The best early birthday present in the whole wide world came yesterday at 4:45. Our agency called and said that they were hitting the send button right then and Lucy was on her way to my email account. I stayed on the phone with our agency to verify that we got the emails. While I was waiting, N from our agency said, "She is really really cute!" I was shaking out of control and trying to keep myself somewhat composed. I hit the refresh button on my email about 200 times in a 30 second time period and then all of the sudden, it was here. I clicked on the email, scrolled down and found 7 pictures of the most perfect, expressive, beautiful, and amazing baby girl. I am not allowed to publicly post a full picture of her until our Giving and Receiving Ceremony in Vietnam, but here is a sneak peak. I know they are a little blurry - it is from the cropping and attempting to resize. I am not so good at this.
I called Justin immediately, of course he is out of town. I was on the phone with him as he opened her pictures for the first time. That was as good as it could get, and it was really special to hear his reaction. He said, "She sure is sweet and absolutely adorable." He is right, adorable doesn't even begin to describe our girl. She is PERFECT!!
Here are some fun facts about our Miss Lucy Elise:
1. Her birthday is August 1, 2006 - some of the guesses were really close, but Sarah was closest with July 30th birthday and a Tuesday referral. You really were very close. Jenn, you were not far behind with August 4th. I am still in shock that she is this young!! Today she is 8 weeks old. Not one person picked that she would come yesterday except for my mom! She tricked most of us.
2. She is in Quang Nam - honestly, I know nothing about this place and have some major research to be doing.
3. She has a HEAD FULL of gorgeous black hair - it sticks straight up on top. The crazy thing is that Justin and I always said that we would love for Lucy to have the crazy, spikey, wild black hair. WE LOVE HER HAIR!!
4. She has the longest fingernails - they desparately need cut. Really, they are way longer than mine have ever dreamed of being. I can't believe she hasn't cut up her little face, but there is not a scratch on it.
5. As the pictures progress, she is all content and alert and calm at the beginning. She starts to get more and more annoyed as each picture passes. By the last picture she is screaming her head off!! We can tell that she has quite the set of lungs on her. Her expressions are priceless. She is so alert.
6. She is wearing Winnie the Pooh pants! They are so funny to me.
That is your six fun Lucy facts for the day. I just got an email from my agency saying that right now the average time to travel is 3.5 months for her province. That breaks my heart because they said that there was likely no way we would travel before the end of the year. Let's all pray for a miracle. I had really hoped to travel in December. I am not going to let this get me down - at least not today. Oh yeah, and thanks for all of the baby suggestions from yesterday. They were so so helpful.
--Kelly (Lucy's Mom)
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
SHE'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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7:49 AM
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Congratulations Mommy!!!!!!!
I am so happy for you! You and Justin must be on cloud nine. She is a beauty. let's pray that the next few months will fly by and you will have your baby girl home by the end of the year.
I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am for you. Your announcement brought me to tears. It reminds me of what I am waiting and praying for.
What a precious joy.
I will be praying for speedy travel.
Congratulations! I checked just in case I would see your good news. Yay! I am so happy for you!! What a happy, wonderful, exciting day.
Lucy is the prettiest baby ever! John is so excited to finally meet his cousin! We are SO thrilled for you! XOXO, Holly, Adam, & John
Holy MOLY she is gorgeous and Congratulations and WOOO HOOO. Lucy's Mommy!!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Whoo Hoo!! I am SO happy for you!!! :-)
She is just adorable!!
Blessings and prayers for a smooth process.
OMG WHAT A SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh Kelly, congrats!!!! She is so beautiful. I love how the snippets really focus in on their tiny little beautiful features! Happy happy happy day!
Yeah!!!! I can't wait to tell my Lucy Elise that there is now officially another Lucy Elise in the world! She is too cute for words -- especially her nose. We named our Lucy for her nose actually -- it was very clear on the ultrasound and looked like an adorable little button. I just thought, "That looks like a Lucy nose." I think your Lucy has the perfect Lucy nose as well! Congrats to you on this wonderful news.
Beautiful!!! She is so pretty!
Not to preach at ya, but this is really very fast!!! I am so excited for you!
I loved the way you signed your name. So good to see it in print.
She is a cutie and so little. You'll be getting a sweet little 5 month old bundle at G&R.
Let us know what you find out about this province. I don't know anything either.
**Congratulations!** I'm so happy you received your referral! I'm hoping you travel soon!
I had to come back and look at her again. Awwwwww!!!
Congrats again, she's a beautiful baby!
She IS perfect. OMGsh! Gorgeous!! I am so happy for you! Congratulations SO much. I only checked 2 blogs today and both of you had news! I am so excited!! Congrats agian!
I can't believe that this crazy 10 month roller coaster ride has finally come to fruition!!! She's wonderful and is going to be the happiest little baby to have you and Justin as her parents. Ya'll are going to be the best family...wierd're officially no longer a couple, you're a FAMILY. All day I just well up with tears whenever I think about ya'll - I'm just overjoyed for you.
congratulations! She is well worth the wait! I hope that it won't be long until you get to bring her home! I can't wait to see a full picture of her!!
Congratulations from what I can see she looks beautiful! I really hope you get to travel sooner rather than later like maybe Christmas!
Congratulations on the referral of your beautiful daughter!
What a sweet little girl, CONGRATULATIONS....
Fingers are crossed that you travel soon.
HOORAY HOORAY HOORAY!!! Doing the happy snoopy dance!! WHAT AWESOME NEWS!!!!!!
Congrats Kelly!!!!! I am so so so so HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!
OMG!!! I am so glad I read blogs tonight. Your post totally makes my evening. After all you have been through, your perfect little angel will be in your arms in no time (I know, 3.5 months sounds like forever, but you're in the home stretch now). This is such exciting news, you must be jumping out of your skin. I will pray, pray and pray a little more that you get to travel before the end of the year. Maybe you can spend New Year's in VietNam. :o)
I just found your blog through Jeneflowers. Congrats on your great news. I will keep my fingers crossed that you go over sooner.
Congratulations to you both!
I hope the time before travel goes quickly. I am thrilled for you!
Kelly -
I am so, so, so excited for you and Justin. Holls sent us pictures, and she's absolutely beautiful. LOVE THAT HAIR!!!! Seriously, I'm so very happy for you guys, I know how long you've been waiting for this. Congratulations, Mom!
Love, Alison
Congratz. The pictures ate adorable. So happy for you guys.
Will be praying for you to travel before the end of the year.
OH I missed you last post. I wanted to play. BUT....SHE IS GORGEOUS!!!!! Congratulations. It's so exciting and the next couple of months will fly by as you prepare for her arrival. How long do you have to stay in Vietnam. I'm so excited for you, see it all works out!!
YAY YAY YAY!! She is precious. Congratulations and....have an amazing birthday. I have a feeling this will be one of your best EVER!!!
I remember you from the yahoo group, I think you made the right decision by changing agencies, and look now you have your referral! Congrats and hope you get a speedy travel :)
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