If Lucy could have one toy that would make her so happy, it would be that Thomas the Train set and table. You know the one, it is set up in any toy store and at our Barnes and Noble. The girl will stand at that table and play with those trains forever. I have to drag her away from it. Why in the world does it have to cost so much? I know it is really nice, but I am scared she will not care about it in a few months and don't want to invest hundreds of dollars toward it. Maybe we will just get her a few of the trains. The problem is, if you don't have the tracks glued down on a table, I know it will make her crazy when the tracks come apart. I think it is a really cool toy myself, but is it worth hundreds of dollars? Probably not.
I love to document when Lucy does something really sweet. My mom got her this doll bed from Ikea. It was just raw wood. I painted it pink and painted polka dots on it and put her name on it. It is adorable. Today, she took her baby over to the bed, fed her a bottle, and sang her Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. You should hear her sing this song. It would melt your heart. She doesn't get every word right, but she sings a sound for every word. It is so so so precious. Then she told her baby night night and patted her back. It was too much. I would have loved to have it on video, but I would have ruined the moment and I didn't want to do that.
Also, today she played with her little friend Ava. She is sometimes just a bully with her and is going through a VERY possessive stage at the moment. She gets a little rough from time to time. Today she shoved Ava and I told her to tell her she was sorry and for the first time ever, she actually apologized. Usually when I ask her to say sorry, she just ignores me and refuses to say it. I was glad that she finally said it. Also about the possessive stuff, Anna is also very possessive at the moment. So yesterday when I told Lucy we were on our way to play with Anna and Louis, she gathered up everything she could reach in her carseat and told me, "My juice. My raisins. My shoes." etc. Ugh. We know it is yours honey.
And finally she is starting to always associate people together. She has never talked about Anna's brother Louis until recently. Now whenever I mention Anna she says, "And Woo Wee too!" And today when I mentioned Ava, she said, "And Taty." Katy is Ava's mom and you know she can't say the ck sound. I just think it is cute how she is talking about other people now too.
Lucy got a birthday present in the mail today from her Aunt Seashy (my baby sister Katy). I knew it was some sort of really cute clothes, and I just caved and let her open it today. I couldn't handle the suspense any longer. I am SO glad I didn't wait. Look at what she sent. This is AWESOME! It says Rockstar on it. I love it. The other pictures are from tonight with the chalk on the sidewalk. It was still so hot, but it was nice to get out.
We were both covered in chalk. I wonder why.....
She started something new tonight. She would sit here and wait for a car to drive by. Then she would wave a huge wave to them. They almost all waved back. The only ones who didn't were unable to see her. She was so proud when she got a big wave back. So, here she is sitting and waiting.
Here she was saying "Car car. Are you? Come on cars."
"Hey Mom. Here comes one!"
So pleased that someone waved back. It really was so cute.
Friday, July 18, 2008
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7:27 PM
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Kell--I want a super blow up of picture #4, altho all are great!! Looks like you all had a great day!!! The chalk is almost as big as her hand! Learning to share and not be bossy is hard, isn't it????? Sleep tight. Love and kisses, LeeLee
And when you can get on the computer--good job Seashy!!! Love and miss you, too! Mom
(Excuse me, I mean that was a very average gift, Katy.) he he he he he he
Love all the pics : ) That rock star outfit is super cute!!
Oh, yeah, I'm loving the rockstar outfit. It's super cute on her. I also love all the photos, but especially the one where she's sitting down pointing at the camera. "Aunt Lucy Wants YOU!" Give that sweet girl a hug from Petunia and me!
I'm sure you hear this a lot, but you take fantastic photos. Do you take them professionally? If not, you should! You'd make a killing!!!
It's been quite a while since I checked in here. Your daughter is just as beautiful as I remember!!
Aunt Seashy ought to be really proud of herself - that outfit is SO cute!! Love the second pic! :)
I'm starting to think Lucy should be a child model - those black and white pictures of her are stunning!!! Glad she started saying she's sorry but it makes me feel a little better that she refuses sometimes because Taylor will NOT apologize - particularly if she bullies people on purpose. We're also doing the possessive thing too. It makes her cry sometimes to even have to THINK about sharing her stuff. But, it's getting better. Slowly. But it is getting better.
So super cute! All kids go through those stages its so normal and as long as you handle it right away they get over it pretty fast! I love the rockstar shirt it makes Lucy look so tall! Im thinking you need to travel and start taking photos for all of us you are really amazing!
That outfit is too cute! She looks so cute. Your pictures are really great too!!
Oh my lord, that rockstar outfit is adorable! I love the pictures of her in it, especially the 4th one. And that last picture? Too sweet. And it sounds like sweet Lucy is growing up- why does it have to happen so fast???
The bday present rocks for sure! Adorable! Kel, have you ever checked out craigslist.org? It's really big here in DC, and I have found everything from furniture to concert tickets to rental houses on it. You may want to start checking it out...maybe someone will be selling a used train set on there? Never hurts to look...I'm all about buying consignment these days.
that 2nd picture is wonderful! she really is a rock star! the glasses really finish off the whole look!
About the train set:
We registered for the first two parts of the Brio train set for our baby showers. (Thanh came home at 17 months.) I recently bought 2 more parts because she's getting into it, and I plan to ask for more for Christmas.
I like it because you can add to it for $20 at a time. We keep it in a basket, set it up, and then put it away, and it hasn't been a problem. Thanh doesn't handle frustration well, but it isn't an issue.
I have a friend who has the entire set -- thomas track -- GLUED DOWN tracks all done complete with LOTS of engines too. She was asking me to list it on ebay but drop me a line if you are interested!
Those pics are WONDERFUL!
I love the one where she has the Popsicle in her hand. She looks SO mischievous! Love the last one too.
Amazing pictures , as always.
I was just going to say about the train set...I know that our toysrus sells a train set for like $115. It comes with the table, the tracks and a hundred other pieces. That actually just went on sale, but what I am trying to say is that other companies, other than Thomas the train, make train tables just like that, then they are way more affordable. I know Thomas is super cute, and i never see ours at barnes and noble because there are always so many kids swarmed around it, but it is so expensive. I always see people selling theirs around here because their kids outgrow it, thats where I would suggest craigslist. I notice someone else suggested this already, but I am sure someone is trying to get rid of a Thomas train table in your area, its worth a shot!
And by the way, I am TOTALLY excited to see miss lucys Bday party pics...So excited!
I am just now in the process of purchasing the Thomas set for my son - he was a nut about Thomas before he ever saw the set..so I think he may stick with it.
I too think it is super expensive, but for the table, I purchased the white Brio table that fits the Thomas Playboards (which you can change out, so if you glue some pieces down you can always change it) The Brio table is much cheaper ($99 - and I personally think much nicer to look at)http://brio.knex.com/customer/product.php?productid=17019
And if she loses interest, it is a good place for puzzles etc..
But once all is said and done, still a pretty big investment.
Do you know where the Rockstar outfit came from?? I love it! Must have...
The Rockstar outfit is made by Haute Stuff and my sister bought it at a store in Fayetteville, AR called Bella Jacks.
IKEA has a great all-wood train set that is only about $12! You could buy three sets and have more trains and track than she'd know what to do with!
Is the rockstar shirt connected to the skirt ???????? LOVE it....Where did she find that ??? Lucy is so cute. Courtney
WEEEELLL i must go ahead and give myself a pat on the back for all these wonderful comments about the Rockstar outfit! yay aunt seashy! She looks great in it! and i didn't even realize until today that i sent the 3T instead of the 2T! sorry, at least maybe this way she will get a little more use! im SO glad it was such a hit! :)love and miss you LOTS!!
AND i would have requested that you put it with some Lelli Kelli's, SO GOOD JOB KEL!!! :)
Wellll, you already know how I feel about the rockstar dress!!! It is awesomeness. That last pic is one of my all time favorites -I just love her sweet joy in it!!
As for the train table, we have one and it has hardly ever been used. When we go to the children's museum or B&N or toy stores she bolts for it and uses it like crazy (when mean boys aren't bullying her and hoarding all the trains - what's up with that?!?!) but at home? Never. I don't think the tracks will be quite the issue you imagine though. Addy LOVES putting them together and taking them apart and building them into different configurations. She's isn't great at it yet but I think Lucy would probably get the hang of it really fast. Anyway I can't say if I recommend it or not. I have one friend ever who had a kid who used it at home and they were obsessed with trains for YEARS, the rest of my friends who had them barely got use out of them. Check craigslist if you decide to go for it because I bet you can find something super cheap and it wouldn't be quite the gamble.
A note about the trains...Instead of glueing down the track, we used double-sided carpet tape and it has worked great. My son can play on the track without it all falling apart, but if we want to redesign it or add too it, it is easy b/c they are not glued down and the tape won't harm the board. Also, Melissa & Doug makes a track that looks almost identical to the Thomas one and is sooo much less $$ and is interchangeable with all the Thomas pieces (bridges, etc) and engines. We have the Pottery Barn table and love it...we use is for coloring, blocks and puzzles, too.
Sorry I am just a lurker but wanted to let you know what we had learned about "Thomas"...we are big fans at our house and it provides lots of good entertainment!
Another mom shared this hint with me, so I'll pass it along. If you go to Michael's with their 40-50% coupons that are in the paper every other sunday, you can use them to buy Thomas trains or the smaller sets. It takes awhile, but maybe if Lucy had a few Thomas trains set up on the floor, it would help. I agree with you, spending that much money (and that much floor space) on the Thomas set is a HUGE investment. Cute pictures as always!
Oh that Rockstar outfit is too darn cute.
The best way to get the Thomas the Tank Engine train table and trains is to convince Grandma and Grandpa to buy in to buy it for Christmas. ;-P (Oh, well, I mean, that's what my DAD wanted to buy, right?)(Gabe did play with his for a LOOOOOOOOOOONNNG time, though, so, it was probably worth it.)
What a gorgeous rock star! It would make my day if I drove by a little angel waving at me! Miss you guys.
LOVE LOVE LOVE the outfit!!
Cannot wait to hear all about her big day :)
Have you thought about the small circular Thomas the train track? They sell it at Toys-r-us here is the link
It is only about $20.00, and comes with small circle shape track, a Thomas engine and one other small piece. At least you could see if she played with this at home before you invested tons of money. My son also LOVED to play with the track at Barnes and Noble, so much so that we bought him the entire set and his Grandpa built him a train table to play with it on. Sadly, it is sitting in the basement, and has hardly ever been used. Guess some of the excitement was gone when Thomas came home with us! Good luck!
I love the Rock Star outfit! Too cute! I think my favorite picture is the last one! I love the chalk on her hand! Also, that is so funny you bring up that train track, because I just saw on the Evin's blog that Amber bought one for Walker at a garage sale (I think) this weekend. It must be a hot ticket item! I guess I should start looking for one now:)!!!
I love that dress! How cute! And I so cannot wait to hear about the birthday!
Lucy looks like such a little Rockstar in that outfit! She needs to be a model for me!! I'm glad you liked it! I will have to give Katy some props with picking it out! Hope yall are doing well! Oh...and we finally got a blog! Well, sort of, not too good at it yet! Take care! Paige
About the train--you can get a Melissa & Doug trainset/pieces etc. for $100 or less online--a big set---wayyyyyy cheaper than Thomas--honestly I can't imagine spending the $ for Thomas. Also, there is a certain kind of hot glue that releases when you blow a hair dryer on it--so you can glue the tracks but then be able to get them up--or there are these thingies on Amazon that attach the tracks together and keep them in place. I bet it would be worth the investment.
That's so cute! I love it when little kids wave to you or say hi in the store. Lucy is too cute!
Have you considered looking for the Thomas the Train set on Craigslist. Check out www.craigslist.org and see if you can find one. Good Luck!
We bought it for our son when he was two because he LOVED to play with it in Books-a-Million. He's comming up on 4 now and is still obsessed with it. We buy him a new feature every now and then. Now his 1 year old little sis is beginning her obsession with it too. The funny thing? Whenever we go to the bookstore he obsesses over that table even more - as if he doesn't have one at home! It was an EXCELLENT investment. Although the tables at onestepahead.com are much nicer, I think, than the Thomas-looking table that they sell with it. And I think it's cheaper too. Also check ebay. You can find begginner sets there for good prices.
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