I have been having a very important and deep discussion with Mandy lately about who your #1 celebrity crush is. You know, that one person that you just kind drool over. It is interesting to me how much my opinion differs from one person to the next. So, I would like to know. Who is your biggest celebrity crush?? You can give a few if you can't narrow it down. I would also like to know if you know who your spouse's or significant other's crush is. Don't bother saying, "Well, first comes my husband and then....." I know. Our husbands are #1!!
I'll start. My all time biggest celeb crush is Lenny Kravitz. He just does it for me. I think a big part of it has to do with seeing him perform live. He is AMAZING. He is the only man I know that can wear skin tight clothes with silver sequins and still look both sexy AND extremely manly. Yes, I think I'll have some.
Justin's is Jessica Alba. I will say he had a really hard time thinking of his, but she is a good choice. Really pretty. He wanted more time to think, but I rushed him into a choice. Strangely enough, I guess he doesn't sit around thinking about this like some of us!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Quick Question
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4:44 PM
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My husband's would be Shania Twain. I really don't have any current crush, but Daniel Day-Lewis in "Last of the Mohicans" pretty much does it for me.
I think I would have to say Jude Law. There is something very mysterious about him. I think my husband's is Jennifer Garner. I think it's something about that girl next door look.
For me, Brad Pitt. Hands down!!! He is just beautiful. Ever since I first saw him in Legends of the Fall, I was hooked. Who can resist him in Ocean's 13? Love the clothes in that movie!
My second choice would be Keanu Reeves. I know, he's a bit dorky, but there is just something about him that I love.
So, I asked this question to The Huz and I was shocked because he responded so quickly. I thought for sure he would say Angelina but his crush is Charlize Theron. I have to admit, I'd kill to look like her!
*Kelly,I agree. Lenny is H-O-T! Boho-chic and rock star shades? Oh, yeah!
Oh, Lenny's a good one, Kelly. For me it's Prison Break's Dominic Purcell. Mmm-mmm. It's definitely going to be interesting to see everyone's responses.
I have to agree with Kate. I absolutely think Brad Pitt is the best looking man on the planet. Legends of the Fall is a beautiful movie, but I discovered him in the wonderful movie called A River runs through it which is also great story. That smileof his and those dancing eyes make me melt. Yes, definetely Brad Pitt.
I have always loved Jonny Depp. Ever since 21 jump street. Lenny is hot too. I have to admit I miss his dreads. My husband's is Jessica too. I thought it was so I asked him, yep.
Definitely Sendhil Ramamurthy (I had to look up how to spell his name!) who plays Mohinder on Heroes... although I also give my husband a hard time about the local meteorologist :-)
Lenny Kravitz! OMG! I knew I liked you.
I'm going to list two so you won't laugh at my first choice TOO much! My very most lusted after actor is Nickolas Cage. I know, I know!!!
The tie though is Matt Damon. Num.
Can't ask Tony now but we've had this conversation many times! When I met him he had a really long list numbered in order of priority! LOL Now he doesn't have a list but occasionally he'll make lewd comments at the screen. lol I'm pretty sure Jessica Alba is on his top, um, 1 or 2!!!
Mine would be Matthew McConaughey. He's hot. I think my husband would go for Christy Brinkley.
Currently, my 2 favorite persons are Betty Nguyen (CNN's anchor) and Thanh Bui (Australian Idol). Can you say I'm Vietnamese ? hehe
Bui's video:
Betty's video:
Nice choice!! I have to agree with you on Lenny but my #1 choice would be JT. And Im not even sure why, I think it might be because he doesnt come off as cocky and has a good sense of humor!
This is so fun to read! I feel kinda lame about mine, I'm never into the rockers or long-hair, etc., more the clean-cut and thus probably a bit boring. I'm listing three that came to mind within seconds of one another... Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Jon Stewart.
This is cute! I've been totally in love with Brad Pitt since I was 13 years old and first saw Legends of the Fall. I've been faithful ever since! Nothing has changed for me; he just gets hotter and hotter as he ages. My husband isn't here, but I know that like yours, his is Jessica Alba. He also has a thing for Natalie Portman and Kiera Nightly. I'm loyal to my Brad. :)
Mine is Kurt Russell and a few years ago I found out my sister has always liked him too!
Okay, Kelly, I practically drool over Patrick Dempsy and Love, love, Johny Depp, and can I also say for an older more distinguished kinda hunk I adore Michael Douglas. Oh and don't forget George Clooney and well, I have to concede to Brad Pitt, he just defines the word beautiful!
Oh, BTW, I gave Lucy an award on my blog. Check it out!
This is strange to say, but for me - none of them! I will say that I could have a crush on some of the characters they play. Lots of them are seriously good looking but with my old job in Jackson, I was around a ton of famous people and they are all ODD or have some sort of issues...and so short! They try to come off like your guy next door in interviews but they are SO NOT. So yes, many are very nice to look at and some of the musicians are super talented and that is always hot, but their personalities completely 100% kill it for me. Most just leave me thinking "yuck". I'm sure you know what I mean from some of the people you've met around Justin.
Stephen says his is still 1982 Christie Brinkley in the blue swimsuit on some poster he had. No crush since has measured up to the crush he had on her. He luvvvved her he says. I'm still chuckling a little over this revelation....
What a fun question!
Okay, I'm completely different from everyone, but I have been IN LOVE with Henry Rollins (from Black Flag/Rollins Band) since I was in junior high. He's hot. In a very close second is Dr. Drew. :)
Lyle Lovett. Oh, Lyle. Although as I read through other responses, I have to steal Stacey's Jon Stewart answer, too. That seems fair -- she chose three, I chose one, so I'll take one of her's and we'll call it even.
You guys are cracking me up. I love this. Nicki, Nicolas Cage?? Seriously?? Interesting choice. Come on everybody, join in the fun.
Viggo Mortensen hot-darn! especially all tattooed in Eastern Promises, and then "the scene" in History of Violence...whew, sigh
and in a really bizarre strangely uncomfortable way, Ron Livingston, but I don't know why. I saw him in a really good drama movie where he had longish hair, the half beard, and he was really sexy. then I see him in other things and wonder what I was thinking.
Oh, for my husband, definitely (don't laugh) Janet Jackson and, get this, Jodie Foster
I'd question his taste, but then he married me so...
Lenny is hot. Gorgeous eyes. I'm a sucker for the eyes. I used to have a Nicolas Cage thing waaaay back when he made a movie called "Valley Girl" (I think that was the title) but most of you are probably too young to remember that. He was really young then, too. Loved Brad in his "Legends of the Fall" days, but now? Not so much. My number one is Colin Farrell. So, so gorgeous. Will sit through a really crappy movie just to look at him.
This is a hard one to narrow down. Matthey McConaughey does something to me that no other celeb does. He is the definition of HOT! But on the other hand, Michael Buble is the cutest, funniest, most talented, need I go on? It happened for me when I saw him live. He is just so darn adorable. I asked my husband this question and it's ever changing but he said Megan Fox (the girl in Transformers) He likes her mystery and her tattoos.
I'm a Leo kinda girl. But I'll also take a side of Gael Garcia Bernal, thanks! And Travis' is a no-brainer - Angelina. tramp. His #2 would be Natalie Portman. But he also has a HUGE man crush on Brad Pit and Bill Clinton (not joking here).
And Nicki, your #1 makes me gag...on cheese!
It's Robbie Williams since I've been 13 and Take That was huge here in Germany. I also like Jude Law (although he could do something about his hairloss... don't you think)? And Orlando Bloom if he doesn't die his hair black :-)
I don't really know about my husband, but will ask him later, that will be interesting!
I love reading everyone's picks.
Mine is Johnny Depp but only when he is Capt. Jack Sparrow....that pirate attire just does it for me!!! :) And Michelle, I remember Nicholas Cage in Valley Girl...loved that movie----must make me kind of old...yikes!
Tom Cruise used to be my all time favorite crush (susan can attest to that!) ----but then he went all couch CRAZY among other things and I had to find a new crush.
As for my hubby, he loves Jennifer Love Hewitt.
#1- George Clooney
#2- George Clooney
#3- George Clooney
Oh how I love me some mista clooney!!!!
Without a doubt, my crush is Kenny Chesney. I have seen him in concert 3 times and he is amazing. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am truly his biggest fan. My husband thinks it is cute how I can go on and on about him. I love his music but of course let's not forget the eyes, mouth and last but now least, the butt!!! lol He always makes me smile. I have twin boys who are eighteen and recently joined the Army and use his music to help them get through basic training. His songs have touched our lives. He is number one in my book!! As for my husband, he loves Drew Barrymore.
okay, mine are patrick dempsey justin timberlake :)
i asked joe and he didn't want to answer...but, her finally gave me salma hayek. i agree, she is HOT and i can't even belive she is 42!!!
For me it would definetly be Matthew McConaughey and Patrick Dempsy.It would be a close race for me with these two hunks. I just can't get over that grin and smile of Matthew's.(oh and his bod too!!!) My husband does not know. He says that he could not name just one.haha
Cayce and Adam
Oh, Kelly, I am right there with you with Lenny--I have loved him from way back. There is just something about him. My other has to be Matthew McConaughey--just love that twinkle in his eye and that southern drawl. I am not sure who my hubs' is....hmmmm, it used to be Cameron Diaz way back, but I'm not sure about now....I'll have to ask....
Ok, Colin Firth. Geeze, I am so weird.
What a fun post! I would have to say it's Keith Urban for me. I love his music and his rugged look. My husband would say Anna Phoebe. She is a rock violinist for the Trans Siberian Orchestra. I have to admit, she is pretty good on the violin! :)
Amy from Tennessee
In no particular order: Andy Garcia (15ish years ago--he wouldn't make the list today) rode in an elevator with him, I put my arm in front of the door and said "after you Mr. Garcia" and he put his hand on my back and said, "no, after you Shannon" (I had a nametag on) swoon!
Jon Stewart
Colin Firth
Matt Damon--didn't think much about him until I had a, ummm...very vivid dream about him lol!
Antonio Banderas in Of Love and Shadows (but prob. b/c I was emotionally connected to the content...Chile under Pinochet)
I guess that is good for now...
oh, were we only supposed to pick one? lol
and yes, Lenny...yum!
For me, it's gotta be Keith Urban. Followed closely by George Clooney.
For John, it's Carrie Underwood!
You know who's number 1 at our house. I will post some lovely pics for you to enjoy.
My heart belongs to Justin Timberlake!!!
Okay, this is silly for me to admit it but, mine is.......
Kid Rock.... Maybe because I am a Michigan girl or maybe because he is a bit of a "bad boy" I don't know.
Matthey McConaughey but i also like some of the more 'distinguished' men- harrison ford, richard gere, ed harris. does that mean i am getting old or just too busy to keep up with who is hot NOW. or maybe both...
i just asked my husband and he said no one... i said "seriously, cmon" and he said he doesn't even know who celebrities are now. i think he thought it was some sort of a trick question.
good question- i love reading all the responses!
Hey, Jo? If you and Kid Rock ever meet, can you convince him to wash his hair? ;P
This has been so much fun to read everyone's comments!
I totally agree about Harrison Ford. I thought of another older man that I kinda like- Tommy Lee Jones. Isn't that weird? There's just something about him... Don't know what it is.
This is another topic altogether, but- Kelly, I love your blog and all your beautiful pictures. Don't let those anon., rude, morons (gutless wonders) get to you (I don't mean anyone on this post... You know what I'm talking about, I'm sure). You just keep doing what you're doing! {{{big hugs}}}
I have been a lurker on your blog for quite some time, but decided to post a comment just in case Samuel L. Jackson reads this. Yes he is my crush..HUGE CRUSH. Maybe I need some serious therapy but Jack Nicholson is my runner up. #3 is the dude who died of heart failure on Grey's Anatomy. I don't know his name but his dimples are yummy.
Hmmm, I might be the only one putting down a woman, but my gawd is Angelina Jolie perfect! I just think she is truly beautiful. My husband doesn't and said he was never interested in her though.
Mine would have to be Brett Hull, a former Dallas Star. Something about those cheeks with the huge dimples in them....sigh.
It used to be Tom Cruise, but he's a bit too freaky and controlling now.
My husband's pick would be Pamela Anderson...yuck.
Ohhh this is hard I have always liked bruce willis (which is weird because he is older than my dad)
But I really like Channing Tatum right now I can't wait to see him in GI Joe LOL
Oh and for a weird crush I have Jesse James, I used to watch monster garage marathons for hours
Oh my gosh! I have had such a laugh reading through all the comments.
My all-time celeb crush is Joaquin Phoenix. I can't even find appropriate words to describe how hot he is.
Tim has always had the hots for Sandra Bullock. Although I have no doubt Jessica Alba is in his top 5.
Thanks for the fun post. I've had such a busy couple of weeks I really needed a good relaxing laugh!
This is a weird tie, but Bon Jovi and Harry Conick Jr.
I know, weird combo.
Love this post!
Dwayne The Rock Johnson. Hello! LOVE HIM. I posted pics on my blog if you wanna see him. I keep looking at my own blog now. LOL.
Can't WAIT for Mandy to chime in on this one. ;)
In the interim, I'll second the emotion on Lenny. If you ever want to turn me into a babbling idiot, then queue up the video for "Again."
Lose... coherence. Forget... to breathe. It's not pretty.
Thanks to my most recent concert experience, I also have to give props to John Mayer.
Don't waste your breath, telling me that he's pompous or that he totally used Jennifer Aniston. WHATEVER. I saw him rolling around on the stage with his guitar and no shirt on. I'm forever sold on his hotness.
The thing about Mayer, too, is that he has a way with words. That's why I ditto the nod to Lyle Lovett. That twisty mouth, wild hair and amazing wit... nice.
Am shocked, frankly, to discover that other people share my deeply held conviction that the world is a more beautiful place with Brad Pitt and George Clooney in it. I really thought I was a trailblazer on this one.
There's just no telling who rings mr. f5's bell. I'll ask, but doubt I'll get an answer...
Loved this!
OK, well this will totally make me sound like a teenager, but I have to say David Cook. (Yes, from American Idol. I don't think I would actually watch the show if I didn't have teenagers myself though!) According to my hubby, it's Sandra Bullock in the #1 spot!
That settles it! No one reads my blog. Just did a post on this a week or so ago on the butterfly blog and got very few responses.
Mine is Nikki Sixx from Motley Crue. My husband's is definitely Heidi Klum!
Daniela, that dude who died on Grey's is Jeffrey Dean Morgan and he is yummy. Gorgeous eyes. Long, dark eyelashes... Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. How sad is it, you guys, that this is my THIRD comment on this post? My kids are running wild around the house and probably wearing dirty underwear while I keep reading about hot men. It's also a tiny bit sad that I know that guy's name. He was also the dead husband on "Weeds," a show I should not have been watching.
Heath Ledger (tear)... I was obsessed with him since 10 Things I Hate about You. Also, DERMOT MULRONEY!!! from the My Best Friend's Wedding and the Wedding Date. MEOW.
In addition, I have a female crush on Drew Barrymore and Reese Witherspoon.
Oh yeah, and Shrek. ;)
Michelle- I love weeds... even though you say you shouldn't watch it, you have to admit it is too funny! i downloaded all the seasons to my ipod... and i love that guy - Jeffery Dean Morgan. when will he be in a show as an alive person?
i still *heart* Sting. he is yummy still for his age.
Brad Pitt probably is my man crush.
mmm mmm delicious!
Oh thank you MIchelle,I had no idea what his name was. Why is he always dead in these shows? Dang, I think I watch too much TV. Weeds rocks too. I need to add one more to my crush list..and that is Donny Osmond. Ok, I mean the 13 year old Donny Osmond and I'm 11..just so ya know. I think that is it for now...MAYBE!
Hmmm, I think it's Dr. McDreamy. Indeed. For my husband, I think it's Gweneth Paltrow. I think that is a nice, respectable choice.
Oh the Weeds comments made me remember that my husband is totally, utterly in love with Mary Louise Parker. She is his #1. He'd drop me like a bad habit for her! Ok, maybe not...but maybe! Hey, at least she is over 40, so that bodes well for what he'll think of me in a few years!
love this game! Mine is josh duhamel and has been for quite some time. I agree with lots of others listed here but he remains #1 for me. Taylor's is Kate beckinsale. His changes a lot but he has been stuck on her for a while.
My crush is for sure JT!!!! and John's is Rachel Bilson!
Johny Depp & Julian McMahon ( the cocky surgeon from Nip Tuck) They dress him so good on that show and the boy looks good in the buff... Hey they show his cute bottom on the show..... whats a girl to do...close my eyes!!!
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