Justin is still really not feeling well. He has a persistent and very painful pain in his abdomen. He went back to the doctor yesterday. They tried to make him go straight to the hospital for more tests and a scan, but he somehow convinced them to set him up an appointment for 7:45 this morning for a cat scan. So, we went this morning, waited forever, watched Justin choke down 2 huge bottles of white yuck, and are currently waiting for a call from his doctor when the results of the scan come in and the rest of his bloodwork. We are hoping to hear something soon.
Please pray that everything is okay and that we get some answers about what is going on. Also pray that Justin gets some relief. This has been going on for 6 days now and he is incredibly uncomortable and exhausted. Thank you.
*UPDATE*. We are at the hospital and waiting to go in to have his appendix removed. We are so thankful that this is the problem and not something more severe. He had bloodwork done on Sunday and they said it wasn't appendicitis. So much for that test being accurate. The scan showed the appendicitis being pretty severe. We are hoping the surgery is just routine with no complications. Thank you all so much for the prayers and emails. They mean so much and justin really appreciates it. Lucy is getting lots of good love and attention from Mandy and Christy. Thanks so much you guys!
***UPDATE***justin just got out of surgery. The doctor said it went perfectly and there were no complications. He is in recovery and I am waiting to go see him. I ran home before surgery to grab justin a few things and put Lucy to bed. She apparently had an absolute blast with Mandy and Christy. Yeah! I didn't want to have to worry about her too. Thanks again for all of the comments and emails. You guys are the best!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Prayer Request
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10:04 AM
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Oh Kelly, I am so sorry. I will be thinking of Justin and all of you and hoping everything will be fine.
Absolutely thinking of you all and hope you have good news and answers sooner than soon.
Praying for you...and hoping you find the source soon and that Justin can get some relief.
we will be praying and tell sweet lucy happy birthday from jeremy and i. miss you
Lifting Justin in prayer. Please keep us all posted.
Yikes! I hate those days where you are just sitting and waiting for the phone to ring. My stomach is all knotted up for you. Hoping and praying the Justin is feeling better, and soon!
(also wanted to tell you that Target has a train table for around $80. not as fancy as the thomas or melissa & doug versions, but still nice and sturdy and you won't be too upset if it is abandoned in a few months.)
Oh, I hope you get some answers. I will be thinking of you guys.
Definitely keeping Justin (and you and Lucy) in my prayers. I hope everything gets diagnosed and taken care of soon.
I just sent you an email, and I am keeping you guys in my prayers.
I'm so glad it wasn't something more serious! Thank goodness they finally figured it out before it ruptured. Keeping you in our thoughts.
I hope Justin feels better soon! I'm sending prayers your way!
I am glad you know what is wrong now ,and I hope he has a very speedy recovery! Hang in there!
Justin I am so glad it is your appendix! We are sending lots of love and prayers your way.
Gracie and Sherri
So glad they figured out what was wrong! Prayers for an easy and uncomplicated surgery and quick recovery!!
What I meant to say is I am glad it is nothing more severe. I told Gracie that Uncle Justin is having surgury. We are now watching Justin Timberlake. What are you gonna do?
Even though surgery is no fun, I know you must be relieved that it's nothing more serious. Sending thoughts and prayers that surgery and recovery are quick and painless as possible.
I'm definitely thinking about you guys and hope to hear good news about Justin's surgery soon! Hope everything goes well and that he feels better soon! Let me know if I can do anything for y'all!
Praise God that it is not anything more serious! I know it's not what anyone wants, but it started to sound like the situation John was in before he was diagnosed! You and your family are in my prayers! Please keep us updated.
I was reading the beginning of your post going, "oh crap, Justin totally has appendicitis." Glad they caught it before it ruptured and I'll be praying for him that it's an uncomplicated case. What a trooper to make it through his little girl's bday party with appendicitis! Take care of him Kell!
That is really scary. I am so so thankful that he went in and had the scan and that it did not rupture. I can't believe blood tests missed it! Wow! Hoping surgery was smooth and routine! Send Justin our love.
I hope Justin feels better soon! What a trooper to make it through the party... glad to hear the problem is solved.
Best wishes.
I can't imagine what a stressful and painful day this has been. I'm glad Lucy is handling it so well.
so glad he made it back to the dr when he did! and also glad i am not a doctor...
get well!!!
I'm so sorry to hear about this! Poor Justin! I'm so so glad that they were able to quickly diagnose him and get it taken care of. Prayers for a really quick recovery.....
Oh I am so happy surgery went well...hugs to you guys
We will pray for a quick recovery. God is so good!
Oh thank goodness....hopefully Justin will recover quick quick.
So glad the surgery went so well. Give Justin our love. XOXO - Holly & all the boys
Glad to hear the surgery went well. Hope he has a quick recovery!
Sorry that I'm just now reading this. So GLAD that Justin is on the mend.
So glad the surgery went well and that everything is ok!
What a relief to read that Justin is doing well. That is great news!
So glad to hear he is doing good. For some reason the appendix seems to be something that is mis dx alot. In 5th grade I almost died since I was mis dx 3 times.(doctor, urgent care, ER) Then my mom took me to her DR who did not see children & I was rushed to the hospital & the doctor followed & did immediate surgery. I thank him every time I see him.
He will be back to norm in a about 2 weeks...Good luck with Lucy... if she is like Jacob with his daddy it will be hard to explain she can crawl all ovre him.
take care
OMG how scary! SO glad you guys were able to figure out the problem and now hopefully his recovery is quick.
Very happy the surgery went well and I hope he has a speedy recovery!
Of course Kelly. I hope everything is OK. Please update when you can.
Glad to hear the surgery went smooth. We will continue to pray for Justin and the rest of the family.
Shelly and Rob Weston
I'm glad they were able to dx Justin quickly. Sometimes appendicitis gets masked and people go undiagnosed until the appendix perforates--which is not good!
Unfortunately he is going to have to take it easy for a while--poor Lucy won't be hopping on pop for a while!
I love you all so much. Get healed up, Justin! LeeLee
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