Lucy and I drove to Little Rock on Tuesday. We were supposed to spend a few days with my parents and head to Nashville with them for the weekend. It is my sister's birthday weekend. On top of being excited about seeing my family, we were supposed to have a Que Son girl reunion with Sherri and Grace and Susan and Lily Ana. I have not seen Grace since July and Lily Ana since October. I have been looking forward to this for quite some time.
Unfortunately, I think our plans have changed. We were about 40 miles out from Little Rock and all of the sudden, out of no where, Lucy threw up in the car. It was awful. Thank God we were as close as we were. I pulled over, got her cleaned and changed and back on the road. Her carseat was as clean as I could get it at that point. We were almost to my parent's house when she lost everything again. Then she threw up one more time in the house. After that, she acted perfectly normal and happy.
Yesterday, she was fine, but she was sick a few times out the other end. Then this morning, she woke up and was miserable. She was running a low grade fever and just wanted me to hold her. She dozed in and out of sleep until about 10:30 am when she went down for a 3 hour nap. She woke up even more upset. I finally got her calmed down and the Motrin kicked in. She started feeling a little better. She walked and smiled for the first time today around 5 pm. She had been asleep or in my arms the rest of the day.
So far, I seem to be fine. However, my poor Mom has come down really sick this evening. I feel awful for bringing the germs with us. I am so sad that this has hit this weekend. I have to admit, I have been so paranoid about getting sick since I keep reading about how sick everyone else is. We have been so lucky and other than that fairly easy stomach bug a month or so ago, we have been so healthy. No runny nose or anything. I hope my Mom and my girl feel better soon.
Here are a few pictures from the other day when Lucy was feeling relatively normal.
*UPDATE: Lucy is feeling much better today and finally eating something. She still has a bit of a fever, but is much more playful and not needy. My mom is in terrible shape, and I have it now - started about 2 am. For the moment, mine seems to be quite tame compared to my mom's. I hope it stays that way. Thanks for all of the well wishes. We need them with three sick girls. My dad seriously needs a medical mask! He is the only one at this point who hasn't been taken down.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Posted by
6:58 PM
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Ohhh! I hate that for all of you! That dumb stomach bug is no fun at all! I hope everyone gets to feeling better very soon!
Oh crud! Sorry Lucy isn't feeling well, I hope she feels better quickly and that you don't come down with it too! Sorry your weekend plans are derailed.
Oh no! Thank goodness for baby Motrin and Tylenol. I'm so sorry, but hopeful that she's on the mend.
awww that's awful. It sounds like this weird rotavirus a few friends of mine have. Weird spontaneous throwing up for several days (like 5) with long bouts of nothing in between. One friend had it hit like clockwork every single night for 5 straight days with really weird stuff out the other end too although aside from one day of fever her baby was fine during the day every day. Crazy! I hope she and your Mom feel better soon and that you remain germ-free! That is SO disappointing about the cancelled reunion!
Oh no I hope she (and your mom) feel better soon.
Ohhh, poor Lucy! Tummy bugs usually run their course pretty fast. I hope she is up and running around very soon!
Poor little girl... having gone through that horrible flu, it breaks my heart to think of a little one having to deal with that. The good news is it usually only lasts about 48 hours, then you feel fine.... just hungry. Best of luck... hope your family is better today.
Poor Lucy! I hope you don't get it and that Lucy and your mom are on the mend. Try Airborne!
oh ycuk ,and how disapointing!
I hope you stay healthy!
i hope you all wake up today feeling MUCH better!!! maybe you all could go today! :(
sending lots of hugs and kisses!!!!
Oh, poor Lucy. I hope she feels better soon.
Hope everyone is feeling better soon! It seems like tons of people all over the place have been sick the last couple of weeks. Yuck is right!
Definitely sounds like rotavirus! Ugghh..nothing like cleaning vomit out of a carseat! I hope she's feeling better and that you remain healthy.
Oh no! I'm so sorry! I hope Lucy and your mom both feel better soon. Those kinds of bugs are terrible. Take care!
The Fred Flinstone car!!! I HAVE to get one of those...for Jack of course;)
So sorry you guys are feeling crummy. I hope it passes quickly. Stay hydrated and wash hands often! Sounds like rotavirus - tis the season.
Feel better sweet baby girl, Kel and Mrs. Becky! I hate that for y'all...especially since it ruined your trip!
Oh my yuck is right! I love toddler puck no warning just blahhh. I'm glad Lucy is better and I hope you are not getting worse.
i mean PUKE
I hope you all are feeling better by now. It stinks to have a sick baby. I can't wait to see you all. Grace can say Lucy!
Yuck indeed! I think I might have gotten sick when I had to clean the puke out of the car twice! Must work on my puke aversion before I become a parent. Hope you're all feeling better soon!
You can't imagine how sad I was that you guys were sick. I was so looking forward to seeing my pals and their gorgeous girls. Soon... we have to reschedule soon. Hope all is well now. Big hugs from Petunia and me.
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