it is not pretty. I am trying so hard to stay patient, but it is not easy. Some days are great and she is her normal, fun little self, but the age of 2 has not been good for this girl. I hate to get frustrated with her, but it is exhausting trying to keep her calm all day long. We have had to start putting her in a "quiet place" when she starts getting really worked up. She is not in trouble, but just has a place to sit and chill. It actually works pretty well. She will sit there until she calms down and then comes back in the other room with us. She is also hitting/shoving more than she has ever done before with other kids. I have asked her teachers if she does it at school and they looked at me like I was crazy. They said that she is never aggressive with the other kids. Why does she just do it when I am around??? I am using time out with her when she does it, but it definitely doesn't make it completely stop. Being a parent is hard!!
Despite these difficult situations, she still brings us more happiness than we could have ever imagined. She is still so funny, smart, and ridiculously cute. She is lucky she is so cute because it is impossible to be mad at her, and she knows it. She wants to watch the Shrek movies all day long. I don't let her, but if she could choose, that is what she would want to do. For some reason, she has become obsessed with these movies. She laughs hardly at certain scenes. It cracks us up!
Okay, here are some of the pics from this morning with Christina and Nadia.
Such a cutie!
This is the girl I wish would come back most of the time - happy and smiling!
Once Lucy decided that Nadia was fun, they were all smiles!
These two are from yesterday.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
A New Friend!!
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5:44 PM
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Oh,my gosh! When I was reading what you wrote about the attitude/behavior issues, I thought I was reading about Petunia. We are having EXACTLY the same things going on in our house. Her teachers looked at me like I had two heads when I asked them the question you asked Lucy's teachers. It's only when I'm around, and it's getting really, really old. Just know that you're not alone in this, my friend. And you know what? People are telling me that turning 3 doesn't solve the problem. Great!
Hey girl! What fun to make new friends! The pics are wonderful. Please keep up your patience--you used to save all the rough stuff for me, yourself!! Tell Susan it only lasts 18 - 20 years!!! ha ha ha Glad Lucy is feeling better. Hugs to all, LeeLee
I just love Miss Lucy's dress! Can I ask where you got it as I would love to buy one for my niece! Thanks for your blog. Love it!
Lucy's dress is made by Pink Chicken but I got it last fall so I doubt you will be able to find it. It is so cute though. Maybe try eBay.
I'm with Susan reading your post saying, "Yeah, u huh, yep she does that too." Jade is worse now that she is 3. Man watch out if it is not how she thinks it should be. She has been doing it long enough now that sometimes I can predit the mealtdown or deal with it quicker. But you are right someimes Jade just needs to cool down or be removed from the situation and let it run it's course. I ask others who watch her from time to time if she does this with them, nope. Usually only with me.????? Your not alone, at all!
Saying again....JEALOUS!!!!!! What a fun play date with a cool mama and beautiful Nadia! It's great seeing a pic of Christina too! So glad you all had fun!
I am the BIGGEST fan of the "quiet time". I have used it with 100% success and never had to do timeouts - I highly recommend it. Plus also? I TOTALLY love "quiet time" when *I* am feeling crappy so I know it's a sound theory! ha.
The colors in the pics of the girls are great. I love the red slide with the blue dress. Very cute.
I love Momology! Great photos and Lucy's dress is darling!
Wanna play a game? Stop by the blog!
Have a great weekend!
Wow girl - you are on the ball! I've barely even had the chance to look at my pictures from yesterday!
We had the best time meeting you guys, too! Especially once we said we were leaving, and the girls decided to become best buddies. (HA!) ;o) Don't worry about your little "toot"....I totally understand since my girl is that way half the time too! She was a perfect angel yesterday and I'm proud of her, but that's not always the case.
Two is tough...and as we're gearing up for three, I'm hoping it won't be even worse like everyone keeps telling me! We have been right where you are, with e.v.e.r.y.thing being a battle and mostly only with me, but it has really gotten better in the last few months.
Well, hopefully I'll get to my pictures before too long, and we'll have to plan another playdate soon!
I just love your photos, I really do.
Gabe liked to watch Shrek from the time he was about 2.5 to 4 years old. I bet he watched it 5 times a week during that time. I am pretty sure I could recite the whole thing (the first one) from memory. Considering how much he loved the first one, it's surprising that he doesn't really like the second or third ones.
Lucy has been sporting some SERIOUSLY cute dresses lately. This one and the one from Liza's party? Precious!!! Not that she isn't always dressed so adorably but I'm madly in love with these dresses. So cute with her dark hair!!
From 18 months until almost three was just a brutal time for us. But, now at almost 3 Taylor is doing TONS better. Lucy will grow out of it! Her inherent nature is so sweet. Most kids go thru the stage of being little toots. Training for when they're teenagers I guess. Although I am always glad that Taylor behaves better around other people, since she saves the misbehavior for when she's around me I always feel like people are thinking "hey lady, control your kid" and wondering what kind of bad mom I am since she does well with other people and then falls apart almost on cue when I show up. Being a parent can be trying at times. I appreciate my mom more every single day now that I am experiencing what she did raising us....and by appreciate, I mean I appreciate that she didn't kill us!
I know you tend to have really adorable "subjects" to photograph, but my gosh those are awesome photos (Lucy's hair looks like it's getting so long!).
I always have so much appreciation for your honesty about when things are challenging on your end. It's clear that you are a great mom and your family is very tight-knit and loving, but to know that "even you" have tough days really does help me get through the day sometimes. I don't think I'm saying that as clearly as I'd like, hopefully it's coming off with the appreciation and admiration it's intended to have!
I love Lucy's dress! She is very, very cute!!! Im fan*** Smacks***
Uggh-I too have had those "toot" days when Lia was 2! And you're right, finding the patience all day long can be a challenge! Thank goodness it stops as soon as it starts! Those pictures are just amazing as usual. The one you snapped of Christina and Nadia is beautiful! Of course your Lucy is just her darling self! cute post! Is this the new photoshop Cs3 we are seeing? If so, really great! megan
I love it!!! I've been telling John we need to go to the auboretum for a long time! Thanks for the pictures... love watching Lucy grow!!!
PS.... you've been tagged!
Hey Kelly, nice to meet you! I came over from Christina's place and live in the area too.
Your little girl is SO cute! And I love all the photographs of your playdate with C & N. Thanks so much for sharing!
I'll stop by again...
Looks like a great day. Wish I was in TX!!
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