We got up early this morning so we would have plenty of time to get ready - showered, dressed in a pretty dress, fed, lunch made, etc. Lucy moved into our bed around 5 am. I was glad she snuggled in with us this morning. I just wanted her to be close. I didn't really go back to sleep after she got in bed with us, and I just kept finding myself watching her sleep and thinking that she was too little to leave in the morning. I really did have a hard time sending her off. She is my baby. She is my first. She is my little partner in crime every single day. I almost felt lost without her.
Anyway, getting back on track here. When we were about 2 blocks from the church, I look back at her in her car seat and can see that she is starting to get really nervous. She knew where we were headed. Her little bottom lip puckered up and she almost started to cry. But I interrupted her and started telling her all of the fun things that she would be doing today - coloring, reading books, playing outside, etc. She calmed right down and just listened quietly as I kept reassuring her. She stayed totally calm while Justin carried her inside and I kept talking. We got to her classroom and there were a few other moms in line dropping off their kids and talking to the teachers. So Justin stayed back with her and pointed out all of the stuff in the hallway. I chatted with the teachers for a second and then had Justin hand her to me. She started crying and had a death grip on me with her little face buried in my neck. Kills me. My eyes were starting to get teary, so I just handed her over to her sweet teacher, we told her how much we loved her, and that we would be back very soon.
I wanted to say, "Just give her back. She isn't ready." But instead I went around the corner and listened. She was crying, and then it just stopped. Almost instantly. I wanted to stay and listen longer but Justin insisted we left. So we did. I went and met Mandy for coffee and to catch up. It was awesome. We were able to chat undisturbed for an hour. By 11:15 I was getting antsy and nervous. Mandy told me it was fine to call and check on her. I tried not to, but I broke down and had to call. Luckily, I don't think that I was the first to do such a thing because the lady that answered sure didn't sound surprised to hear from me. She had to go and check on Lucy and then she called me back to say that she was happily eating her lunch and has not been upset. I was relieved. I have two good friends who work at the church and they both checked on her multiple times and she was never crying. In fact, she was playing and seemed to be having a good time!!
Justin and I went to lunch with some friends and then I insisted it was time to go. Liz, you were pretty accurate in your guess of how the day went. I was staring at the clock the ENTIRE time and was ready to get her way before it was time. I had to force myself to not rush through lunch because there was no rush.
Her program is from 9-2, which seems like a crazy long day to me, but right after lunch, they lay down on little cots for nap time. I told her teachers that there was no way she would nap there. Not only would she not like it, but it is too early. She normally naps around 1 or 2 and they put them down at 11:45. They get them up around 1:30 or 1:45 so that they have a minute to wake up before the parents get there.
So, we show up around 1:50, and I literally ran from the car into the building. Justin was with me again and he totally made fun of me for running. I could not help it. When I peek around the corner, one of her teachers is holding her and talking to another mom. She sees us and completely melts down. Huge crying. I knew that would happen. Justin takes her around the corner and she settles right down. I have a million questions for the teachers. They give me a GLOWING report. She only cried for about a minute when we dropped her off. No other tears the entire time until she saw us again. She played well, she ate pretty well, and get this - SHE NAPPED!! She was one of the kids that they had to wake up. I almost fell over I was so shocked. I was the proudest momma there.
This has gotten long enough, so I am going to stop here, but I want to write more tomorrow about what happened after school and how she acted. Even though she did so well, I think it took its toll on her and she definitely acted that out about an hour or so after we picked her up. She is totally fine though and I know she is going to adjust just fine. Here are pictures of my little school girl. I really missed my baby, but school is going to be great, for all of us.
Doesn't she look so cute?!?!
My very first day!
Her flower shaped sandwich. Thanks Lee Lee!
Her first school lunch
On our way in with Dad
Her first ever drum lesson with Dad after school. She is actually kind of good. Better than me for sure!
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
How Did She Do??
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7:37 PM
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i am so glad that lucy did so well on her first day...and she looks just oh.so.cute!!
my girls are having a rough time transitioning back into school. savannah is just not doing well with the pre-k...5 day is just a lot (even at half-day). she just completely melts down when we get home. i'm with you though, i hope after a couple of weeks she will get into the swing of thing!!
Yay! What a super report from the teacher. It sounds like Lucy had a really good time at school. I'm sure you already know there's a possibility, although she had fun, she may bring on the tears for your benefit the next time (or few times) you bring her to school. Don't let it get to you. Be strong, girl! Remember... it's WAY harder on you than it is on her!
Also, don't be surprised if Lucy gives you a hard time at home after being a sweet angel at school. Petunia can turn from angel to devil in under 10 seconds flat. At least she's on her best behavior for others.
The pictures of your little schoolgirl are so sweet. I'm glad Justin was there with you. It sounds like YOU needed the support. LOL. You did great, Kelly!
Well from the photos I know she was the most adorable one there! Now I'm sure Lucy was fine, but I am proud of you Kelly! Good job resisting your urge to keep her with you or get her early. I can imagine how hard it must have been and you did great! Looking forward to hearing how it affected the rest of Lucy's day.
she looks so stinking cute!
yeah lucy..such a big girl!
I'm so glad it went well! I can't wait to hear more! I bet it was definitely harder on you than it was on Lucy!
Oh, girl I know just how you felt, I was the same way last year....
She really did well- I know you know that, but she really did...
Kelly --
your blog is fantastic and your pictures of lucy (and really, all your pix) are beautiful.
I am so happy to hear everyone survived the first day! The first day is REALLY hard on everyone, but I promise it gets better.
Thanks for voting for Noah!
So happy she did well. I know she will love it...little social butterfly : ) It is good for you to do some "adult stuff" too. It is really so hard though and I know what you mean, I miss Annslee when she isn't here.
Sounds like the teachers love her!!
What a rockstar, sounds like she did amazing! How cute is she in that dress?
awe, congratulations momma!
she looked adorable!!!!
what a good report on the first day! she looks so cute as always. i'm sure once you guys get into the routine she is going to love it even more than she did yesterday! and you are right, it will be great for BOTH of you. :)
Very glad to hear you BOTH survived. Those first couple days aren't easy on either of you! So happy she liked it!! Taylor used to cry every time I picked her up for months. But it went from being her just seeing me and getting overwhelmed with her day to her seeing me and not wanting to leave. We had to have a little talk that if she started liking the teachers at school more than me then she couldn't go anymore because it made me look bad. Only kidding. But she did cry every day because she didn't want to leave.
Wish I was closer so we could go have coffee while the girls are in school! That sounds so nice to sit and visit with adults!
have been thinking of you! Congrats. SOunds like Lucy really took to it. We have had behaviour stuff since they got home from school but I think it is normal adjustment/Im pissed at you stuff.
Such a trooper lucy is. Now you can totally relax for those 5 hours!
awww - i'm so proud of her and SO proud of you!!! It almost made me cry to read about her crying. I know for sure I could not have walked away! You are one brave mama!!!!!!!!!! Those pics are adorable and so is her little lunch! heehee. So amazed she napped. I could NEVER imagine Addy napping away from us!!!!! What a relief huh?
Oh, how awesome that Mommy and Daddy got to take her to her first day of school. You did so great and I'm glad Lucy did too!
Whew!!! Such a sigh of relief!!! I sure do love that girl! LeeLee
Off the subject but how did it go with the D200? Curious to see the fab results.
I feel emotinal just reading about it. I am glad she had such a good day and she looked adorable. People keep asking when I am going to take Jade to preschool but I just can't do it yet maybe in the spring. You give me inspiration to really consider it though.
YAY! Sounds like you both did GREAT!
Sounds like she (and you!) did great! She looks darling as always - love the ruffles! :)
Way to go Lucy! She is so cute!!! Glad she had a fantastic first day.
It took less than 2 weeks for my two 2yr olds to love school! Hang in there!
Way to go Lucy!! And Mama too! Starting a new school and a new routine is always hard but you guys are making the transition sooo well. And it sounds like Lucy was able to stay confident and enjoy herself at school even though I am sure she was just as anxious as her mama! Soon enough she will bond with her teachers, friends and the routines at school and will be having a ball! I am so glad Lucy had a great first day! She is such a big girl!
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