I really love having the goals of the week. I feel totally accountable for them and love feeling the sense of accomplishment after they are done. I did not get all of my old pictures uploaded to Flickr, but I got a lot done. I have done way better with the complaining. Sometimes I am scared I am doing it without even noticing, so I am certain there was some complaining done, but less than usual. This week my task goal is to start a cleaning schedule. I am basing my schedule off of my mom's, which is to do "dry work" (dusting, vacuuming, sweeping, and changing beds) on Mondays and to do "wet work" (bathrooms, laundry, and mopping) on Tuesdays. I have already done todays cleaning. Yeah me! I usually try and do all of the cleaning in one day and get so burned out that I don't want to think about cleaning again for a long time. So, I am hoping that by breaking up the days I can keep it up every week. Our house is alway very very neat, but that doesn't always mean clean. I want it to feel cleaner. My personal improvement goal is to work on my tone of voice. I can get easily annoyed or frustrated and the resulting tone of voice is usually not very nice. I want to really work on this. I figure by the end of the year, I should be about perfect if I keep up all of this good work! :) Ha.
This is the 4th day of being bottle free. She continues to refuse a single sip of milk out of anything that I have offered - which includes every sippy cup ever made, a regular cup, a cup with a straw, a milk carton with a straw. I have put strawberry syrup in the milk. I have tried chocolate syrup. She will turn up the sippy, realize it is any kind of milk and turn her nose up. I mean, what kid doesn't want strawberry milk? I don't know what else to do. Is she seriously never going to drink milk again because she doesn't have a bottle any more? How long is too long of letting her go with no milk? I have almost caved and just given her the bottle several times because I know that she wants to drink the milk, she just refuses but I have not done it. The thing is, she NEEDS the milk. She desperately needs the calcium, protein, and calories. She is such a picky, bird eater but was at least getting more calories from the milk. What do I do????? HELP! The only good news is, she still is going to bed very very easily, even without the milk. I think she likes our new night time routine. She wants to read about 150 books, but I don't mind a bit. I have been getting some yogurt and occasionally cheese down her, but it is just not enough. I have even started giving her rice cereal mixed with whole milk and yogurt in the mornings again just so she gets some milk. One other thing I have done is making pudding with whole milk, and she will eat that. I swear, the whole getting her to eat/drink process is going to totally stress me out, and I am trying to not be stressed any more. I literally dread meal times. I just want her to willingly eat, without a big fuss over it or having to fix 47 different things. Actually, I don't even mind making her a lot of different things, if she would just eat one of them.
I have had such a productive day today. One that really makes me feel good. In addition to major cleaning, Lucy and got a ton of errands run today - the bank, the post office, made and mailed our valentines for family, the grocery store, returned stuff to Target, and picked up some pictures. And we are about to go for a walk with our neighbor. Lots of production today!
It was so nice here this weekend, so to make up to Lucy our lazy day on Saturday when I wasn't feeling well, we had lots of fun on Sunday. By the way, I feel great - thanks for all of the get well comments. I took her to the park for a good long while and then she got to play with a friend for the first 3 quarters of the Super Bowl until she was just so tired that she had to go to bed. She really had a great time. We went to church, too. This is not her best part of the day. She still gets pretty upset going to the nursery. She cries when I drop her off and every single time when I go back to get her she is sitting in a stroller with the most solemn look on her face. I am hoping that now that we are going to church more regularly that she will get used to it.
Here are some pictures from the park
I mean really, you can feel the attitude coming from this picture. Once she noticed I had the camera, she was clearly annoyed and just stood there looking at me out of the corner of her eyes. Funny funny funny.
Monday, February 04, 2008
Weekly Goal #4 and Bottle Woes
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4:30 PM
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Wow, you can see just from the pictures that she has a serious strong will. That is too funny she gave you the evil eye. Too, too funny.
Love the attitude pic - you talkin' to ME? :)
I love reading about your new weekly goals. They're usually pretty similar to what I would set for myself, especially the one about the tone of your voice. We don't even have our referral yet, but that's something that I absolutely want to work on before bringing out daughter home. Thanks for sharing and hopefully prompting me to work on this goal too!
Kelly, it is toddler hold out and you need to win so don't stress about the bottles, put them around with milk and she will eventually pick them up and drink. We gradually did bottles away but since Lucy won't take milk I think your approach was the right one. If you cave now she will KNOW she has you in the palm of her hand. (which don't they all) but be strong it will be ok. how about warm milk? my girls will only drink plain milk almost hot.
anyway, it is amazing because Lucy has changed soo much and I think she and cammie are looking alike (i know I have identical twins but they are different). Their chins. She is growing up.
Anyway, hire a cleaning lady (mine came today) and don't stress about the milk, it will work out, hold tough!
Thought I would add that I have tried all temperatures of the milk from hot to cold. With a bottle, she will only drink hot.
ok, the pics are toooooo cute!!!! looove the 'tude!..that was kinda annoying with the camera and all..kinda like paparazzi!!! :)
i would call the dr about teh milk thing..those nurses helped me with a ton of stuff and it always made me feel so muhc better after i got the "professional, medical" opinion! :) miaa ya! can't wait for veg!:)
She is so cute! And you write the best posts! I love catching up on you and Lucy! Good luck with this weeks goal!
you do not know me, but I found your blog off a friends and actually have a suggestion. My youngest daughter Kerrigan is very similar to your daughter, and she is not the best at trying new things. When we decided to get rid of the bottle, we actually tried everything, even my oldest daughter persuading her. She would not go for it, so I asked a close friend who has a degree in child psychology. She said do not force the sippy, she will accustom to it. However she said that sometimes toddlers like to help in the decision process, so she suggested we take her to target and let her pick her out a cup just for her, and to make a big deal out of it. So we did and I talked it up the whole ride there, and she stared blankly, I thought oh great this is not going to work. However she warmed up to the idea, chose her cup, and will not use any kind now but her cup. It worked for us, I'd give it a try.
PS. shes absolutely gorgeous :)
Pumpkin--if you do not think it would reverse any of your progress, I would eliminate one bottle a day, for say a week; then the next week, two, etc., until we are done. You know me--I could care less if she has a bottle because she doesn't drag them around or anything. And, I LOVE to rock her while she drinks her milkie!!! I also like the pick her own cup out suggestion. Would definitely give that a try! Good work on the cleaning! Watch for your Valentine! Love and kisses, Mom
Mia won't drink a single drop of milk. But, she will do yogurt. So we do yogurt in the mornings and frozen yogurt too. It is a struggle. We find dairy anyway way we can!
Lucy is such a big girl. She's changing SO fast; it's amazing! And she's growing up beautiful, wow! Beautiful and strong willed...watch out world!
I am glad that y'all are both feeling better and I am so impressed with your productive day today. Lately, I have a productive day just when I've had a shower and Cy's had a bath. I'm still trying to get the hang of this parenting thing!
Maybe it's because I have four kids...maybe it's my upbringing. When a kid is hungry, they will eat. Aside from serious medical concern, I pay little attention to charts, guidelines, etc. I know I provide very healthy foods, I can tell when they are thriving, and I know that when they are hungry they will eat. With my second child there has literally been a couple times where she has gone near 2 days eating nothing. I simply can not make a ton of different meals as well as take care of them and do school, etc. I make one meal that I know everyone can eat (I try not to cook things that I know someone can not stand) and it is their choice to eat it or not. It's easier now to plan since everyone is a little more open to what they will eat. I think it stems from watching my MIL to this very day fix three different meals when her sons are home as their dad and one of them eats one thing, my husand and another brother eats other things, and then she and the youngest eat the same thing. I like to cook, but no thank you!
May sound mean, I see it as survival. I can say, though, that now my husband is much less picky (he was a VERY picky eater) and none of the girls are picky eaters. Sometimes winning a small "battle" when they are little, saves you from a "war" later on. Don't worry so much about making sure she is getting x, y, and z in a day, but rather look at the big picture of a week or so. For instance, I try not to sweat it if all Aubrey eats (and this does happen) is orange foods for a day or two (peaches, carrots, squash) so long as she pulls out of it in a day or two. If orange food isn't on the menu, usually by the end of meal time she has decided she'd better eat spaghetti/eggs/whatever it is we all are eating.
On milk, try to make sure she is getting protein elsewhere until she warms up to the idea of milk in a cup. It took the twins about 2 weeks after we cut out bottles. She'll come around. I'd take a few days and not even offer it then try again.
Sometimes it's good to modify the nipple of a bottle (add more holes, or a slit, as long as the nipple is still safe) a little bit to make it a little less like they are used to, or to put watered down milk in the bottle, and full out milk in another cup at the same time and offer both. The bottle won't seem as delicious then... But, I don't think that 4 days is that long, so I would probably keep going with the cold turkey if it were me...
Love your goals. Wish I was strong enough to keep up with them! The very day we got Linhsey, she gave up her bottle. The orphanage gave us one to use and she would have nothing to do with it. I tried for 3 days to get liquid into her. She would take a couple of spoonfuls and also a couple of sips from the end of the straw. Finally I found a cup in VN that she liked....and it was the ONLY cup she liked. Wouldn't drink from another one for a couple of months! She gave up her formula with her bottle. She would only drink soy milk for me. Hang in there, it will happen soon!
Kelly, I'm glad you and Lucy are feeling better! Sorry you are stressing about the milk. I HATE MILK!!! I like the idea of her picking out her own sippy cup.
I have nothing to add; sounds like you're getting some good advice and we're still using bottles after nap and after morning wakeup...but wanted to stop by and say 1) still LOVE the new blog design, and 2) still SUCH an adorable kiddo.
Kelly, Thank you so much for your comment. You can't begin to imagine how good it feels to hear from someone that has lived it, tried it and succeeded! I too found your blog through Amber's and Lucy is beautiful. I have really enjoyed reading about your journey and your passion is encouraging! We had a better night last night. He was up for a little longer around midnight but the earlier bed time seemed to help and we had to wake him up at 8:00!
About the milk thing...this is actually something I deal with everyday at work! Now hopefully I can give you some encouragement. It seems to be a learned behavior and with time she will see that milk is milk no matter what it comes in! You might also move right into a regular open cup or using a straw. Have you tried that yet? After a few major spills, I've had success with some kids on that approach. Or if you could get your hands on a milk carton like we had in grade school. My kids love those too. She'll come around! I hope I get to meet Lucy some time when you guys are visiting NW Arkansa. Thanks again for your comment! Take care and enjoy your cleaning!
We had a really tough time converting Kaneu from the bottle to the sippy cup, too. He was 11 months old when we brought him home and had not been introduced to solids. We transitioned him to the Avent sippy cup, which he grew to love, but then it was yet another transition to a regular sippy cup without a nipple. So, I would not suggest that route. Also, as a nutrition major I would not suggest introducing strawberry or chocolate milk to a toddler!! I have a cousin who did this and now it is the only way her daughter will drink milk. Healthy habits start early! Sometimes not knowing such sweets exist is better. I know how desperate you can feel in the moment and you are willing to do just about anything to get them to eat or drink.
I totally agree w/giving her the option to pick her cup - that works like magic anytime I give Kaneu two options - especially at meal times and getting dressed. They enjoy having a sense of involement in the decision making.
Good luck - she will come around, I promise!!
Those are awesome pictures!! She's so beautiful.
I love that attitude picture. I have a few of Ava like that when she was younger, and it's amazing even though she has gotten so much bigger she still makes the same faces. Are you looking forward to seeing that face on a teenage Lucy? lol
As for the milk and eating issues, here is my advice (and I know I may sound like a meany mommy). If Lucy gets hungry she will eat, plain and simple. Make one thing for meals and if she eats she eats, if she refuses then she refuses and gets no more food until the next normal snack or meal time. Kids can be picky and their will can be strong. I know you have said you pick your battles and I am the same way...however, meals are one thing I will go to battle over. Food seems to be one thing that almost all kids test their parents on. I would stay resilient on this one. Also remember that as a rule of thumb kids only need about 1 tablespoon of food per year of age to feel full. So even though it may seem like she isn't eating much, it's probably enough to make her feel satisfied.
And as for getting off bottles, again, like eating, if she really wants milk she will drink it from a cup. I like the suggestions of letting her choose her own cup (future note, this helps when buying undies when you start potty training too!) and also of trying an open cup.
Good luck!
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