Before I get started, I want to share that I got a new lens for my camera today. Why you say? Because I was jealous. Jealous of my friends who brag about their 50 mm lens. So I got it today after an email from Nicki pushed me over the edge. It is going to take quite a bit of practice on my part before I feel comfortable with this lens. Because with the Nikon D40, you have to manually focus a 50 mm lens - which is not an easy thing to do when your primary subject is a highly active 2 year old. Most of my pictures today were soft, but a few turned out really nicely. I think this might be the case until I get a higher quality camera. Someday I will get a fancier camera that can auto focus with this lens, but for now I will just dream......
Also, thanks so much for all of the awesome comments about the train. Seriously, you guys rock and I have found several good ones on Craigslist for cheap with lots and lots of pieces and a table. I would have never thought of that.
The background on these pictures is that Lucy got a balloon tonight. She LOVES balloons so she was so pleased with herself and her balloon. I tied it around her wrist loosely because I knew that if she lost it she would be devastated. Out we went to practice with the new lens. She was happy for a while to play and frolic about with the balloon around her wrist. But then she became determined to get it off. I kept telling her that she would have to hold on to it tightly if she took it off her wrist because it would fly away and be gone forever. She listened for a while, but then off it flew. The look on her face was so sad, and of course I caught it on film. Her little eyes welled up with tears and she kept saying, "Come back, boon! Come back!" I told her we would just have to watch it fly away and tell it bye bye. She did and then the rest of the time we were outside she would look up to the sky and say, "Boon, boon, are you?? No see you." Then she would jump and say, "I reach boon." Pretty pitiful.
I will let the pictures do the talking.
Isn't this the saddest face you have ever seen?
She was trying to find the balloon here.
She finally accepted the fact that the balloon was gone.
Oh well, guess I better get back to my normal nightly business - coloring my feet with chalk.
Such pretty light in her hair.
Really cool light in her eyes.
She wants to throw all of her chalk pieces and watch it break. Good thing I bought the super cheap chalk on the dollar row at Target. She knows I don't prefer she throws it, so this is the look she gives me to say, "I am throwing it anyway Momma."
Monday, July 21, 2008
The Lost Balloon
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8:27 PM
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Sigh... so now you're going have even MORE amazing pictures than the amazing pictures you already share? I have got to find a way to justify getting a real camera for myself sooner rather than later.
In other words, the pictures are gorgeous and I just love them all (the dress is adorable too!). Poor Lucy and her lost balloon!
i am jealous that you got the lens. i just discovered it recently and now that is all i can think about :)
i just can't justify it right now...maybe a Christmas present!!!
have fun experimenting (your subject is just too sweet)!
heee. i thought you were going to order it. couldn't wait that long i guess:)
i am SO excited for you and nicki.
i manually focus my 50mm too. although i know you dont have to with the D80.need to figure that one out. although you do get used to it.
the pics look amazing! i LOVE the back light on lucy's hair.
ok, gotta get back to my iphone:)i have been away from it for a full two minutes, obsessed.
Nice. I love my 50 but mine is autofocus, no way could I do manual on these 2 kids. I barely get 1 picture with auto focus. (gosh, I wish my kids would look at the darn camera)
I LOVE my "nifty fifty" lens. How awful you have to manual focus though. Switch to Canon! :)
And I love the light in her eyes. Those are called "catch lights." They're hard to get in dark eyes but once you figure it out you'll be hooked.
Poor Lucy:(! I hope she gets another big purple balloon real soon!
Awhhhh...such great shots!!!
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm so looking forward to when Lilly starts talking...I love the things Lucy says!!
Grreeeat! Now I have to get this lens!!! Honestly, I don't think I have the patience to manually focus pictures. Maybe once I upgrade my camera.
They came out great! I love the one of Lucy looking up at the sky. Sweet!
Now I'M the jealous one - I have the 50mm but my camera still hasn't come yet! It's a mean trick to have a wonderful lens sitting on my kitchen table with nothing to attach it to! UPS is supposed to come to's also trash day so every time I hear the big truck roaring by my heart starts pounding and I run to the door - only to realize it's the trash truck going down an adjoining street. DRAT!! Can't wait to get in on the fun with all the fabulous photography!!!
These photos are gorgeous! And Lucy's hair is getting so beautifully long :)
LOVE the picture series, so so sad about the balloon! It just breaks my heart! The fact that they can now talk about how sad they are makes it worse! sniff.
Keep practicing with the manual focus, I think it gets easier and easier. Knowing that Emily's pics are all manual is my driving motivation :)
Honestly though i see a huge difference in the photos, the bokeh is absolutely KILLER in these photos and the first thing I noticed was the amazing catchlights I could get with it, obviously you did too!!
Precious.......your pictures ROCK !
That is the funniest, most pitiful, sweetest series of photos I've ever seen! You should maybe get one of those multi-picture frames and put them up in sequence...hilarious!
Gorgeous pics! I just got my first SLR camera (canon rebel) last week. It took me forever to pick out the camera, now I'm beginning to research what lens to get next (I only have the kit lens right now). Maybe the 50mm will be in my future.
We have that same $1 chalk collection, but I swear I end up buying replacement chalk every time we go to Target.
That little face looking for her lost "boon" is adorable. I love the things that our carefree kids find devastating. Ahh, to be young;) Hahaha.
Have fun with that fancy new lens - so far it looks awesome!
Also, I, too, have dreams to buy a Thomas train table from Craigslist. We play with one at our local kid-friendly coffee shop a few times a week and Jackson has been SO into Thomas lately - our Thomas ride-along, and the most boring Thomas DVD that he wants to watch over and over. Maybe for Christmas.
Have fun with the new lens. The pictures are amazing! And that picture of Lucy after loosing the balloon is so sad. Poor Lucy!
Amazing photos ! For example the 1st one with the reflection in the eyes.
Recently, I've used a Nikon Dxx of a family member. Although you turn the lens to zoom in-and-out, I was told I only need to press and hold half-way the trigger-button to auto-focus.
I'm such a SLR newbie. :)
Kelly--am SICK about the balloon!! Tell her LeeLee and PaPa will get her another one! Sounds like my pumpkin is fishing for another camera.?? I liked the idea of the pictures in sequence. Good idea. Love and kisses, LeeLee
Oooh, this lens is next on my list too. This pics look great. I love Lucy's strong will with the chalk...its adorable...and it makes me feel like there are other moms out there going through the same thing as me!
I wish I could have you come over for a photoshoot with Jade. You take the best pics. I have to get your camera (or at least a better one). Looks like it will be on my Christmas list. I hope they come out like yours though.
Aww her face looks so sad when the balloon was lost. I love the pictures!
I love love love the stories that your pictures of Lucy always tell!
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