Just a quick note.I have a session sneak peek to work on that happened tonight. It was so awesome! I can't wait to work on the images. Be sure and go to the La La blog. I had two great sessions today and the one from this morning is already posted. Some of the cutest baby girls ever since I have been in Arkansas.
Some of my favorites from my time so far in Arkansas.
From tonight's session. Possibly the most gorgeous light I have ever shot in. I edited one quick one to put on here. This is what I am working on for tonights La La Blog.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Posted by
6:24 PM
Monday, March 29, 2010
We have had a whirlwind past few days. The girls and I came to my parents on Friday. They are beyond thrilled to be here. Lucy has been talking about this for weeks. The girls fight over Lee Lee and Papa's attention. Sweet babies. Sweet grandparents.
I spent Saturday visiting friends and doing a session in Fayetteville. I had the best time with my girl friends. It was such a blessing to catch up with them! I wish I got to see all of my girls more often. We truly have the best time together.
When I got home, we decided to go ahead and dye some Easter eggs. Lucy has been eyeing the dye kits and there was no more holding her off. Annie stood at the kitchen sink and played in pots and pans of water for an hour. She was so happy and content with her water. Lucy and I did all of the decorating. We are now working on eating the eggs.
The weather is supposed to be amazing all week, which is really good for me since I have so many sessions in the next 5 days. We took the girls to Wye Mountain, which has a HUGE daffodil patch. I mean, really huge. Lucy and Annie just ran and ran and ran. You can even pick the daffodils - $1/dozen. Pretty sweet deal, if you ask me. Lucy picked quite a few and we now have two vases of flowers. Love it.
I am off to get things ready for my busy morning. I have two DARLING baby girls tomorrow morning. Yippee!
See what I mean? It is a lot of daffodils!
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6:26 PM
Thursday, March 25, 2010
I have an absurd amount of stuff to get done tonight, so I have to keep this very short. First, thank you so much to all of you who left such sweet comments about my pictures yesterday. I really appreciate it. The thing is, most days I just feel run down and gross. You know? Even when I try to look nice, within minutes I am covered in drool and food from Annie. She is just the messiest kid I have ever met. So, most days I don't feel like it is worth the effort, and that leads to losing self confidence. Quickly. So it feels good to see a picture and feel good about it. To feel pretty makes anyone feel better, and having good pictures of yourself helps. So, get our your camera, and make someone take a few pictures of you. And feel good about yourself while it is happening. Allow yourself to feel beautiful. Because everyone is beautiful and we all deserve to feel that way.
For those of you that asked about the purple top/skirt outfit - it is from Forever 21. Funny, huh? It looks all fancy and any time I have worn it, people have always complimented me on it, but the whole thing cost about $30. Gotta love that. That store it totally overwhelming to me, but worth the effort sometimes. Bad news, I got it last year.
The picture is from my session this morning with the beautiful O boys. That is 6 day old Peter, who is a truly beautiful newborn. Perfect in every way. The weather was not our friend today. It was dark overcast and we really could have used some sunlight. I am going back in the morning for a few more since the weather is supposed to be beautiful. And here is two more. This is "big" brother Samuel. It is sweet to me that he is a big brother because he still seems like such a baby himself. I can't even begin to explain how much I love their little button noses. All three boys have it and thank heavens that they do.
I couldn't leave out Milam. I just have to say, their momma is going to be beating the girls off with a stick. Really, are they not darling?
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6:49 PM
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
I took no pictures today, but I wanted to post a few pictures that Jessica took of me in Las Vegas. She, and several other photographers, have told me that it is not okay to be scared of being in front of the camera. It makes sense - how can I make someone feel comfortable on the other side of my camera if I can't even do that myself? So, after lots of complaining, I really tried to relax while she was literally inches away from my face with her camera. To me, she is a miracle worker. I actually really like several of the pictures that she took.
After all of this happened, Jasmine Star posted this blog post. And I thought to myself, wow, it really is okay to feel beautiful when you are in front of the camera. I felt empowered by her words and I am going to start making a conscious effort to have more pictures taken of myself, especially with my family. Thanks Jessica, for the beautiful pictures, and thanks Jasmine, for the inspiring words.
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6:30 PM
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
So I am obviously in a blog rut. I just don't even want to think about posting. I don't really have much of anything to say, and I have kind of been avoiding my camera. I have a really, really insane next 2 weeks with spring sessions. I am excited about getting back into the swing of things, but I also know that I have a whole lotta pictures to take and edit in the next few weeks, so I have just enjoyed being away from it all for now. The good news is, starting on Thursday, the La La blog will be rocking. 12 sessions in 10 days. And Thursday will be extra special - a newborn (6 days old), an 18 month old, and a barely 3 year old. Some of our dear friends just had their third son and I really am so excited for that session! It will be challenging since all of the babies are so close in age, but I have high hopes of very amazing pictures.
Annie's 2nd birthday is just a little over a week away. Justin won't be with us for it, so we had cupcakes with him today. She is going to be celebrating her birthday for quite some time. Today, the real day, and her party day. Lucky girl. Lucy and I surprised her with the cupcakes when she woke up from her nap. She was quite pleased when we showed her.
I still haven't had sweets since I gave it up for Lent. It took everything in me today to not have a cupcake. I almost caved, but I held strong. I might have to throw the rest away.
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6:18 PM
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Just a quick note to say all is well here. The girls and I made a quick trip down to Austin for a few days and we are all home now. It was an exhausting but fun few days. I am not spending time on here because Justin and I have barely seen one another for the past several weeks and I want to enjoy a few quiet hours with him. Good night!
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8:05 PM
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Happy St. Patty's Day! I hope you all had a very lucky day. We had a great day. Beautiful weather and lots of fun with friends. We had playgroup this morning and then came home for naps. Lucy napped today after not napping the previous three days. Yay for naps. After the girls were up, we walked to the park with our neighbors. It was a perfect day to spend outside and we took full advantage.
I am feeling a little brain dead. I did just get our taxes submitted. I feel very happy to not have that weight on my shoulders any longer. Let's just hope that we don't owe any money. I hate taxes. I have started a new organization process for this year and a friend with a husband that works with mine totally saved me. With her help, I am vowing to have a better organized 2010 so that taxes don't stress me out next year.
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7:00 PM