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Thanks for all of the great comments on the last post. I am glad to know that I am not alone with my guilty pleasures!!
I thought I would do an short update on the happenings in Lucy's little life. The biggest change in the past few months has been sleep issues, which is not a fun change. I have touched on this before, but right before her 2nd birthday we moved her to a big bed, per her request. We were going to do it right after her birthday anyway, so that was fine. It took a little getting used to, but she did and it was fine. When she woke up, she would just go to the door and knock until either Justin or me came and got her. She was sleeping through the night and all was well. Until about 3-4 weeks ago. It started right before she started school, so I can't blame it on school. Now, she is not wanting to go to bed. She will get out of her bed over and over before finally going to sleep. She says that she wants us to lay in bed with her, but she won't settle down and when she finally does, if she hears us move she is right back up and shouting, "Mama lay down!" So, that wasn't working. I started the process of getting her used to us not being in there when she falls asleep last week. The first 2 nights were absolute hell. She was up and down a zillion times. She was very upset. Every time she got up, I would go and get her, tell her goodnight again, kiss her, say I love you, tell her that it was time for bed and put her back in bed. Needless to say, we went through this routine about 50 times. Finally on the third night, she had a break through and she had no tears or fuss about going to bed. It has not always been that easy since, but it is a million times better. One funny thing, I always go and check on her once she has been quiet for about 15 minutes. Several of the nights she went ahead and got out of bed and was playing or in her rocking chair. I have found her passed out in the middle of her train set 3 times and in the rocking chair once. It cracks me up and since she is easy to move, it is no big deal. I can deal with that. I hate how stressed out we both were getting when the process was going on for 2 hours. Now if I can just get her back to sleeping through the night, we will all be happy. The past two nights she has woken up around 3 or 4 and been wide awake. She was wanting to play in the middle of the night. I had to put my foot down with the playing in the middle of the night. I honestly wish she was still in the crib, but it was time to transition her out.
We have not started potty training. In fact, we are just putting it off for the time being. We have a big trip coming up and I don't want to deal with a potty training toddler when traveling. Just not an ideal situation. She does not want to sit on her potty anyways. She has gone in it many times, but she is really resistant towards it right now, which again, is fine with me. When she does decide she wants to do it, she is going to be so easy. She wakes up dry a lot of nights. She is usually dry after nap. She never goes while she is at school. Basically, she can hold it for a very long time. She tells us almost every time she goes to the bathroom. Yesterday, I was getting ready in my closet and she walked in with a diaper and two wipes and said, "Poo poo mama. Change it please." Ha. I got a kick out of that.
She is in the stage where she says "Whyyyyy?" all of the time. I am serious, she says it all of the time. She says it in the most adorable, drawn out way and it really is so cute. She is usually satisfied with the answer I come up with, but if not, I keep getting why after why after why until she is satisfied. She wants to know how everything works and what everything is. She is so inquisitive.
She is making huge strides in how she interacts and plays with other kids. She is doing so well lately. Not nearly as possessive and doing much better about sharing. Her whole demeanor around other kids has changed, and I know it is because of school. Yeah! I have been so proud of her. Her teachers brag on her every time that we go to pick her up. They said that she is so great at following directions, minding, and listening!
We have had some really great days with her lately. Days where she barely whines or fusses and she is giggling and smiling the whole day. It has been so much fun and I love watching her like this. She is such a little ball of energy and happiness. Maybe the really nice weather is making her feel better. I know it has helped me drastically. We have been able to go back to the park and the zoo. I LOVE fall. Those days that are filled with whining and crying will really take it out of me. This is such a nice change. One that is obviously very welcome and hopefully here to stay. I was starting to get a little worried about the terrible 2s.
These pics are from the park and our driveway yesterday.
This one is for you Seashy
She has no issue at all with laying right down for nap. Naps are so easy at our house. However, she has a problem with staying asleep for long enough. She is often up after only an hour and it is just not enough. Here is the proof that it is not enough.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Posted by
6:05 AM
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You are very blessed with a beautiful daughter. I hope she learns to like her big girl bed. Have you ever watched John and Kate plus 8...could you imagine having to get 6 little ones in their beds and potty trained!
Adorable pics! Good luck with the sleeping, I think as long as you stick to your guns and dont allow bad habits to start for even one night usually they got back to their same sleeping habits rather quickly!
Well you know I'm with you on the sleep frustrations and obviously have no advice (we're back in the waking-up-to-stay-up in the middle of the night too and I hate it!). I hope she bounces out of it soon. She sounds like she is such a hoot and doing so well otherwise - and the pics are great, I love the one where she's on her trike but so tired!
Love all her pics....what a beauty. So happy she is doing well in school. Hope the big girl bed transition comes...
Oh, hate to tell is not the terrible 2s it is the terrible 3s!!! I am hoping 4 turns the corner for us!
Yeah I totally feel ya on the sleep situation. Jade was doing this exact same thing this summer (I even posted about it) She was sleeping all night and going to bed on her own and all of a suddden nope??? We moved our double guest bed in her room and I will lay in it till she goes to sleep. That was an hour last night. She was coming in our room at 3 or 4 to play too and homie don't play that so I would rather get in bed with her then have her keeping us both up for hours. Since I have put the double bed in her room and stay till she goes to sleep she hasn't gotten up?? Who knows kids are so different but I think a lot of toddlers go through this phase. Hope it ends soon. On the potty training Jade was not ready till closer to 3 and then it went quick. I guess it happens when they are ready.
Kell--all will happen and be fine. The pics are great--I want a blow up of #1! Dad and I are just so pooped from all the traveling today. Seashy's place is darling--she and her roomies are so happy. Too bad we can't get the Razorbacks some help! Love and kisses to all, LeeLee
Kell - She is just so beautiful! All 3 of my kids went through a stage where they would not stay in bed. I would be back and forth for hours. I'd lay with them, sit outside their door, and always put them right back in bed. Ellie was the worst. It went on forever and sometimes for 2 hours each night. There have been 2 things that have worked for me. As much as I resisted, it often meant shortening or getting rid of the nap. It takes a little while for them to get used to less sleep during the day but it makes a huge difference at bedtime. The other thing that I still have to use from time to time is taking babies from them. My kids would sleep with every doll or stuffed animal they own if I'd let them. However, we usually limit it to 3. Each time they get out of bed one of the babies would get taken away. They would scream bloody murder. It was like cutting off their arm. By the time they were down to one, they would NOT get out of bed. They may lay there an yell for me or sing but they would not give up that last baby.
Good luck. This too shall pass. :-) Just try not to lose your mind in the meantime.
I can't believe how much Lucy seems to have changed since the last time I saw her! Of course she is still precious as ever... Hope you all are doing well!
Oh, I so feel you on the sleep issues! We are facing the same thing....she used to sleep so well in the crib, but ever since moving her to a bed it's been a nightmare. I hope BOTH our girls are sleeping better soon.
I have to say, you sound like such a great, patient, fun mom :o)
Love the pictures - especially that first one!
The first photo of Lucy is one of my all time favs.
Good luck with sleeping issues. You seem pretty patient and I'm sure you'll do just fine. As for the potty training, it will all work out "in the end"!
HA!!! :)
How is it possible that your photos get better every time you post them??? I hear you on sleep issues, and I'm personally fearing the day that Mattix moves to a "real" bed and can get out. It makes me sick to my stomach after all we've been through. Even though he still does not sleep through the night, the fact that he goes to bed happily and easily has made my life so much better. The idea of that changing is overwhelming. Anyway, I hope that things continue to get easier for both you and Lucy on the sleeping front. About the potty training, I would do exactly what you're doing. I'm committed to my plan, which is to do nothing and then let social pressures potty train him when he's old enough to realize how it works! Ha ha ha. Really, though, with your upcoming trip, it sounds like you have a good plan.
Kelly, these pics are so good!!! When does Lucy get to come to NWA:)???
Kelly! I had written a comment on here, but I guess I forgot to publish it! anyway, I said how much i LOVED the Bianca picture, you can even see little Bruiser Man in the background! i can't wait for them to be MINE ;) I also told you that I think I saw some of your friends at Grub's on Friday! anyway, love and miss you lots. someone's luckiest day is coming SO SOON! :) COME VISIT ME IN MY NEW PLACE!!
cute pictures-love the black & white! megan
Oh my gosh that picture of her on the bike is so funny! It kills me how kids will fight sleep so much and then crash in the funniest places. My girls have both had serious sleep issues so I can totally relate there. It sounds like you are doing all the right things though and she's slowly learning how to go to sleep on her own. Good job! :-)
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